Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

Removing Doug Sayer from Wild Sheep Foundation for Idaho political strong-arming

It what way was his 1st Amendment right violated??

He sounds like a rich, whiny, douchebag who's used to always getting his way.

His safe space was violated by having the unwashed masses hold him accountable for his opinion.
Then they seek any opportunity to work auction tags into the conversation whenever funding comes up. Steve Bair expresses surprise at how little is spent on habitat projects and then like a smug bully says “Sure does look to me like they would be interested in doubling that amount via auction tags”. He must be bad at math also because there is no way that selling 12 auction tags for various species will raise enough money to double the $3.5 M referred to in the e-mails.

Good eye. I caught that and sent Bair an email on Monday.

Senator Bair,
In reviewing your February 18, 2016 email to Doug Sayer (Copy attached), you mention that you thought you could double the amount spent on habitat projects via auction tags. In the email, Director Kiefer states that $3,505,796 will be spent on habitat projects in 2016. Double would mean you expect $7.0 million to be raised via auction tags.

I’m curious how you obtain this figure for auction tags as I sat in the legislative session that approved the twelve auction tags. The revenue to be collected from the tags was $200,000, $100,000 of which is from auctioning a third wild sheep tag. Quick math would show that the remaining eleven tags must fetch $9,090 each to make the remaining $100,000. Based on this number, 759 auction tags would be needed to generate $7.0 million (1 sheep at $100,000, 758 other tags at $9,090).

However, the eleven tags include one moose and one goat tags. As trophy species tags are limited, it would be hard to imagine that additional sheep, moose and goat tags would be issued. Thus, the amount per tag must be reduced. Furthermore, my degrees in Economics and MBA in Finance have taught me that there are diminishing returns as more product is made available for sale. Additionally, I am experienced in wildlife tag values as I am a board member of Idaho Wild Sheep Foundation and have managed Idaho’s Lottery Sheep tag for almost ten years. Based on my knowledge, I would reduce the amount of proceeds from each tag to $7,000 each (and this may be too high). Simple math again, $7.0 million divided by $7,000 would mean 1,000 auction tags.

My question, Senator Bair, are you proposing in your email to Sayer that auction tags in Idaho be expanded to 1,000 tags?

I’d appreciate a response.

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I commend you for having the intestinal fortitude to say what needed to be said.
I'm glad there are a few good men fighting for what is right. I know you are /will receive heat for your actions and I would like to thank you for doing what is right rather than what is easy. To many "men" following the status quo.

The big Reno convention is fast approaching for the WSF. This convention is going to blow up. Instead of being a fun social event, a huge percentage of the attendees are going to leave very bitter at a good organization. If Mr. Sayer doesn't resign beforehand, PETA and the other anti hunting groups will turn it into a publicity nightmare much worse than the lion fiasco. Mr.Sayer if you really believe in hunting and conservation, now is the time to quit. If you don't, then you will be remembered as the man who single handedly brought down the WSF, something Dennis Campbell never could pull off. IMO, GJ
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I just read your facebook post to Doug Sayer. It was excellent and brought out every point and question I had while reading his opinion piece.

His opinion piece was clearly a lie in an attempt to justify his actions by changing the purpose behind them.
^^^I wish this article could be reprinted in the Idaho State Journal and Post Register...haven't heard any eastern Idaho newspaper rebut his remarks like this.
^^^I wish this article could be reprinted in the Idaho State Journal and Post Register...haven't heard any eastern Idaho newspaper rebut his remarks like this.

We need to thank this paper for connecting the dots and showing it to a lot of people. He is willing to stop at nothing to further his agenda. He embodies all that is wrong with the political process.

A little bird says
"The real problems will start when he decides to run for governor of Idaho"
Better kick his ass when he hands it to us on a platter.
I agree elkmagnet, I just wish that would happen here in east Idaho where Sayer has the most of his dealings.

Oh absolutely!
Any members of WSF should really consider contacting them about what a upstanding guy they have found in our buddy Brian.
I agree elkmagnet, I just wish that would happen here in east Idaho where Sayer has the most of his dealings.

A couple of options. Write a well written Letter to the Editor, detailing the facts/issues.

Or, better yet, call the Editor, ask if you can submit a Guest Editorial as a "Long Time Eastern Idaho Hunter". Newspapers love having someone write good content for them.
Its embarrassing to see the WSF board of directors turn their collective heads, hold their noses, and cash Sayer's big checks. That's how he has gotten by for most of his career, maybe all of it. IMO. GJ
Two updates:

1) WSF board found no issue with Sayer's action.

2) The IDWSF VP has requested a hearing for my expulsion from the board for the FB post at the January 9th meeting.

Oh the irony.
Two updates:

1) WSF board found no issue with Sayer's action.

2) The IDWSF VP has requested a hearing for my expulsion from the board for the FB post at the January 9th meeting.

Oh the irony.

Ugh!?! Once again WSF and IDWSF make me happy to not be a member.