Caribou Gear Tarp

Removing Doug Sayer from Wild Sheep Foundation for Idaho political strong-arming

I have written a letter that I am planning to send to the Idaho State Journal, if you want to take a look pm me...this is my first time really speaking up, so I am welcome to some pointers on making my writing more effective!
Idaho BHA and Idaho Wildlife Federation have posted a petition regarding Auction Tags. This will get submitted to the Idaho Legislature and the Idaho Fish & Game Commission. If you oppose auction tags, this is one easy way to help make your voice heard. Feel free to share, including to non-resident hunters. It is my understanding that Auction Tags would come out of the non-resident pool.
Idaho BHA and Idaho Wildlife Federation have posted a petition regarding Auction Tags. This will get submitted to the Idaho Legislature and the Idaho Fish & Game Commission. If you oppose auction tags, this is one easy way to help make your voice heard. Feel free to share, including to non-resident hunters. It is my understanding that Auction Tags would come out of the non-resident pool.
Done!! Thank you for putting that together.
Thanks for making that petition available. I signed and sent it to four of my hunting buddies to pass it on.
Notice is hereby given for the 2017 Wild Sheep Foundation Annual Membership Meeting to be held
Thursday, January 19th, 2017 from 11:00 am – 12:00 pm in Room A6 of the Reno-Sparks Convention
Center in Reno, Nevada. All members are welcome to attend.

I would highly recommend that members who are concerned about this and are within traveling distance
to attend and make your feelings known.
I would highly recommend that members who are concerned about this and are within traveling distance
to attend and make your feelings known.

Yep, if people let this die a slow death, it will. If people continue to hold WSF feet to the fire something will have to be done. I just received my renewal notice two days ago and will be writing an email stating my position.
I would highly recommend that members who are concerned about this and are within traveling distance
to attend and make your feelings known.

I'm being told the WSF board thinks that only a few vocal guys in Idaho have a problem with this. It would be nice if they were proven wrong.
Along with the article I posted earlier, my open letter to Doug Sayer has been posted online on the Idaho State Journal. I noticed there was another letter penned shortly after this got started. Even if the WSF thinks that just a small group of hunters in Idaho are having an issue with this, maybe this forum will help spread the word to members in other states.
First order of discussion was if non-members could attend the board meeting.

A bit of discussion, several did not want Jon-members attending the meeting.

A review of the bylaws appears to not have an exclusion to non-members.
The Board members started expressing the views on what HS became a Sayer vs Bryan issue.

Quite a bit of desire that the issue should be swept under and away.
Was an attempt to make Bryan apologize to national board or Bryan would be removed. Bryan indicated he would not apologize.

The motion was made, it died as not a valid motion to make.

The effort died. Appears Bryan to remain on the board.

Another motion was made to review bylaws to deal with future cases of board members criticizing in public.

The meeting was definitely about Bryans Facebook communications and social media, and not about Doug Sayers behavior.

Props to Bryan for holding his ground and integrity.

Meeting then turned to other issues.

This group has definitely changed since I was involved 20 years ago.
I applaud Bryan for sticking to his guns and representing the best interests of sportsmen in ID.

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