Remington 7600 pump


Well-known member
Sep 16, 2010
North Idaho
Does anyone have a Remington 7600 pump rifle? I like unique guns, and have a BLR but am considering a pump just for something different. I know Remington had some issues, but are they back to where they used to be? I would love to hear of any good or bad opinions on this gun, thank you. Some of the 200 year anniversary ones have some beautiful wood.
I have one in 270 it has some beautiful engraving. It is very accurate and mine is smooth and never had any issues. It will not work with aftermarket 10 rd mags but I dont really care. Mine has stacked up a mountain of white tails. I think its better for an open sight brush gun buy I have a nice scope on mine. In a blind when you rest the gun on something you have to lift if up to work the action same for shooting sticks it can get cumbersome. This is why I like the bolt guns better.
My nephew came out to Wyoming this year with his early Remington 760 carbine in .280 Remington. He's never had a problem with it, it used to be mine. I bought it used in 1970. He took a nice antelope buck and a big 6x6 bull with it this year, his first year hunting out west. Funny, some guys in camp chuckled about the trombone Remington. But not so much after he took both his animals in a couple of days and they ate tag soup.
I have a 760 pump, Gamemaster. in the .308. Haven't used it for many years (just sits in the safe). Way back when I liked the gun and never had any bad issues. I used it for close hunting in the thick woods of northeast Pennsylvania. The only bad thing that I found is that the when holding the gun, the action (pump part) is "wiggly" which may take away from some accuracy.
Have an old one in 30-06 that my father gave me. I replaced the original scope and wore out a Weaver K6. It wears a VX2 3x9x40 period gloss these days and is still minute of dead critter accurate. Gifted to my son recently.
My dad owns and hunts with one. When he first got it they were still running running dogs and hunted with open sights. Deer hunting transitioned into still hunting and he put a scope on it, and has never had an issue. It always had a heavy trigger, but after 30+ years of owning it he finally had it adjusted last year. I've killed a few deer with and love the sound it makes makes when shooting. Not so much a loud "POW" but a deep low smooth sound when fired.
I have one that belonged to my father. It still wears the Tasco scope he put on it. Its chambered in .30-06 and I use it as a backup to my bolt action .30-06. I need to replace the hard plastic butt plate with one of the newer rubber type. I'd say the recoil feels on par with my .338win mag.

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They used to be pretty popular in PA for guys who put on deer/bear drives. One man's "quick follow up shot" is another's "spray and pray". I know a few relatives that have them, no problems.
They are probably the most popular rifle carried in the woods of New England. I would love to find a carbine length one in 308.
Thanks for all the replies, I think this may be my next gun! I have heard the triggers can be "bad", but from a hunting perspective I am sure they are adequate. My only concern is if the pump loosens up and becomes noisy, but no one seems to complain about that, so it sounds like I am good to go!
If you already own a BLR, then you'll think the trigger on the 760 is a gift from Heaven. I have a BLR 81 (30 years old now) that I wouldn't sell for love or money - and I built a new load for it this summer that is under MOA. But that trigger..... good gun to learn on - let's leave it at that.
I am just cleaning a what I believe is a 1967 , 30-06 Remington 760 Gamemaster Pump I used this deer season in Oregon , I took a Blacktail with it on Nov 2 , I have used this weapon on 3 hunts since 2015 , and have taken 2 Blacktails and 1 Roosevelt. The only problem I ever had was a miss fire and that was because I got excited and didn't execute a full pump to load a round in 2015 during Elk season and the pin was not able to fully connect with bullet and fire a round when trigger was pulled , it was me not the rifle , here's a few pics
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I have one with a peep sight on it, that I use as my bad weather/thick brush rifle. If your hunting involves quick shot opportunities and common 2nd or 3rd shots (if you're willing to take running shots), I don't think there's a better option. Mine is not particularly accurate though. It's fine for how I use it, but when I've scoped it, I've never been able to get better than 2.5" groups at 100. (To be fair, I bought it used and don't know exactly how it was treated).
I have an uncle and cousin who both shoot them. The reason they do is because they are left handed and they don't have to worry about finding left handle rifles. They've both stacked up a ton of deer with them.
I have one in a 30-06, its pretty light, great gun for quick shots, mines topped with a 2-7 vx1, I wouldn't say its a super accurate gun but for quick shots it works great. Not the best trigger in the world but not the worst. For how i use it(still hunting) i wouldnt trade it.
They were made popular in the Northeast by the Benoits who snow track their bucks. Larry (the dad), sons Lanny, Lane and Shane as well as grandson Landon used them exclusively. Larry & Lane are now gone, but Remington offers a 7600 in 30-06 carbine, 18.5" barrel as a commemorative to Larry. Now, Hal Blood and many others use them as well.

The rifles in many model numbers (760, 7600, model 6) have free floated barrels which usually gives decent accuracy. I bought a 7600 in 30-06 off of Gunbroker and it shot about 2". I was intrigued by them and finally bought this one; but I sold it to a friend recently.

For my tastes, it was a bit heavy, as I prefer light rifles. I normally use a Remington Model 7 FS in 7mm Hunttalk. This rifle weighed 5 1/4 pounds out of the box.
The first guy to ever take me hunting was a die-hard Benoit fan and has been using one forever. Think I finally convinced him to put a fixed power scope or some kind on it last year. I have to admit to loving how quirky they are. May have to buy his from him if he ever decides to hang it up.

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