Remington 7600 pump

I have a 760 made in '54. Picked it up dirt cheap at cabelas, cleaned it up, test fired, and refinished it. Good shooter. It came with a lyman 4x on a tip out mount and a peep sight. Now just has the peep.
Here in PA that is a very popular gun. My dad and I have several of them. cant go wrong with one!!
I worked on a dairy farm all summer my high school freshman year, saving money to buy a used Remington Mod. 760 in .300 Savage with a peep sight. I shot my first deer with that rifle. I had to sell it in order to buy a long range rifle for work when I was in my 20s.
Yes this is a necro-post however adding to the knowledge base.

These are from a 7600 30-06 Carbine (18.5" barrel) that I worked up a mild load for 100 yard deer hunting. At ~2500 fps it is pretty much a hot rod 30-30. Off front rest with rear bag, Burris 2-7x with BDC reticle and Talley ring mounts. 110 rounds on rifle.

Load was developed for 2022 deer season that never happened for me.

Top magenta target are fouling rounds from a very clean barrel and virgin brass. Adjusted the scope up and left then onto the lower dot for my test.

Lower magenta dot are 1x fired brass. Odd # rounds are 48.3 gr IMR 4046 with 150 gr Speer Hot Cor (flat base). Even # are 49.0 of same combo. MV=2446 and 2506 FPS respectively. 100 yards.


Barrel seemed to settle down and continued to settle down for the duration of the session. the 1x fired brass probably helped tighten the lower group. I was very happy with what I saw.

Ran a couple of eliminator patches through to get loose carbon out and then some Rem gun oil to store. It sat stored for a 18 months and I decided to try again to see if I could reproduce it.

Top green are cold bore F1=48.3 and F2=49.0 gr. The other F shots are different bullets and powder combos.

Lower green dots 1,3,5 are 48.3 and 2,4,6 are 49.0 gr which is repeat of the magenta test. Aside from shot 4 which I may have pulled, 11 of 12 shots are right there. Two different wind conditions however accounting for that, it held its zero for my purpose.

Currently working up some 165 grain Speer Grand Slams for boar hunting. Trigger is a little stiff however I really like having this rifle available for hunting in brush and hills. Wish I had one in 35 Whelen.

Hope this helps someone.

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