Regrets in life?

S@#t! I'm in a mood.
* Not nailing all those chicks I could have.
* Not being more alert to bonafide life-changing opportunities, of which there were many.
* Not knowing, in general, what I had right in front of my schnoz.
* Not trying to do something to help others whenever the opportunity arose.
* Not acting blah, blah, blah, blah
* On the other hand, it's all worked out, sort of.
S@#t! I'm in a mood.
* Not nailing all those chicks I could have.
* Not being more alert to bonafide life-changing opportunities, of which there were many.
* Not knowing, in general, what I had right in front of my schnoz.
* Not trying to do something to help others whenever the opportunity arose.
* Not acting blah, blah, blah, blah
* On the other hand, it's all worked out, sort of.
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Being too busy with work to join Theat on a sheep hunt in the unlimited units when he shot his second ram and sent me pics of another legal ram that stood there as he worked on butchering his ram, comes to mind....
I've unfortunately been in this same position, not with theat, but another hunter....... pretty sweet feeling.
Every hangover I ever had.

Regrets are a funny thing. Sure some things I wish I did differently, but like previously stated the past brought me to where i am and i am happy with that. Example, I got fired from a job in North Dakota one time and I was upset with myself for being so undisciplined. Since I was fired and had low responsibilities no kids or girlfriend I decided to head to yellowstone fish and camp for a few weeks. Figured i had nothing better to do. While there I met my lovely wife and the rest is history. Still friends with boss that fired me and i told him I'm thankful for the firing.
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Mom and Dad. Loved them. Never set down and told them.

Me as well. Told my Mother but having been brought up in a family which didn't display affection, especially vocally, it didn't come naturally. After leaving home there always seemed to be a bone of contention between me and Dad, made it difficult to have conversation, and at the end I so wanted to hug him and tell him I loved him but it just never came.....wish it had.
You guys saying you have no regrets are boring. Be honest EVERYONE has regrets.

another regret was ripping up a ticket and throwing it in the cops face.

regret giving up max sheep points too
No real regrets as everything has led me to where i am now and I have it pretty good. Looking back however.........
I moved to Alaska right out of the service and spent an amazing summer there, often wonder how things would have turned out if I'd stayed.
My first wife, wish I had never gone on that first date.
I wish I hadn't waited til I was in my 30's to hunt out west.
When I was around 40, I almost went back into the service as a reservist. Planned on going into the Air National Guard. Had I done so then, I would retire next year. That may be my only regret.
I once fancied myself as a day trader and dabbled a bit. I watched Sirius stock plummet to a nickle years ago and though gee, I ought to buy some of that. I chickened out and missed out on a fortune.
2. Not looking after my health when I was younger and ended up suffering a bad back injury in my late 20's. Now I'm not sure that I'll ever be able to have a backcountry/backpack hunting experience.
What kind of back injury? I ruptured my L4/L5 disc over the summer and I’m feeling the same way about a backcountry experience.
2. Not looking after my health when I was younger and ended up suffering a bad back injury in my late 20's. Now I'm not sure that I'll ever be able to have a backcountry/backpack hunting experience.

Screwed up my back when I was 12, so I sympathize.
Regrets on my behavior after my stint in the marines. Almost ended my marriage of 5 years over some really bad decisions while dealing with PTSD. 5 years later and celebrating 10 years of marriage, im glad she is tougher then me. I do regret not moving to montana sooner tho lol. Houses are expensive.
What kind of back injury? I ruptured my L4/L5 disc over the summer and I’m feeling the same way about a backcountry experience.
I'm 40+ and I've got a titanium plate and six screws in my neck after having a two-level fusion surgery 8 years ago. I'm definitely not some kind of backcountry badass, but everything is doable though you may have to adjust your definition of a "backcountry experience."

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