Caribou Gear

Regrets in life?

Regret going to college instead of going to trade school. More days at work than most over then span of 5 years and two different places I feel my job is of little difference to the world. And at the end of the day what did I even accomplish. Yea sure you can always change career. Went through 1.5 years of night classes to finished the Process Technology program to try to get out of that rut over a year ago, but so has everyone else in what is now a flooded job market. I've made a career out of oil spills and now have a job with little travel, pays good enough, take home work truck, and allows for some overtime and a lot K time. Hard to leave that behind, but when we go on site visits I'm envious of the guys turning wrenches, welding pipe, and sending product down the line.
My life has done turns and twists I could have NEVER imagined as a little boy in Indianapolis. A lot of both good and bad but the only things I do regret have to do with how I have dealt with people.....When I graduated from college I broke up with one of the finest women/people I have ever known because I "wasn't ready to settle down". The bad part of that that I regret is that she went from me to a couple of very painful relationships. I hate that I had in part in her hurting. Then, after deployments I took too long to go to counseling to deal with my baggage. As a result I was a real PITA to be around and did some stupid shiz for a couple of years. I hate that my family and friends had to deal with my baggage through me. All the rest of the ups and downs in life I take as for a reason but I find it hard to get past my own dumbass moves ;)
I've said some things I wish I hadn't and lost my temper more times than I care to admit.

But my biggest is probably that I quit visiting my grandfather when he had to go into a memory care facility. He was my best friend and I couldn't stand seeing him like that. Only after he was gone did I realize how selfish I was, it shouldn't have been about me. All those times as a child when he took me along with him he wasn't thinking about himself but rather me, then when it was my turn to think about him and walked away and left him in a strange place alone to die among strangers. It still haunts me.
I've said some things I wish I hadn't and lost my temper more times than I care to admit.

But my biggest is probably that I quit visiting my grandfather when he had to go into a memory care facility. He was my best friend and I couldn't stand seeing him like that. Only after he was gone did I realize how selfish I was, it shouldn't have been about me. All those times as a child when he took me along with him he wasn't thinking about himself but rather me, then when it was my turn to think about him and walked away and left him in a strange place alone to die among strangers. It still haunts me.
Sorry, just think of all the great memories you gave him. Don't dwell on his final days but the great times you guys had together!
I regret not doing more shrooms when I was younger.

I regret waiting till I was 22 to move to Alaska

Lots of regrets women related.

Regret not joining the military. Not for patriotic reasons but more for financial reasons.

Missed shots on animals etc
Not buying non-resident preference points 20 years ago when I turned 12 and went through hunter safety... Mostly thinking about Arizona (a few other states as well) preference points.
On the bright side, my son turns 10 this spring and is eligible for hunter safety. He will most definitely be getting preference points for his future birthdays 😁
Wow, lots of real stuff here. Living without some semblance of regret or at least second guessing past moments seems like an inevitability, especially if you are Devoted to being your very best self. I posted earlier in this thread about regretting not getting my shit together earlier in life, but honestly my greatest regret will likely end up being a moment of weakness. When my father laid on his death bed it fell upon me to carry out his wishes (living will) and I found myself alone in a hospital with that responsibility on my plate early in my 30s. I’ll always be proud of myself for doing so, but will always carry a sadness that I wasn’t strong enough to sit in the room with him and hold his hand as he took his last breaths. I miss him, and I know he is, and always was very proud of me regardless though! Thanks for listening as always hunt talkers!
Two things come to mind
1. Screwing around when I was younger and wasting a lot of time and money in college before I finally started taking school seriously. Along those same lines; not going for my masters, straight after my bachelors.
2. Not looking after my health when I was younger and ended up suffering a bad back injury in my late 20's. Now I'm not sure that I'll ever be able to have a backcountry/backpack hunting experience.
No major real life regrets. I’ve got a great life. Like many, I wish I would’ve started gaining bonuses points in other western states about 5 years earlier than I did though.
Being too busy with work to join Theat on a sheep hunt in the unlimited units when he shot his second ram and sent me pics of another legal ram that stood there as he worked on butchering his ram, comes to mind....

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