Regrets in life?

No regrets just wished I could've stayed in for 20 and STAYED in SoDak.
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I don't really regret anything. There are a few things that I didn't do that have me thinking "what if" on occasion. Like the chance I had to accept an 8-month long work assignment in Boise, Idaho that I turned down when I was a 23 year old, single engineer. If I'd went west at that age, I would have stayed. However, if I'd been out there, I probably wouldn't have met my wife and the mother of my boys. Everything happens for a reason.
Everything that I have lived and experienced has made me the person I am today.

You can't go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending.” ― C.S. Lewis.

"God pity them both! and pity us all, who vainly the dreams of youth recall; For of all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these: 'It might have been!'" - John Greenleaf Whittier

Usually, it does not do to dwell on the past. Some of us may not have the best beginning, but as @2rocky mentioned we can change the ending.
Not reestablishing my relationship with my grandmother so she could meet her first great grandson before it was too late. Some endings we cant change.
Being a fatass and allowing it to ruin 30 years of my life...then losing a bunch of weight and allowing my diet to become an eating disorder then relapsing and gaining 20lbs over winter and struggling to safely get a hold of the issue again.
Nothing worth noting.

Other than I should have borrowed the money to apply for my Colorado ELK points when I was in college and they changed the rule for a couple years where you had to apply every other year and I lost them all. (5 to be exact).... bastards.
I don't really regret anything. There are a few things that I didn't do that have me thinking "what if" on occasion. Like the chance I had to accept an 8-month long work assignment in Boise, Idaho that I turned down when I was a 23 year old, single engineer. If I'd went west at that age, I would have stayed. However, if I'd been out there, I probably wouldn't have met my wife and the mother of my boys. Everything happens for a reason.
I've turned down Alaska three times now. The first two were as a young airman in the 90s and not knowing any better. The third time was last summer when my wife vetoed the transfer.
Mine has to be not getting my head on straight, my work ethic in order, and truly living right until I was into my 30s.... better late than never I suppose
Missed a couple big whitetails I should have got back in high school. One was probably 180 typ and the other around 200 non typ. Wish I could go back and take this shots again
Suffering fools for longer than I should have when I was an employer and the times I didn't follow my gut. But life is for learning.
Well we sure like having you around. Count on that. You are a good part of this place.

I agree!

When I saw this thread I also thought of that song April likes. "Yesterday"

My regret is not changing my major sooner when I was in college . But not much of a regret on the grand scale of things.

Actually there are a few things form my college days I would like to forget and hope others have.
Yes John thank you for everything you have done for this great country!

My biggest regret is back when I was 18 I had a decision to make:
1. Accept a Golf scholarship to a 4 year university.
2. Accept a Baseball scholarship to a different 4 year university.

At the time I figured... " I can play golf the rest of my life, and I probably only have 4 years of baseball left".. I took the baseball scholarship, even though I was a 2x better golfer and played 4 years of baseball. Made lifelong friends and even had a tryout with the Montreal Expos in the fall of 1995.

With the then Nike Tour, and the fact that I can still play golf once a year and shoot lights out, I wish I could go back and tell that 18 year old kid to follow the little white ball around course instead of hitting 90mph fastballs.

BUT the path I chose eventually led me to my beautiful wife and my four equally gorgeous daughters, a great career, lived all over the country.... Not sure that would have happened if I had chose the different route. I am a lucky man.
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