Yeti GOBOX Collection

Ready for a new 7 mag load

Drop bullet weight and drive the e-tips as fast as you can. Shot this years bull elk with them, prior years bull moose with the 7RM and 140's around 3200 fps.

Worked ok, but I'm going back to accubonds.
I was on a copper kick for 4 years or so, but I just couldn’t stay away from the faster kills with a lead bullet with more expansion.
I was thinking of trying e-tip since I had good luck with those last year but Accubonds are always a tried and true. Every Weatherby gun I’ve owned likes em.
I’ve had very good luck with Etips in a different caliber. I like them more than I thought I would. In two years of using them on game, I’ve taken 4 whitetail does and one elk. From close to far they have left less than a 30 yard blood trail and been done.
I’ve had very good luck with Etips in a different caliber. I like them more than I thought I would. In two years of using them on game, I’ve taken 4 whitetail does and one elk. From close to far they have left less than a 30 yard blood trail and been done.
The two bucks I shot last year didn’t make it far when the bullet landed. That was a 30-06 factory round too. Really enjoyed the experience of not needing to follow a blood trail.
The two bucks I shot last year didn’t make it far when the bullet landed. That was a 30-06 factory round too. Really enjoyed the experience of not needing to follow a blood trail.
Between the Barnes TTSX and the Etips I’ve used I’ve been very pleased with on game performance with both bullets. I’m not afraid of any of them, within their velocity parameters.
Between the Barnes TTSX and the Etips I’ve used I’ve been very pleased with on game performance with both bullets. I’m not afraid of any of them, within their velocity parameters.
The TTSX do well enough, but I think I can do better. It’s weird people get more velocity than I do, not really understanding why.
Both RL22 and IMR 4831 are my go-to powders in both 7mag and my both my 280s with 160 accubonds. They also spot very well out of my 270. My loads shoot the same POI in with each powder, to the point that, many times I have loaded up a box the night before and packed up and headed out without shooting them. They chronograph within 15-20fps.

RL22 is near impossible to find anymore. I hate that reloading components are so expensive now. RL22 is $80/lb here.
Anyone got any experience with Swift Sciroccos? They seem interesting.
Great bullet. I like the Accubond better, but a friend of mine has had great success with them in an .06. Probly like the same powders as the Accubond. mtmuley
Great bullet. I like the Accubond better, but a friend of mine has had great success with them in an .06. Probly like the same powders as the Accubond. mtmuley
Gonna give these a shot and try to load it off the lands. Just need to make friends with someone who has a book for it.
I have a 7mm RM load developed for the Hornady CX-150 with H4831SC. Getting 3160 fps (avg) and 0.51 MOA (max) over a 40-round load confirmation cycle. I seat 0.015 off the lands.
The TTSX do well enough, but I think I can do better. It’s weird people get more velocity than I do, not really understanding why.
Yup, you CAN do better.

Some Hammers, or Cutting Edge over IMR 7828.

I like the RL series too. But getting any is an exercise in frustration.
YOu could use the factory Vor-tx load. Box says like 3060 fps I think. Talk about boring....

A guy at the local gun shop gave me a box of Sako Powerhead Blade to try out. I was skeptical, but it is the most accurate ammo I have tried in my 7RM. No experience on game yet, but hopefully this fall will change that.
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150gr TTSX w/ Magnum powder. 75.8gr groups excellent for me with V=3085fps.
160gr Accubond w/ R-22 is also great. 62.5gr puts me right at 3k fps.
175gr Partitions have grouped very well. Same 62.5gr of R-22 runs just under 3k fps.

I bought a bunch of the TTSX and will shoot those exclusively for the foreseeable future.
If you want to shoot to 500 yards I'd look at a bullet that isn't a parachute in the BC department. Even just going from a 150 TTSX to a 145 CEB lazer @ the same velocity keeps a guy above 2200 fps impact speed over 100 yards further out.

What rifle and barrel length are you using?
I do have a box but they don’t group well. But I’m not loading off the lands so that’s probably my issue.
I’m jumping em .015 minus however much is gone from running about 5-800 down the tube at 3150. Used to be 1/2” or better, Still group around 3/4” or less. I’ve built or done load development for countless 7rm with that combo. Had em shoot good anywhere from .015-.150 jump. Nearly all of em shot good around 69 grs h1000 though. Most were in the 3015-3050 range with Norma brass. For whatever reason my current one shoots at 3150 with the same load in ADG brass. The 175’s are easier to load and you won’t have to chase. But hard for me to switch from something that works and I bought thousands of those bullets years ago.
I’m jumping em .015 minus however much is gone from running about 5-800 down the tube at 3150. Used to be 1/2” or better, Still group around 3/4” or less. I’ve built or done load development for countless 7rm with that combo. Had em shoot good anywhere from .015-.150 jump. Nearly all of em shot good around 69 grs h1000 though. Most were in the 3015-3050 range with Norma brass. For whatever reason my current one shoots at 3150 with the same load in ADG brass. The 175’s are easier to load and you won’t have to chase. But hard for me to switch from something that works and I bought thousands of those bullets years ago.
I still have a boat load I want to use. Got some Peterson brass coming and I have 3 different cans of powder to try. Gonna try to load it to mag length and see what happens. Don’t want to single feed these but I think I may have to.
I still have a boat load I want to use. Got some Peterson brass coming and I have 3 different cans of powder to try. Gonna try to load it to mag length and see what happens. Don’t want to single feed these but I think I may have to.
I’m using Peterson in my .300 Win Mag and it’s damn good stuff.
Excited for that and I picked up some Norma brass for my 300 WBY. We’ll see what it does
I picked up Norma brass for my 257 WBY. Holding up good so far.

For my 7mm WBY, I managed to get some Peterson brass.
I have 5 loads on some of them, and are holding up well also.

I use a variety of different brass for the 7mm Rem Mag. The rifle likes it on the high side.
I usually get 5-6 loads then the primer pocket opens up.

0.015" off the lands is pretty close for mono bullets.
Most recommend start at 0.05" off the lands.
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