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Randy Newberg on Matt Rinella's Podcast

Actually idk wtf I’m talking about...
I’ve hunted Colorado otc archery elk units the past 3 years for deer, elk and bears and I’ve seen all of these species and had shot opportunities on each hunt.
And I don’t really “hunt hard”
Never really had an issue with crowding.
Like I’ve seen other people, but really just at the trailhead and on the trails, but nothing that like ruins my day.
Definitely busiest in Labor Day weekend, thins out after that.
Illinois is so boring.
Can’t wait to go on vacation.
Millennial life is hard.
I love you Randy Newberg!
Randy Newberg!

read this in Rick Sanchez voice and it's perfect
No your comprehension is not very good. I said most I know struggle to get general tags each year much less the countless glory tags these guys have had.

In the past 22 years I have applied for and built NR points in one state for elk and antelope. I now have six points. I have bought two OTC tags in CO. I bought one OTC tag in Alberta.

I have applied for almost everything available in Montana every year since I moved here.

In that time I have drawn two goat tags, a sheep tag, a moose tag and one elk permit. I have always applied for the easiest to draw units I could find regardless of trophy quality.

Your composite example of the guy who has drawn all those glory tags is a guy who has made the value based decision to spend a significant amount of money every year as soon as he could to apply for a lot of tags in a lot of states.

I am not that guy. It isn’t worth spending that kind of money to me. For some folks it is. I fully expect them to draw more glory tags than I do in their lifetime.

Your example is not an apples to apples comparison with the guy who struggles to draw a general tag.

Sounds like an infection of the green eyed monster to me.
Maybe I’m missing something but if hunter numbers truly are declining maybe we need to work on where that is happening the East and Midwest. We don’t need to blow up the west where it is booming.

We need to work on increasing elk in R1. Not sure why there's such low objectives in areas that were historically elk laden. Grow more elk in areas where there's public land, reduce hunting pressure in other districts.
Need a tissue, Sally?
Didn't someone say earlier in this thread that HT shouldn't be considered "social media"? Lol, because this sounds like the crap I hear from my High School students when they are on snapchat? Stay classy San Diego!!! Lol
Could a state put a law in place requiring permits for any person producing monetized content featuring the state's wildlife? Just thinking out loud...
I've been an advocate of just this thing. The content producers need to be regulated by more than just going and getting the land management agency film permit (which may not even be a thing in the future). The state should heavily regulate tag availability...commercial/for profit content producers should not be given access to the same tag pool as the non-commercial guys (i.e., the average folks actually just trying to hunt).

The enforcement would be pretty easy...and we could make the bar awfully high (by severly limiting how many tags are available to 'content producers').

I would like to see folks start pushing this type of regulation in their respective states when season/regulation comment periods open.
Can I just say, the first thirty second intro by Matt was something else...

If you haven't bought my merch "Then I forbid you to listen. You don't want to be caught trespassing on my podcast" 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮
Thanks Newberg

I just saw you already thanked him. 🤣

Probably won’t kill my bull because of this. 100% Randy’s fault. If it wasn’t for RMEF we wouldn’t have as many elk in Nebraska so we wouldn’t have these Tragedies. Thanks for nothing Randy!
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I can agree that hunting TV and social media have influenced hunting and recruited more hunters and not in a positive way. I can't stomach 99% of the crap. To say Randy's platform has not had an impact would be a lie but unlike others it has improved it for the positive. He always promotes conservation, publiclands, and how it is OUR responsibility to do our part to preserve it. I have gained a wealth of knowledge from his platforms and even use his content in my Hunter Ed classes..... Wait maybe I am the problem for recruiting new hunters🤔
If you have an issue with over crowding then the problem isn't "totally" caused by media content, it is the legislators of that states decisions that truly impact that. So get on their a$$ and stop pointing fingers at everyone but yourself. Just be careful what you wish for, you might just find yourself without a tag a season or two and watching Fresh Tracks wishing you were making your own.
Is this being enforced to any degree with your run-of-the-mill influencer? Hunting and non-hunting?
A few years back I was involved with a case that included a high level infuencer. Took me all of a few seconds to locate the backcountry camp for enforcement after watching the show. Not sure what ever cam of the case.
Had to take my like back when you libeled the coconut donuts.

What an idiot! Haven’t you learned anything about the detrimental effects of information on social media?

Thanks buddy for ruining my false flag mission. At least everyone knows the chocolate covered ones taste terrible.
Can I just say, the first thirty second intro by Matt was something else...

If you haven't bought my merch "Then I forbid you to listen. You don't want to be caught trespassing on my podcast" 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮
Yep he came out of the gate with a chip on his shoulder. I enjoyed listening to it as Randy picked away at it and his attitude did a 180. It also confused me a bit... I would have thought that Matt would have done a bit more research on Randy and his accomplishments before having him on his podcast. Anyway it was a good podcast in my opinion.
Chronic Waistline Develoment?
That is absolutely an effect of Randy popularizing Dairy Queen and Donettes on his show. Last time I stopped at a gas station I struggled to find the white powdered donettes. Had to settle for the lowly shredded coconut.
Bad time for us to get that with goat tags in our pockets.
We need to work on increasing elk in R1. Not sure why there's such low objectives in areas that were historically elk laden. Grow more elk in areas where there's public land, reduce hunting pressure in other districts.

More elk in Region 1 would be awesome. I suspect that what it would take for a significant increase in elk would be unpopular and difficult from a social, economic, and wildlife management perspective.

My opinion is that the highest point of elk populations was in the 90’s-2000’s before wolf populations rebounded, logging and clear cutting were prevelant, winter habitat less fragmented and human populations lower.

Any management options that include a reduction in OTC hunting are going to be met with pretty stiff resistance. Cow harvest in Region 1 has always been from a perspective of how many cows can we harvest without killing too many instead of we have to harvest more to stay within objective. It’s going to take more than raising objectives to get more elk in Region 1.
So if I’m understanding things correctly the future of western hunting is just like Schlitz beer, “it’s not THAT bad”. Just think of how much worse it could be.
What a way to celebrate success.
Yep he came out of the gate with a chip on his shoulder. I enjoyed listening to it as Randy picked away at it and his attitude did a 180. It also confused me a bit... I would have thought that Matt would have done a bit more research on Randy and his accomplishments before having him on his podcast. Anyway it was a good podcast in my opinion.
Agreed. Never listened to Matt before. can't say I agree with him on much he says, but everyone is entitled to their opinion.
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