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Randy Newberg on Matt Rinella's Podcast

It’s weird that most I know struggle to get a general tag but all the extreme advocates for what we are talking about can be described as: Drawn az desert sheep tags, Henry mountains bison tags, Montana premium elk tags, Montana mountain goat tags, Montana bighorn sheep tags, az strip deer tags, ak musk ox tags. New Mexico oryx tags, Montana goat tags, primo Wyoming elk deer and antelope tags, New Mexico antelope, Montana bison, Colorado 20+ point elk (give it to me baby I got in early) az elk… yeah multiple times oh yeah and New Mexico. You get the picture. These guys got in, got theirs, and now that their points are burnt they don’t give a shit about what that means for the rest of us just hoping to get a fraction of the opportunities they’ve had.
Need a tissue, Sally?
I believe karma is a thing, probably why guys like you struggle to get general tags and why others get glory tags.

If your attitude is a reflection of your tag situation, you'll likely have problems obtaining an OTC tag.
I do too and calling someone a sally (seems sexist possibly old school homophobic) is not a positive for your karma. Must be a generational difference or something?
Are USFS/BLM/NPS film permits required to produce monetized social media content on public land?

Curious if exploring that avenue is a way to curb some influencer growth as well as generating additional revenue for the fed land management agency.

Could a state put a law in place requiring permits for any person producing monetized content featuring the state's wildlife? Just thinking out loud...
Are USFS/BLM/NPS film permits required to produce monetized social media content on public land?

Curious if exploring that avenue is a way to curb some influencer growth as well as generating additional revenue for the fed land management agency.

Could a state put a law in place requiring permits for any person producing monetized content featuring the state's wildlife? Just thinking out loud...
film permits are required
That I can’t answer.
There's no way that every public land hunter that gets a W-2 from instagram or youtube is getting film permits for all their monetized content. Example: Is Cameron Hanes getting a permit to film and post his daily morning jog on USFS ground?

I'd wager the issue is 10x worse with non-hunting influencers. Think every "famous" yoga instructor, hiker, mountain bike rider, etc. that's making money on public land has a permit for their daily photos, videos, posts?

They either aren't required or it isn't enforced.
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I could give a care less about any hunter, if I never shoot another animal I’m fine with that. I’m waiting for the wins to come in for wildlife and habitat which simply hasn’t happened. That’s the point of this correct?
You seem to actively discount any “wins” that result in keeping the needle from moving backwards, and only count wins that move the needle forward. Given the myriad attacks on public lands, public wildlife, and the North American Model, that is not a fair assessment.
There definitely has got to be some merit to limiting the monetization of public lands and I don’t mean specifically to hunting. If specific areas are being overused then limiting the amount of people who are permitted to use that area for personal monetary gain would have to help and any help is better than none.
I could give a care less about any hunter, if I never shoot another animal I’m fine with that. I’m waiting for the wins to come in for wildlife and habitat which simply hasn’t happened. That’s the point of this correct?

Doug, respectfully, this has been answered. If you want to conflate your ability to kill an animal, season setting & crowding with wildlife & habitat conservation, that's on you. Those are separate issues.

Since 2009, there have been around 500 bills in wildlife & habitat introduced into the MT Legislature. Some were good, most were bad. It's been a war of attrition since then and yep, sportsmen lost some big ones but we also held the line on the most important stuff & made gains in passing a few key bills & improving fwp's budget.

The bill mandating fwp manage at or below objective was passed in 2003 by Chuck Denowh's Mother in law. She also tried to pass multiple attempts to make management far worse. Vetoes we're what was holding back a lot of those bills, but so we're hundreds & thousands of sportsmen & women who showed up, shook the building & fought back. FWP was under severe attack during this time by the majority and because of that, they didn't do much outside the box thinking lest they get hammered & their budget crushed even harder.

The recent history of game management in MT is one of acrimony & hate. Blaming the guys who stood up to that and held the line to keep whatever we could and try to advance is malarkey.

I've seen what we were fighting against. We've been damned lucky to keep what we have. It's taken the collective muscle of residents & nonresidents & were seeing impacts already. When the season setting process started, the general tone was defeat & wailing. When we finished, we ended up in a far better place than what had been proposed.

Randy was instrumental in that effort, both in terms of personal outreach & utilizing his platforms to educate & advocate. So, when you aren't surrounded by every swinging dick on your next archery hunt, you can thank the Big Fin. When you purchase your wolf license & get a chance to harvest a remarkable species that w/I guys like Randy would still be in the ESA, you can thank him again.

It's easy to sit online & bitch. It's a lot harder to suit up, show up & fight. Season setting in 2023 is our next shot to improve a lot of the issues we all agree on relative to hunting pressure, but we have to get through the session first.

I know where Randy will be in both of those situations: front & center. There's room next to him for more leaders.
Just off the top of my head:

Newberg shot & produced a killer episode in the Rocky mtn front. The bill that ended up passing permanently conversed over 300,000 acres of public land that wildlife depend on. That bill also had companion funding of millions for weed management & created a first-of-its-kind conservation management area.

Newberg was deeply involved in the wolf delisting saga & helped push people in the right direction. He used his platforms to televise the first wolf hunt in the lower 48 & did so with an eye towards sustainable management.

Newberg utelized his platforms (all of em) to advocate full funding of lwcf, and he's probably the only person to have blown a bugle in the United States Capital.

Newberg utelized his platforms to help promote the mission & great work of RMEF & many other organizations that do on-the-ground conservation for better habitat & better management.

Randy has taken the film crew to Helena often for the rallies, to testify on bills & for commission meetings. He uses that footage to show hunters how to be advocates.

This platform, which is subsidized by the production side, is one of the best organizing tools for hunters in the US when it comes to ramping up hunter involvement in specific bills at the state & federal levels. His funding of this site is what allowed us to stop the bad bills of 2021 like sb 143 & HB505, and it's been that way since 2009 or so.

Happy to think of some more efforts on how he's given back, but hopefully those help show why so many of us will have his back.
I believe you missed his work with the Greater Yellowstone Grizzly Bear Coalition as well. Correct me if I'm wrong on that @Big Fin .
Doug, respectfully, this has been answered. If you want to conflate your ability to kill an animal, season setting & crowding with wildlife & habitat conservation, that's on you. Those are separate issues.

Since 2009, there have been around 500 bills in wildlife & habitat introduced into the MT Legislature. Some were good, most were bad. It's been a war of attrition since then and yep, sportsmen lost some big ones but we also held the line on the most important stuff & made gains in passing a few key bills & improving fwp's budget.

The bill mandating fwp manage at or below objective was passed in 2003 by Chuck Denowh's Mother in law. She also tried to pass multiple attempts to make management far worse. Vetoes we're what was holding back a lot of those bills, but so we're hundreds & thousands of sportsmen & women who showed up, shook the building & fought back. FWP was under severe attack during this time by the majority and because of that, they didn't do much outside the box thinking lest they get hammered & their budget crushed even harder.

The recent history of game management in MT is one of acrimony & hate. Blaming the guys who stood up to that and held the line to keep whatever we could and try to advance is malarkey.

I've seen what we were fighting against. We've been damned lucky to keep what we have. It's taken the collective muscle of residents & nonresidents & were seeing impacts already. When the season setting process started, the general tone was defeat & wailing. When we finished, we ended up in a far better place than what had been proposed.

Randy was instrumental in that effort, both in terms of personal outreach & utilizing his platforms to educate & advocate. So, when you aren't surrounded by every swinging dick on your next archery hunt, you can thank the Big Fin. When you purchase your wolf license & get a chance to harvest a remarkable species that w/I guys like Randy would still be in the ESA, you can thank him again.

It's easy to sit online & bitch. It's a lot harder to suit up, show up & fight. Season setting in 2023 is our next shot to improve a lot of the issues we all agree on relative to hunting pressure, but we have to get through the session first.

I know where Randy will be in both of those situations: front & center. There's room next to him for more leaders.
We have seen the enemy and it is us