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Rally! Rally! Rally! For access!

Thanks all for supporting a cause important to all DIY outdoors men and women. Great pics- thanks for sharing them!
Thanks again!
Sorry I couldn't make it, Had planned on playing hooky but with the news the other day and things going on at work I couldn't make it happen. Big THANKS to those who did. I did notice that my rep voted Yes.
Regardless of what side of the aisle you are are on, I think this reporter hit the mark when he stated that public access is going to dominate the day in elections of 2014. I fully expect some of those "No" votes will get unelected in 2014.

As the article states, SFW board member and legislator, Champ Edmunds voted "NO" on the issue and is trying to mount a US Senate campaign for the Republican primary. If the Repubs send forward a guy with a "No" vote on this public access deal, they have learned nothing from the 2012 election.

Good read. Link below.
When in doubt I always vote Republican. Once in a while I vote for a Democrat if I think they are the best person for the job. With that said I am extremely disappointed in the outcome of this corner crossing bill and highly irritated with the Republican's attitude on this subject. Pretty out of touch with the average hunter in my opinion.
Randy, is this quote from the article you linked accurate? I was under the impression that corner crossing was not specifically addressed in law.

Current law prohibits the public from moving from one parcel of public land to another at the corner post if the adjacent parcels are privately held.
Randy, is this quote from the article you linked accurate? I was under the impression that corner crossing was not specifically addressed in law.

It is not addressed in the law. Most hunters will defer to the side of caution and not corner cross, so some have the impression it is illegal under the law.

Both sides yesterday said this is not clear in the law.
I believe Hill did a very good job. When she first brought up the bill, she talked about the Goetz law brief. She also saw the writing on the wall and was maybe a little burnt by the co-sponsor sabotaging the bill in committee. I think bringing up the money/ campaign funding was to show the correlation between who was voting against this bill and probably the biggest motivating factor. It was a longshot but it called people out. It was very interesting.

I agree. After being there and watching them call for a caucus for 20 minutes before our hearing, it seemed pretty clear to me that the opponents had all made up their minds before Rep Hill even spoke. Friggin BS. The few that did change their vote I'm sure were told by the party that they could change to make it look better but not enough could change to swing the outcome.......

I'm actually glad she called them out on the money thing because you could sit there and watch the ones clear as day that received it get red cheeks and hang their far as I'm concerned, there are a lot of sellouts on that side of the room.

I do agree that the other two proponents didn't do near as good of job as Hill but like I said, that friggin party line bunch of sheep had their mind made up before she said a word.

Thank you Rep Hill for your efforts!

So, if you think about the opponents arguement of property rights and trespassing claiming that all airspace above someone's property is to be treated the same as their ground suface..........Yet it is an undefinded distance above the ground?? That is ridiculous. Oh wait, being is that I live by the airport, maybe this is my chance to sue American Airlines, and Horizon, and Delta.......oh goodie, the list goes on!! Those SOB trespassers are invading my airspace;):D

By the way, good speech Randy after the hearing......Very well said...It would have been good for the MOGA guys or private landowners that somehow feel your position is anti- private land or outfitting as it was pretty clear to me in your talk that is far from the case.

Thanks also to all the other hunt talk guys that could make it, was a pretty good crowd.
That was a pretty good showing for sure. It was the first time I had ever been to the capitol during a session, but I can gurantee it won't be the last.

It was funny that while everyone congregated in the capotol building before the session, I was milling around the upper level when one of the reps asked me "what are all you hunters up to?" When I told him we were there in support of the corner crossing bill, he proceeded to lecture me on how bad of an idea that was. That the bill would only hurt our relations with landowners, and the the issue had allready been decided by the supreme court in 1920. And if we really wanted to gain acess to private grounds, just knock on the door and ask as almost all landowners will grant permission when asked.

I tried to communicate the argument as best I could simply stating that we were not there to try and gain acess to private grounds. Just public. And that the end goal was to stimply get a final ruling on the issue. Remove the grey, and spell it out in Black and White once and for all. Let the issue have its day. It fell on deaf ears. Wish I would of caught his name, but all I recall seeing is that his name plate read "representative".
That was a pretty good showing for sure. It was the first time I had ever been to the capitol during a session, but I can gurantee it won't be the last.

It was funny that while everyone congregated in the capotol building before the session, I was milling around the upper level when one of the reps asked me "what are all you hunters up to?" When I told him we were there in support of the corner crossing bill, he proceeded to lecture me on how bad of an idea that was. That the bill would only hurt our relations with landowners, and the the issue had allready been decided by the supreme court in 1920. And if we really wanted to gain acess to private grounds, just knock on the door and ask as almost all landowners will grant permission when asked.

I tried to communicate the argument as best I could simply stating that we were not there to try and gain acess to private grounds. Just public. And that the end goal was to stimply get a final ruling on the issue. Remove the grey, and spell it out in Black and White once and for all. Let the issue have its day. It fell on deaf ears. Wish I would of caught his name, but all I recall seeing is that his name plate read "representative".

You should have asked him for that list of all the people that would grant permission:)LOL
yeah, i wish i would of said a few more things for sure, but I was sitting there looking over the railing eating out of my bag of cheetos when the conversation started. Caught me a little a off guard when i realized he was probably someone about to vote on the thing.

On another note, did anyone notice Senaor Max Baucus slinging pastries at Wheat Montana on their way through? I missed a perfect opportunity to to ask him his stance on the Corner Crossing issue while a TV camera rolled, and me alerady decked out in my hunters orange.

I didn't even recognize him until the lady I ordered from handed him my bag of goodies and told him to hand it to me. Then it was hard to miss the big old smile of a Washington Politician.
I'm down in Utah, but support you guys and what Randy is trying to do. We need you to stop the SFW bullcrap in Montana and then help us get it out of Utah.

How can I help? I'm not wealthy, but I'll donate to your cause. Just let me know where to send the check.

If all alse fails - Why not push for the public leased land to have a access clause as part of the lease?
Thank you Rep Hill for your efforts!

By the way, good speech Randy after the hearing......Very well said
Thanks also to all the other hunt talk guys that could make it, was a pretty good crowd.

+1 on thecrittergitter's comments

Great turn out of supporters and I think a very effective step toward our goal. Montana is a small town. 300+ voters showing up in Helena will have an impact. It may take time, but we sent a message to elected officials yesterday. They took note. Those who voted "no" did so at their own peril and they know it.

One more pic of the gallery

The "Rockin' R" is more than a popular main street bar in Bozeman:


On the Door to the capitol:

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