
Rally! Rally! Rally! For access!

Saw that Randy, I was just curious about party affiliation. I know my rep disappointed, just curious about a trend.
The following Republicans voted for the blast. They are all from Great Falls, Helena, and one from Billings.


We kind of knew the gig was in, before the rally. But, there were a lot of legislators looking around the gallery with that, "Oh oh ......." look. A strong message has been sent. Now is not the time to rest on finding a final legal ruling on this issue.
Because I don't know much about how these bills work. If this would have passed would it of been then revised to include all the legal junk that it would of taken to clarify the bill in more detail? Like how the corners could be crossed would you climb the fence or have a ladder built etc?

I'm just wondering if one of the excuses was that there were too many unknowns to the bill so we wouldn't let it through? So could you go ahead and put in greater details as it moves forward in the process or is it just whatever is presented? Hope that makes sense.:eek:

I just remember one comment someone saying he heard from a representative was that there were too many what ifs.

With only 6 six Repubs voting it through it was very party line for the majority.
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Where do we go from here?

Not exactly sure. Lots of folks discussing strategies.

Still have over a month left in this session and supposedly some bills are coming forward that might touch this topic.

Whatever the chosen route, it needs to be well investigated, so that it stands the best possible chance in the judiciary.

The issue is not going away ........ and neither are we.
I believe Hill did a very good job. When she first brought up the bill, she talked about the Goetz law brief. She also saw the writing on the wall and was maybe a little burnt by the co-sponsor sabotaging the bill in committee. I think bringing up the money/ campaign funding was to show the correlation between who was voting against this bill and probably the biggest motivating factor. It was a longshot but it called people out. It was very interesting.
Bigfin saw the same thing I did...lots of representatives looking around at all the orange. We were definitely noticed.

The various groups like Hellgate Hunters and Anglers, Ravalli County Fish and Wildlife Association, Montana Wildlife Federation, MBA, etc. deserve a thank you for providing the transportation, etc. for this to happen.

Also thanks to all that sent emails, attended, and spoke on behalf of sportsmen today.

A big thanks to Randy for providing the platform he does to get the word out and to address these kinds of issues.

Things like this make me believe that we will make a difference in the long run.
I think bringing up the money/ campaign funding was to show the correlation between who was voting against this bill and probably the biggest motivating factor. .
I felt that was a mistake. IMO there should have been a better defense. Doubt it would have mattered, but I restpect those that were fighting in person.
I felt that was a mistake. IMO there should have been a better defense. Doubt it would have mattered, but I restpect those that were fighting in person.

I too appreciate those who are willing to stand and fight. It's easy to second guess and anyone who's ever done any public speaking/debating knows it can be a pressure cooker and hard to keep all your thoughts and presentation together.

Like Miller said it probably didn't matter. Minds were made up but she did through some mud on the way down. Kudos
I was at the rally with my son and his buddy. I thought we had a great turnout and I saw Fin as I was leaving and he is taller in person than on TV. (I had to get back to work)

My rep voted no. :-( I will be on his voice mail in the a.m. and I've already sent him an email.
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The time constraints make it pretty tough too...

I think Hill did a great job and at least she has the fortitude to stand by Sportsmen...and not flip-flop on legislation she sponsors.

More than I can say for others.
I just got home from what I would call a successful rally. Had 40 hunters showed up, I would have been devastated. The thought of being in a shower in the fetal position was a reacuring vision of mine.

The count I have was 330 of my fellow Montana sportsman showed up to give support to this bill, regardless of the odds. I feel satisfied that we made the best of the situation.

Where do we go from here? We build a network to push forward to the conclusion of this situation. We want to know where we stand on corner crossings for once and for all.

Hunt Talk, was represented well. I never got pictures of all the guys but should have. Spent too much time talking and working legislators.

Buzz and Critter


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