Rally! Rally! Rally! For access!

That's what we plan to do on Monday. You game?

Have to work:( I'm so behind in work I've got to catch up. I did spend some time making phone calls to some Repubs I know encouraging them to wake up to the access problem...trying to push the pendulum from home. I'm worried about the way the bill is written.

I almost made it to Helena over one of the gun bills being introduced but I was reduced to emails...wish I was retired where work was more optional.
Have to work:( I'm so behind in work I've got to catch up. I did spend some time making phone calls to some Repubs I know encouraging them to wake up to the access problem...trying to push the pendulum from home. I'm worried about the way the bill is written.

I almost made it to Helena over one of the gun bills being introduced but I was reduced to emails...wish I was retired where work was more optional.

I almost thought you might. Very few of us are retired. It's just priorities I guess.
Hb 235

I just sent mine in.

For the rest of us out of staters, it is HB 235, and the key committee is judiciary. Any Montanans please feel free to correct or update.
I just sent mine in.

For the rest of us out of staters, it is HB 235, and the key committee is judiciary. Any Montanans please feel free to correct or update.

Corax, this was killed in judiciary. We need the whole House hit with e-mails on this. You can do that by using the legislative e-mail link.


I also open another browser tab, and pull down the members names so I can go down the list: http://www.leg.mt.gov/css/Sessions/63rd/roster.asp?HouseID=1&SessionID=107

Don't click on their names or anything. The list is just for you to follow:

Go back to the e-mail tab on your browser, and find the first name in Legislator box:

Click on that making sure you fill out all the fields, and your note.

Click send. It will take you to another page thanking you for your message, and if you want to send another one. DONT click yes.

Hit your go back arrow, and that will take you back to the message you sent and all the information you filled out.

Just change the name of the legislator, and hit send again. This speeds it up greatly.

Thanks for doing your part to keep Montana great.
This bill, HB 235, is the first step in a final determination on the legal status of corner crossing. If it is illegal, and infringement on property rights, or a takings, the Supreme Court will say so and through it out. The duty of the Supreme Court is to make sure laws comply with the Constitutions of Montana and the United States.

It causes one to ask, "Why are people so afraid to hear the final legal answer on this property right question?"

Hunters are not afraid of the final answer. We have nothing to lose. No matter the outcome, constitutional or unconstitutional, it is good for hunters.

If it is ruled unconstitutional, then we have learned that corner crossing would be an infringement, something we do not want be a part of. Our long-term interest relies on full respect of private property rights, so clarification that prevents us from violating property rights is good for hunters; a good outcome for hunters, as we are not doing anything that violates the rights of adjacent landowners.

For adjacent landowners, it confirms their belief that this is an infringement and allows them to continue with the status quo. It shows they were right all along.

If it is ruled to be constitutional, that allows access to 900,000 acres. That is a good outcome for hunters, as we get the legal access afforded by law. Landowners get the knowledge of where their property rights end and can take comfort that they are not denying legal access to public lands.

So, back to the question, "Why would anyone not want the final answer on this issue?" Seems rather hypocritical to claim to be a property rights advocate, which I am, yet not want a final decision on this.

If you respect property rights, you respect both the individually held private right and the collectively held public right.

A true property rights supporter does not look at property rights as an argument of convenience.

A true property rights supporter accepts the legal findings on property rights, whether it is in your favor, or against your favor, and you move on, determined to protect the legal rights of all property interests, public or private.

I suspect that tomorrow, we will find out how many true property rights advocates exist in the Montana legislature and how many are "part-time property rights advocates."
Well said Big Fin!! As a hunter who does not want to break the law, corner crossing is not currently an option.

See everyone in Helena tomorrow the 18th at 12 noon. Wear your orange vest.
Anyone thats deciding if they should make the trek to Helena tomorrow...just GO!

Looking forward to tomorrow.
This may be a dumb question, but what do we do when we get there?

It's a Rally, and also a protest of sorts. We need people to make signs asking for access, or Blast HB 235, Sportsman for access, Give us our day! Something along those lines.

There will be guest speakers, We will be paraded past the House of Representatives, OYOA Randy, the HUNT TALK leader will be there with camera crew to film, and speak.

You will meet the guys that have been doing the heavy lifting for the rest of the sportsman from around the state. It's your time to shine, and do something positive for future generations.

Some buses will provide drink and food too. Not sure if all.

Grab as many people as you can, lets make this an epic rally and send a clear message to our law makers.
Your presence will show the legislators your thoughts on HB 235 and that sportsmen are a tremendous voting bloc when organized. Though we do not get to speak at the House hearing on the motion, just by being in the Gallery with our orange vests will speak volumes.

Try to be there by noon.
Any updates from the capitol? We usually get some photo of the chambers packed with people. I'm wanting to see a pict with a pumpkin hue :D
I've got my fingers and toes crossed that they blasted it out of committee! While I was waiting for news, I rejoined RMEF and sent an email to them about backing Randy to the hilt!!!

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