Kenetrek Boots


It would be nice if there were more quitters out there. But I wish they'd all just concede before applying for special permits. I especially notice the quitters who have something I really want - when they eject cause things are just not simple and guaranteed. Oh, no easy button? Start listing the excuses.. the list is Looooonnnnnggggg.
We pulled and packed out camp a few days early once. We had been packing, cooking and guiding for pert near three months and major cold snap was moving in. It was sunny out and a beautiful time to hunt.... we broke out the beer and pulled camp and headed to the KMR and home!
I was archery hunting with a buddy a long time ago. We had chased a nice herd bull over into a drainage. From the top of the drainage we could hear bugles everywhere. I told him to hurry up so we could run in there and kill one. He looked at me and said "if you are going into that hell hole, you are going alone". I was weak then, and we hiked away from the bugles and back out. I have not hunted with him since, but have chased and shot elk in hell holes. I'd rather be tired than a pussy. And luckily hunt with guys that feel the same.
I quit grad school when I pulled a sheep and goat tag in the same year. After I killed them, I decided to go all in and spent three months backpacking abroad with a buddy (London to Athens in three weeks then a couple months to go overland from Nairobi to Cape Town.)

I went back to grad school and got two master's degrees eventually.

I also quit Facebook six years ago.

And I quit drinking when I was 16....started again when I was 21 and have not quit again.
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We did pull our elk camp early one crazy dry windy year; wasn't too worried about us, because we had a log frame for our tent, but when trees started blowing down around our horses, we called it. Not worth losing a horse over.
Not really a quitter, wish i would quit some hunts that were cursed from the start.

I would have done a lot better in the balance of things taking the wife to Cancun than spending 13 days hunting nonexistent cow bison in the snow on the kaibab a couple years ago.
I gave up on WT hunt last Sat...85 degrees, full moon, and I forgot my thermocell. I live in SC the mosquito is our state bird....Went home jumped in the pool had a couple cold beers and grilled some steaks, watched college football and the fight......cold front moving in tonight back into the 50s...I will be out tomorrow night.
Going to eat 3 deer tags this year. Buddy told me that his family wanted to hunt my spot and I was out. Damn. Nowhere else to go in my county and all the farmers I know have kids and grandkids that hunt. Having to take care of the wife really ties me down for available hunt time. Looks like I'm sleeping in for the first time in many many years. 😞
Took me a while but thought of one time I quit. General a-zone CA tag for blacktail, opening day is mid July. Public land, inland a bit. Grass was chest high and dry. Heat wave at the time so it was 90* by sunrise. Was over 100* by 10am. Got back to the truck drenched in sweat. Then I found ticks, 26 of them in total. Went home and have never hunted the opener again.

Another reason to not hunt a-zone blacktail. Was on a ridiculously huge, steep logging property on the coast, made idaho mtns look flat. Straight up and down almost. On top of that its completely covered in poison oak - the vines on the ground, the bushy kind, and the tall tree stuff. Luckily Im immune, never got it once, but I wasnt about to test my good fortune.

Ive killed a decent inland blacktail or two so that itch is scratched. Ill stick to high country muleys, blacktails, and benchlegs.
I quit looking through herds and herds of average pronghorn yesterday.

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