Caribou Gear Tarp


I guess it's not really "quitting" if you don't even start.

For the record, the guy is as nice a human as you could come across, would give a stranger the shirt off his back, strong and ambitious, and no shortage of funds to have hired help had he wanted to. I'm guessing going on a breaks sheep hunt would maybe rank about as high on his priorities as a morning run with a couple friends.
I guess it's not really "quitting" if you don't even start.

For the record, the guy is as nice a human as you could come across, would give a stranger the shirt off his back, strong and ambitious, and no shortage of funds to have hired help had he wanted to. I'm guessing going on a breaks sheep hunt would maybe rank about as high on his priorities as a morning run with a couple friends.
But he probably went on several runs during season!

I just can't fathom not even trying. I mean, quitting is easier to understand, maybe you over estimated your abilities, or underestimated the mental aspect of hunting a low density critter, but to not even try...
Maybe this is a new flex trend on here. See who can draw the hardest tag and then flex not going out like it’s nbd. Heads do seem to explode lol
A friend drew 680 MT bighorn sheep ram permit this year..
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Easy come easy go? I wonder how many people don't hunt the tags they draw.

AK harvest reporting include a box to check if you did or didn't hunt. I'm not sure how accurate the information reported is, because a guy could hunt the tag and be lazy and just check did not hunt and submit the information. Either way, year after year about 25-35% of the people with draw tags report "did not hunt." It doesn't matter if its a cow moose, bison, muskox or chugach sheep. The average is the same across the board. I would think it would be lower in the L48 for tags, but often wonder.

One thing to consider, is if everyone hunted the tags, the would have to issue a few less, which would decrease odds of drawing.
That's pretty amazing. I was talking with a friend from the gym between sets. He is close in age, to me, so>70. I told him I was coming to the realization that a ram tag likely won't be in my future. He said the same. He has 40+ years of trying for the tag, as do I.

You just assume that people realize what a rare opportunity it is.
20 years ago it seemed like only the hunting hardos I knew (me included) applied for Montana msg. When I was walking around the office this year it seemed like everyone including a bunch that I didn’t even think hunt was asking if I drew a msg and telling me how they didn’t either. I was thinking “wtf, you hunt?”. Things have really changed
20 years ago it seemed like only the hunting hardos I knew (me included) applied for Montana msg. When I was walking around the office this year it seemed like everyone including a bunch that I didn’t even think hunt was asking if I drew a msg and telling me how they didn’t either. I was thinking “wtf, you hunt?”. Things have really changed
My buddy is a taxidermist in the town I grew up in. I'm over at his shop quite a bit and I always was look at the tag to see who killed whatever he is working on that day. (It's a relatively small town/area). In the last 3 years I bet I've seen tags of 15 people I went to school with who never hunted a day in there life growing in or even in out early 20's. But yah we need to recruit more people.🙄
The guy I use for a taxidermist had a guy (NR) drop off a ram from the breaks one time. A damn nice one. Full body not gutted or anything. At first the guy really didn't know what to do with it, mount wise or processing wise. How they even saved the meat is beyond me im sure he lost some. He didn't even have the ram plugged.

His original thought was just cut the horns off. and donate the ram meat. My buddy talks him into a full body mount, explains how rare these tags are And the opportunity he has. None of that seem to resonate with the guy. He just didn't really care he had killed a Breaks Big Horn.He says I'll be back up in a few months for it.

The guy never came back for the ram. After a couple years he told my buddy just to keep it. Pretty wild shit
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