Kenetrek Boots

Prayers for SYTES


I don't mean to post like hell though it sure feels good! A good unwind for the day... My wife loaned me her tablet with a keyboard attachment for my stay so one hand single finger typing for the win! (right hand in cast).

The great day: Rehab legs. Last ot/pt had me strapped and in upward stance support machine... the pt guy is great! From my bed, I was able to slowly though completely able to move foot, knee, hip, calf, hamstring and quad one in front of the other to step my path outside my room about a total of 20+,- feet.
my body was responding to my directions! short distance, sure... minimal actual weight, i agree... exhausting? HELL YA! but I'll be damned if anyone could tear my smile and purest of beyond expression thoughts / emotions.. i was so damn excited! i can not describe it!

You guys have been so damn supportive i am stoked to share this with ya all!

God, thank you! A world of hard work ahead... one STEP at a time.... An awesome start - it is a small but ReAL start!

thanks for your support evryone!
You are stoked to share it, with good reason. And we are stoked to hear it. That is terrific news, SYTES. Wishing more great progress.
My wife loaned me her tablet with a keyboard attachment for my stay so one hand single finger typing for the win! (right hand in cast).

I thought everyone typed that way, at least I do. My kids were laughing at me the other day as they watched my attempt at texting. That update sounds like great news! Anytime I'm on the computer I check for updates. Keep up the good work, we're all pulling for you.
My only fear is that you will be remade stronger and faster, like they did to that poor bastard Steve Austin.


Glad to see you up and moving around Sytes!
That's really great hear you're making progress so early on.

Keep the ambition up and you'll be back up moving in no time.
Good to see you back. Can't wait to tell my family the great news of your progress because they all ask if we have heard from you or your *nurse*.
Awesome news, Sytes! Keep up the good work and keep us up to date. The journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step and you have taken that hardest, first step.
Great news. Keep up the hard work. I'm waiting for you to finish your ultra-light wall tent. :D
Great news. Post away, we all enjoy reading your updates and seeing the progress. Keep it up.
That is awesome news. Keep that positive attitude and great outlook on the future. I am really excited for you and so glad that you are making such great progress.

Keep posting!

Well, another awesome day! During a tough series of rehab my main doctor came in and did a review of my muscles and my nerves. With a pretty good smile he said, " well charles, I believe you're going to be a walker!"

This made my day! Hell maybe the entire year! Of course a heck of a lot of work still ahead small steps patience. I do not know a more powerful set of words a doctor could have said.

Everyone is pretty excited at my progress.. I just gotta keep working hard.

Thanks everyone for your support it means more than I can say!

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