Kenetrek Boots

Prayers for SYTES

Wonderful news! Keep at it buddy. Work hard with the OT and PT they are god sent! even if they are pitbulls at times
SYTES i have noticed you have been posting the last couple of days, how is P.T. going?

PT is going great! I have not had much to report regarding new big steps in my progress.

Today, I have PT with a tough Therapist ... in about 30 minutes. I'm looking forward to it. He has been the one who has enabled me to take steps in a walking type machine in the past. About 1 hour after this session I have him again so I know I am going to be a worn out pup!

I have my wife's tablet that has a keyboard attachment and have time to read up on threads now that my body is settling into the program here. Therapy sessions end at about 4pm so I am free to relax / recover until he next day.

IDNative, We received your card. Got a great laugh at the cover! HaHa! Thanks for the card and sorry it was difficult to arrive.

If anyone is interested: I am at St. Patrick's Providence Rehabilitation 902 North Orange St Missoula, MT 59802 Level 4 room 490 Name: Charles T.

thanks again all for your support!
Keep pushing the limits. I'll visit as soon as I am healthy. Dr think it might be whooping cough.

Getting tested today.

Glad to hear u are doing so well.
Well today I took my first 3 steps Using a walker! All under my own weight! It's interesting, I ended up partially collapsing with my physical therapist catching me... and I am no small puppy.

My physical therapist really knows that line! I think he did this to show me what is possible and how close I am to actually walking!

Anyhow, this is 1 of those awesome days! Your support keeps rolling in and I cannot say how thankful I am for it!

I only have a couple pictures... maybe I'll have to journalize this with select pictures.

Anyhow I'm still far away, though 1 step closer... or, 3 steps closer. :)

Shortside, would enjoy your visit again. Hope you get better soon! I'm now at the rehab center. On orange adjacent to the freeway. Think last time you visited, it was at the main hospital. Btw, you'll have to tell me about your africa hunt! That a kudu in your avatar? Right?

Thanks again everyone!
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First (three) steps have to take place before fourth, fifth and so on! It sounds like you're working your butt off and it's paying big dividends. Keep up the great work!
CONGRATS Sytes!!!!, and that's their job - to catch you when you's not how many times you fall baby, its how many times you get caught --- and get back up!
Keep working.
Thanks, ddd & putem2! I have tried to keep my posting only when something big in my book occurs though more and more it seems each day big and bigger things happen!
I'll have to raise my bar of highlight moments!

Still have one session of pt to go for the day though the last session was the same as the 3 steps HOWEVER, I MANAGED TO DO 22 STEPS!!! looked like Frankenstein on drugs probably though... man, I really do believe I'm going to walk again!
When I dropped down into the wheelchair, all I heard was people clapping... think I teared up a bit...

Anyhow, a great day! Thank you all for your prayers and support!
Shall I contact the Boston Marathon on your behalf for entry into the 2013 race?? Onward and upward!
I MANAGED TO DO 22 STEPS!!! looked like Frankenstein on drugs probably though... man, I really do believe I'm going to walk again!

You believe?? Dude your doing it already. Maybe your starting over but when you were 1 year old you did not do so well but I bet by the time you were 2 you were hard to catch.
Keep at it, your body will remember what it needs to do.
I am glad to hear of your progress SYTES!! It is awesome that you are making such good progress. I look forward to more good news!
That is great news, good to see you posting also. Before long you'll be making your tent and prepping for the fall!