Kenetrek Boots

Thank you HuntTalk, and a prayer request

I can’t thank you all enough for the messages, posts, and the general outpouring of support on this! It means the world to us, and I read the messages to my wife as we had time.

Forgot to mention, as I know some people really like this info ( it’s all about the “score” to some hunters 😉)but our young guy was born 4lbs, 9oz. 18.5”. He’s got long legs and big feet already like his dad. Hopefully he’ll get big and help dad pack out critters in a few years. He’s over 5lbs and gaining slowly. All hoses and tubes are no longer attached and it’s just monitor leads now. Just trying to get his feeds up to where they want him and gaining weight. Possibly being released next week! Tuesday will be 3 weeks in NICU here.

Again, thank you all from my family! You people are simply wonderful.


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Look at that little blonde bombshell. He's gonna be a lady-killer (metaphorically speaking of course). Congratulations.
Sounds like he is continuing to trend in the right direction hang in there Mom and Dad. Another prayer for returning home as soon as possible.
Praying for your family. Looks like he's a fighter. You will think of that someday when you're sucking air, trying to keep up with him chasing bugles!
Praise God for modern medicine! Praying for you guys now!

Hang in there. I know exactly how you are feeling. My youngest had open heart surgery at 3 weeks old so we were very familiar with the NICU/PICU. She’s almost 2 now and is happy and healthy as can be.

I know y’all just want to be home but this too shall pass. Keep taking care of your wife and your kiddo. And remember you are his biggest advocate while y’all are there!
Praise God for modern medicine! Praying for you guys now!

Hang in there. I know exactly how you are feeling. My youngest had open heart surgery at 3 weeks old so we were very familiar with the NICU/PICU. She’s almost 2 now and is happy and healthy as can be.

I know y’all just want to be home but this too shall pass. Keep taking care of your wife and your kiddo. And remember you are his biggest advocate while y’all are there!
Thank you! I’m glad your daughter is happy and healthy after going through that! Yes, we are antsy to get home but at the same time we know we are in the best hands. Not trying to rush out of here just to say we are going home. We want him ready to go home and not a minute sooner!
Thank you! I’m glad your daughter is happy and healthy after going through that! Yes, we are antsy to get home but at the same time we know we are in the best hands. Not trying to rush out of here just to say we are going home. We want him ready to go home and not a minute sooner!
That’s great perspective to have. One day at a time…
Life has been crazy but in mostly good ways. I got the call the second week of May that I had received a large promotion at work. Couple the responsibilities that come with that and the couped up feelinga I was having while watching my son struggle in the NICU, and I flew home for a few weeks on May 15th. Stayed home and worked long weeks to make up for my four weeks of absence and tried to stay busy.

Last week Wednesday I had been home for five weeks when I checked in with my wife in Denver and heard “discharge”. This time it was sounding real after three other times where someone spoke too soon. I quickly booked a flight for 5:45 am the next morning and was in Denver by 7ish. On the way to the hospital from the airport our heart sank when the phone rang. The hospital called and told us our son had an episode over the night after five days of episode free. We thought that would restart the 5 day watch but they decided it wouldn’t by the time we got to Childrens that morning. We were discharged later that morning and took all of us back to RMH to crash, clean our room and pack the car. Friday we left RMH and started the long trek north through traffic. We made it as far as Casper, WY on Friday and then home Saturday. All said and done, we had spent 60 nights at RMH. Close to 70 days at Childrens. My wife and I were apart for 5 weeks and all of a sudden the new life of our family started at home.

It’s been surreal as we still feel like at any time someone will tell us we need to go back to our “new home” of Childrens Hospital and maybe something will send us back for an extended stay. But prayers, faith, tears and lots of love from friends, family, and our respective circles has us hopeful that we’re home for awhile. As of now, new routines at work, home and in our own heads has our little house buzzing. My parents drove in from MN to finally meet their first grandkid in person, this weekend. My wife’s family is local and has been nothing but helpful.

Our son is gaining weight and keeping us on our toes more every day. He was sent home with oxygen, and besides tripping over and cussing that all day, it has been good. He’s learning to eat and interact with us and we even got a real smile out of the boy this week.

Thank you to everyone who has been along for this ride with us, be it prayers, positive thoughts, encouraging messages or whatever. We won’t ever be able to thank everyone for the peace that has given us through this all. HuntTalk is still a great place to be with even greater people! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Gotta go, little guy is starting to stir for his regular 1am feeding and I bet I’ve got a diaper to change.

Edit: went through this post and realized that I made it sound like this was this week, nope. As of today we had been home a week. This all happened last week and man does time fly!


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