Prayers for SYTES

Erika- Hope the card for Charles finally caught up to you guys. Judy and I have you both in our thoughts and prayers. Our daughter sends her thoughts to both of you and is still thanking you both for considering to help her and the boys out when she was going to run the marathon. Having some tough times ourselves right now, but pales at yours and Charles. God bless both of you.
Update on Sytes

This is Sytes' wife again - one day soon his cast will be off and he will be typing away again - until then I am happy to send any positive update I can. :)

Surgery round two was successful. The neck is stable and he is able to wiggle his toes again. They had to cut through the muscles in his neck to reach the back of the vertebrae, so this recovery will be a little more painful in the neck area, but should reduce the pain he was having in other areas. Hopefully we will be back to rehab in the next few days. He is in good spirits and looking forward to starting the journey to recovery. Thank you for all the posts. We are blessed that you all care so much about him.

I will send another update when he is back in rehab.
Glad to hear it went good. That's one tuff and determined man you got there. Will keep him in prayer.
Glad the 2nd surgery was a success.

Now you can get back to work on the PT!

Wishing you the best for a full recovery. Hang in there and many thanks for the updates.
He's going to make up some good stories on how the back of his neck got all cut up.. Maybe we should make the story up for him. Like he was hunting, and his buddy shot him in the back of the neck with a rage BH. I know this wasn't a rage, but his scars will be much bigger.


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i havent been on here for about 2 weeks as i have been swamped with work I am so sorry to hear about your accident buddy i am glad things are looking up for you and i really hope this second round of surgery goes well. Hang in there man hopefully youll be up and out of there soon.
I'm glad the second surgery went well. I've never met you Sytes but from what I gather, you're one tough fella. Stay strong and prayers/thoughts are still coming from this end.
I read through post and update (pg. 6) you gave through voice command. Remarkable!!! Made me cry. Pray for you to get better quick Sytes, and for all to go well. If you can post on this dam board already, you sure as hell are going to be alright :) Your wife must be an amazing woman to post here regarding your progress too.
Update from Sytes Wife

I thought I had posted something earlier, but just checked and it didn't show up, so this is round two...if it does show up, I apologize for the duplication...

The 2nd surgery was a sucess. Sytes/Charles is doing much better than before. He is back to being able to move his legs and is actually now feeling sensations from the chest down. He will be moved back to the rehabilitation center tomorrow afternoon to restart his journey to recovery. He is in good spirits and looking forward to re-starting rehab. Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers. Any happy thoughts you can send his way are appreciated. He will have down days, but your messages will bring him smiles. A new thread was started for his rehabilitation - great place to send encouragement to him. Thank you all so much - smiles from him bring me great smiles :)

Sytes wife with pride :)
Keep a stiff upper lip Sytes' wife! You are as much a key to his recovery as anything. :) Glad to hear the good report!
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