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Practical Hunting,fishing,campingtips

big ben

New member
Mar 20, 2005
new bruinswick canada
Hey Everybody,i Figured I Would Start A New Topic About Hunting Tips,homemade Stuff,things That Would Make Hunting ,fishing Or Camping A Little Easy,everybody Has Got Some And This Is The Place To Share Them.............first Tip,i Bought A Hockey Bag From Witch I Store All My Hunting Clothes[you Can Also Use A Plastic Bin Like A Rubber Made With A Seale Lid]i Have Been Using It For Years, I Put Branches And Leaves Inside To Give My Clothes The Natural Smell Of The Woods..........second Tip....[my Wife Actually Sugested This]since It Was A Mess Everytime I Take Something Out Of The Bag.she Gave Me The Idea To Put The Leaves And Grass Some Pantyhoses And Tied The End,it Sends The Sent Everywhere In The Bag And No Mess.....................i Know You All Have Little Tricks Like These Lets Try To Share Some Of Our Ideas
Tape Your Gun

Tape Your Gun ,are You Crazy!!!thats Was My Response The First Time Told Me To Do So,but I Have And It Works.1 - No Dirt ,moisture Or Anything Fotr That Mater,goes In The Gun,it Will Not Change The Bullet Trajectory ,i Have Tried It[grouped 2 Bullets In A Penny]first Shot With Tape,secound Just Have To Try It ,in Adition I Also Put A Piece Of String For The Wind I Make An X With Electrical Tape ,put It On The End.and Go 1 Turn Around The Barel With Tape Again
scent bombs

i make my own scent bombs out of film canisters,i have diferent ones ,the first one is filled with coton balls,and i pour in some scent of my choice,normally i will try to put this one in the scrape,the next one i cut a piece of rag witch i then glue to the cover of the canister and the other end in the canister ,i then pour scent of my choice on the rag then hang in a tree. nice thing about them is you dont have to buy a dozen bottles of scent every season and waste it all in the ground,also these containers are air tight and please,im sure you have some tips also,take a few minutes and write some in here thanks....big ben....
Burning rabbits, Wife bending over in the Washroom and Scent bombs......

If I didn't like this thread I'd make some Funny posts ... :D

Big BEN, I like the String thing. I've never done that. I do always tape the End of the gun though. Keeps all the grime and Snow. etc out. I was in NM a few weeks ago and realized I didn't have that done and got some dirt in the barrle. Nothing like unloading it and Putting your mouth around the Barrle to blow it out.... Just doesn't seem right !!!!

I also use the rubbermade Containers to store all my stuff in. I usually have one to the side in case of a "NEED TO LEAVE QUICK" situation. Jsut grab the tote and my gun and Bye bye...... those come up alot it seems like ;)
Yep Ben..

I know what you mean...

It is good though, you have people looking at it.

Heres one.

I do my own butchering and don't like to waste much.

I have found that when you are cleaning silver skin, you always have a little bit of meat left on the surface, or when your cleaning the muscle portions on the legs, it is very hard to get all the meat out of this.

I take a larger spoon (the cheap ones work best because their a little rough around the edges) and scrape most every thing off.

You don't get a lot usually on each time, but it all adds up and by the end of your job, you have added just that much more to your hamburger pile.

I ususally do 2 elk and 2 deer a year, this ends up being quite a bit of extra pounds gathered.

Heres another one.

Most people won't do much or any thing with a heart.

If your making hamburger, just toss it into the mix. It's just a muscle any way and will add another pound or two of good meat to your hamburger mix...
thanks elkchsr,good tips ,i like the heart thing ,i never thought of that,the spoon tooyou can get more meat,the less waste the better.......big ben.....
Laundry Detergent

If I Was Made Of Money,i Would Go Out And Buy All The Fancy Brand Name Clothes Wash,i Have For Years.not That They Dont Work,but I Find Them Too Expensive For A Little Bottlethat Will Only Wash A Few Loads,my Wife Sugested I Find Some Scent Free Detergent[they Make Some For People Who Are Allergic To Perfume] I Took A Smell At All,plus You Can Buy More For 1/4 Of The Price,and It Works As Well As The Hunting Brand Names
european mounts

hey guys ,i have made a few european mounts,they are hard work,but i found satisfaction in doing them myself,plus i saved some money,i boiled the skulls after taking the hide off,not a hard boilcause the skull will crack and the teeth fall out ,pick the meat off the bone with a dull knife and a screw driver,very time consuming,boil,pick,boil pick till there is nothing left,brain eyes,nose cavety i mean bear bone also do this in the garage or outside cause it gives a nasty smell,my neighbor is a hair dresser from witch i obtain some 40 volume peroxide mixed with powder with you paint on the skull and leave out in the sun,or use lamps,for 45 minutes then rinse off,you can repeat this process again if you want it whiter,brush with steel brush when dry and she,s all done,i have also made a stand for the skulls wall mount or pedestal the face plate is 15 inches by 9 inches pine wood witch i have stain with red oak finish here are some results :)
If you have the means to store your skull until spring/summer, I suggest laying the skull on an anthill. In 3 or 4 days your skull will be picked clean. Then soak in peroxide for a few hours to whiten the bone. (JJHack's beetles on the cheap)

Also, balloons work well for keeping debris/moisture out of your barrel.

Here's one for the bolt action crowd
I had my bolt opened by brush on a hunt and didn't notice it immediately. If the bolt release had been bumped I would've lost my bolt. How much would that suck?

My fix? A wide rubberband. Around the bolt knob and then around the trigger guard.
Keeps the bolt in place and still allows you to work a round in a hurry if you have to.

Good thread
thanks erik,i also had my bolt open on a hunt,and i could not pull the trigger cause the bolt was slightly open witch i did not notice until it was too late to make the shot,mind you it was an old army riffle at the time but i lost a great opertunity on a good buck.i like the baloon also,great idea,and the ant hill i want to try also,good tips
This is a easy way to clean a gun.....this has been a very dusty, dry year in NW Louisiana and my boy came back to camp with his Rifle attached to his ATV. Dust was EVERYWHERE! When we got home I carried his Rifle and some Remoil out to my shop, turned on the air compressor and High Pressure blew the dust away, then I applied a real good coat of the Remoil everywhere and blew it again. Oil and dust was removed very efficently and fast, even used the compressor in the barrel. I went out and purchased us both a Koplin ATV gun case to solve anymore dust issues. John
Weight Transfer

Come On Guys,share Your Secrets,i Am One Of Those Guys Who Brings Everything But The Kitchen Sink When I Go Hunting Therefore My Fanny Pack Is Heavy And Hard On The Back So I Bought A Pair Of Suspenders And Put Them On My Fanny Pack,they Work Great,i Dont Even Have To Tight The Belt And The Weight Is Distributed
Cover Scent

Make Your Own Cover Scent,you Can Use An Old Blender[buy A Cheap One Or Get One From Yard Sale]put Leaves ,dirt,tree Sap,ect... Preferably From Your Hunting Area,mix Then Boil,screen The Juice Then Put In A Spray Bottle Then Use .you Can Make As Much As You Need For Pennies,plus You Have The Scent Of The Area You Are Hunting,........if Baiting Is Leagal ,you Can Use Apple Cidder In A Spray Bottle ,spray Arround Your Stand And Apples
Quiet metal zipper pulls on packs with heat shrink tubing.

Homemade boresnake for .243 caliber and larger:
3 foot piece of 550 parachute cord
1 inch section of old cleaning rod
5 minute epoxy
Lead shot

Pull the inner cords out of the 550 cord so you have just the sheath.
Put shot into sheat--enough to fill a 2 inch section then sear the end of the cord.
Rough rod section with sand paper and coat with epoxy.
Insert rod section into other end of cord sheath and over-coat with more epoxy.
Wait 30 minutes (to be safe) screw in your bore brush of choice and clean away.
Wind Check

Thumb Tacks

Frustrating Trying To Find Your Tree Stand In Early Morning,or Coming Out At Night,i Have Home Made Markers That Work Like A Charm,using Thumb Tacks And Reflective Tape,you Just Stick Them Along The Trail You Use To Go In Or Out,with A Flashlight They Glow Like You Wouldnt Believe,plus During The Day They Are Hard To See[if Any Other Hunters Are In The Area]
PEAX Trekking Poles

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