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Poaching, Partnerships, and Profits

but Randy could pressure those mutual sponsors to clean up their act or end the relationship so as not to pass on the stink

I brought that up before with regards to him going on sponsor hunts with Brian call; the response was basically “that’s not my issue and he doesn’t talk to sponsors regarding relationships”.

I fully think hunters need to be the ones cleaning up our ranks and not allowing others to do it for us

I try really hard to understand the hunting industry and how wildlife violations are constantly overlooked, and everyone in the industry who can't stop giving the public their thoughts suddenly loses their tongue. I'm reminded of Hanlon's Razor: "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."

At this point, either everyone in the industry is really dumb, or there's a lot of people that have stuff they want to keep buried and go along to get along. I would entertain a third option, but as of late, nobody has stepped up to the plate. God forbid we speak out against a company that just repackages Cross Fit workouts and markets them to elk hunters from Pennsylvania, Lord knows we need more of those.

The industry I work in is much smaller than the outdoor recreation industry. It's pretty rare that I meet somebody that I don't have a 2nd or 3rd hand connection amongst the largest players. If somebody in my industry did something that ended in state or federal charges, they would be blackballed and shunned immediately, do not pass go, do not collect $200. They would be totally unemployable in my industry. And that's not even including the range of lesser offenses that would have similar career outcomes.

Influencers are a dime a dozen, you can't step foot in Utah or Bozeman without hitting a wannabe hunting show guy with a YouTube channel, you really have to use the guy with multiple convictions and restrictions on where he can produce content for your company because he broke laws?
I stopped using my prior preferred gunsmith due to his affiliations with Muley Freak.. Not selling my mathews but wouldn't buy another now that they are on board too. Same for nightforce.
TS Customs? Was considering him for some work and then when I found out he was associated with MF, told him no and explained why. He flipped out, went into full "didn't you listen to the podcast?" mode, I reminded him that he had my cell number and that I would be more than happy to have an adult conversation, crickets after that.

Erik should go into door to door home security sales or some other LDS MLM, because he's clearly a solid salesman.
I try really hard to understand the hunting industry and how wildlife violations are constantly overlooked, and everyone in the industry who can't stop giving the public their thoughts suddenly loses their tongue. I'm reminded of Hanlon's Razor: "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."

At this point, either everyone in the industry is really dumb, or there's a lot of people that have stuff they want to keep buried and go along to get along. I would entertain a third option, but as of late, nobody has stepped up to the plate. God forbid we speak out against a company that just repackages Cross Fit workouts and markets them to elk hunters from Pennsylvania, Lord knows we need more of those.

The industry I work in is much smaller than the outdoor recreation industry. It's pretty rare that I meet somebody that I don't have a 2nd or 3rd hand connection amongst the largest players. If somebody in my industry did something that ended in state or federal charges, they would be blackballed and shunned immediately, do not pass go, do not collect $200. They would be totally unemployable in my industry. And that's not even including the range of lesser offenses that would have similar career outcomes.

Influencers are a dime a dozen, you can't step foot in Utah or Bozeman without hitting a wannabe hunting show guy with a YouTube channel, you really have to use the guy with multiple convictions and restrictions on where he can produce content for your company because he broke laws?
the same reason half the country will vote for a convicted felon this year. People don’t care
TS Customs? Was considering him for some work and then when I found out he was associated with MF, told him no and explained why. He flipped out, went into full "didn't you listen to the podcast?" mode, I reminded him that he had my cell number and that I would be more than happy to have an adult conversation, crickets after that.

Erik should go into door to door home security sales or some other LDS MLM, because he's clearly a solid salesman.

Yep. Travis has been steadfast in his support.

Does good work, fast, with good communication. Really struggled to not send him more work but his steady support for Erik was a deal breaker.
I'm sure I'm in the minority on this, but I've never understood wanting to use a less effective or more primitive weapon when hunting with dogs. I'm a bow hunter, but I don't really have a desire to shoot a lion or bear out of a tree with a bow. If a bow was all that was available to me, then sure I'd use it. The reason I enjoy bow hunting is for the challenge of getting close to the animal. When the dogs are putting the animal up in the tree for you, that challenge is removed from the equation. Having pistol in the title of the video is probably a good way to get more clicks though.
Hey Hunt Talk Community, Ryan here from MTNTOUGH, I wanted to jump on here and just take ownership of the content. We approved the film, and I was the hunter. While it was a legal hunt, we learned a lot after posting, specifically that there were things that could have been done differently to not be controversial. We then decided to take it down. We appreciate the community feedback and we will learn and be better. Thank you.
It's definitely my job to log in here and address these concerns. Honestly, we had to take a moment and address the issue on our side. We take full ownership of this and I assure you that distancing ourselves is a priority. We do believe in forgiveness and these unfortunate events hit that home. It's not our place to judge, but it is our place to make decisions that help the hunting community. We have learned and will continue to learn from this.
So what is the plan? He's been charged multiple times with trespass (which even though poaching charges were technically dropped - illegally harvesting an animal is poaching by the letter of law), then this? I think some of us appreciate the more thoughtful response you posted opposed to a boiler-plate CYA, but at what point is enough? At a certain point sponsors like yourself need to drop support, and not pull any punches on WHY they were dropped.
Which issues are we offering forgiveness for? His first, second or third wildlife conviction? Or is the forgiveness for the continued history of completely classless hunting videos?
They just walked into the lions den with that. I’m surprised they even commented back should give them time to move forward before judging
It's definitely my job to log in here and address these concerns. Honestly, we had to take a moment and address the issue on our side. We take full ownership of this and I assure you that distancing ourselves is a priority. We do believe in forgiveness and these unfortunate events hit that home. It's not our place to judge, but it is our place to make decisions that help the hunting community. We have learned and will continue to learn from this.
Nice ChatGPT response.
Seeing that MTN TOUGH had not been on the forum in sometime, I figured they did not know this thread was here. I was able to talk with MTN TOUGH today. It was a good conversion. I am comfortable that when decision makers return from travel that their response will be appropriate, even if not timely enough for some.
Even though I don't have anything to do with this Erik guy, or that I wouldn't know Muley Freak if he sat down at my kitchen table, and I haven't seen the video in question, some opine that this is my problem to sort out. None of those commenters know what I do or say and what interaction I have with partners when these events come up.

To the critiques from the uninformed about my level of action or apathy on issues, you're uninformed, to the point of ignorance. I've weighed in on many other instances with other partners we work with. Often, they call me seeking opinion. I just don't make a scene about it on Hunt Talk or social media.

I know of a few instances when those conversations influenced some decisions companies have made with large and long-term relationships. I've also weighed in with TV networks and other media platforms, usually publicly, on similar stuff, with each instance my comments were conspicuous against the silence from those whose livelihood is tied to networks.

I accept that a few vocal folks want all things to be a public pissing contest. As if that accomplishes anything. It doesn't. If anything, it dilutes influence and effectiveness. By being professional, discrete, balanced, and deliberate one has more impact than the guy who complains using social media to blast everyone about every little thing.

Carry on.
I think most people are good. Ethical. Yes when it comes to the u tubers ect. Some shady stuff. Let it play out. Voices are good though.

Tell u a story about one of my best friends. He is a game warden. Awesome guy. And his partner.

Opening day rifle season. Dude hides his warden truck. Stays in my camp. Has cameras set up. Acting like he just a dude. Night vision all kinds of shit. Lives for it. He went hunting the hunters. Common sense guy though. Not a nazi.

Dude all over it. And his partner. But they patrol 4 districts. Between them. Plus there boss. Who doesn't leave the office.

Most there calls from land owners. So yes the public best enforcement on public land.

Telling u right now. That is good to out dickheads. But it should be 1 warden 1 district.

Not a story but the way it is
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