Poacher caught

And now charged for the big non typical as well

Wonder if they will actually pursue this felony charge--recall that he was originally charged with some felonies as well, and pleaded out to a lesser charge.
And now charged for the big non typical as well

Some interesting evidence. “ the suspect had significant facial hair growth “between the field photo and the second skinning photo posted on the same day. Also from the photo they could tell the deer had rigor mortis? Wtf am I missing? I don’t know they must have had really solid information on the first case but this article presents some pretty flimsy stuff if that’s all they got.
Some interesting evidence. “ the suspect had significant facial hair growth “between the field photo and the second skinning photo posted on the same day. Also from the photo they could tell the deer had rigor mortis? Wtf am I missing? I don’t know they must have had really solid information on the first case but this article presents some pretty flimsy stuff if that’s all they got.
Had a local get caught freezing a deer then thawing it for a pic. The eyes definitely show
Ive heard other things about this deer. I ve heard that it was taken 100 percent legally. Ive heard the the fish and game has lied a lot in this case. The deer was taken in 2016 and Gage Allen was just now charged because the statute of limitations was about up. The game and fish have no case but they are going to try and make one because they want a trophy head. There is a lot more to this case than the propaganda the Idaho Fish and Game is putting out. I wouldn't be quick to judge.
For those who say this guy would simply hunt and fish in another state. Keep in mind that 48 states, including Idaho are members of the Interstate Wildlife Violator Compact. In this Compact, violators who lose their hunting and fishing privileges also lose them in all the remaining member states.
Ive heard other things about this deer. I ve heard that it was taken 100 percent legally. Ive heard the the fish and game has lied a lot in this case. The deer was taken in 2016 and Gage Allen was just now charged because the statute of limitations was about up. The game and fish have no case but they are going to try and make one because they want a trophy head. There is a lot more to this case than the propaganda the Idaho Fish and Game is putting out. I wouldn't be quick to judge.

Tell us what you heard. I read the article on the 2016 big deer and the evidence they cited in the article seemed a little absurd. I’m not dismissing his guilt on the prior charges sounds like he did some really bad stuff but this recent charge seems really flimsy as far as evidence. Not wanting to defend this guy, but their best evidence is substantial growth in facial hair between 2 pictures 😂
Tell us what you heard. I read the article on the 2016 big deer and the evidence they cited in the article seemed a little absurd. I’m not dismissing his guilt on the prior charges sounds like he did some really bad stuff but this recent charge seems really flimsy as far as evidence. Not wanting to defend this guy, but their best evidence is substantial growth in facial hair between 2 pictures 😂
I am friends with one of Gage Allen' s relatives although I don't know Gage Allen personally. The Game and Fish set him up by having an undercover officer befriend him and ask to go hunting and trapping with him. Gage Allen has a sister that committed suicide and apparently this officer played on this to become friends with Gage. This officer suggested they do a number of illegal things which Gage refused to do. Some other charges that were levied include practicing taxidermy without a license because he boiled skulls for European mounts for friends. This was dropped. Also the claims of selling bobcats illegally taken for thousands of dollars is false, none were sold. My understanding is his major trapping crime is he used some bird feathers at his sets. Because of this the bobcats were taken illegally. He can't trap for 15 years because of this. 5 bobcats x 3 years suspension each served consecutively. I would consider this an overreach by the Idaho Fish and Game. Don't believe everything you read in the newspapers and on the internet.
Ive heard other things about this deer. I ve heard that it was taken 100 percent legally. Ive heard the the fish and game has lied a lot in this case. The deer was taken in 2016 and Gage Allen was just now charged because the statute of limitations was about up. The game and fish have no case but they are going to try and make one because they want a trophy head. There is a lot more to this case than the propaganda the Idaho Fish and Game is putting out. I wouldn't be quick to judge.
I live here and kno the locals. Nice try.
This is from the news regarding his earlier convictions and it appears he is far from squeaky clean.

Regardless of any wrong doing he might not have committed with that mule deer, he still shouldn’t have had the chance due to his earlier and certainly guilty game offenses.

Poaching is still poaching and he shouldn’t have been hunting when he got that big mule deer...

Allen was also charged with possessing three unlawfully taken mule deer in the Blackfoot area dating back to 2007.

“These deer had been killed by Allen after legal hours, in closed seasons and using another’s deer tag after already killing a deer and using his own,” Fish and Game said.

According to the plea agreement, Allen pleaded guilty to five misdemeanor charges, including unlawful take of a furbearer (bobcat), illegal use of game animals or game birds as bait, unlawful possession of unlawfully taken game (mule deer), trapping without a valid license and trapping within 30 feet of visible bait. The remaining 25 counts were dropped as part of the agreement.
I am friends with one of Gage Allen' s relatives although I don't know Gage Allen personally. The Game and Fish set him up by having an undercover officer befriend him and ask to go hunting and trapping with him. Gage Allen has a sister that committed suicide and apparently this officer played on this to become friends with Gage. This officer suggested they do a number of illegal things which Gage refused to do. Some other charges that were levied include practicing taxidermy without a license because he boiled skulls for European mounts for friends. This was dropped. Also the claims of selling bobcats illegally taken for thousands of dollars is false, none were sold. My understanding is his major trapping crime is he used some bird feathers at his sets. Because of this the bobcats were taken illegally. He can't trap for 15 years because of this. 5 bobcats x 3 years suspension each served consecutively. I would consider this an overreach by the Idaho Fish and Game. Don't believe everything you read in the newspapers and on the internet.

Thanks for another perspective. I wondered about the trapping violations when they mentioned “parts of pheasants “ if he was just using feathers.once you use feathers you can automatically be charged for trapping to close to visible bait. Still illegal but 15 year suspension seems drastic for that but he was also charged with no trapping license. They got him for shooting at night ,among other things , the first go round so there is no arguing he is innocent in my opinion. It doesn’t seem like there is a lot of solid evidence for this recent charge however. If they can charge this guy for poaching based on facial hair in pictures they can do it too every other Idaho hunter on here. I believe fully he did some really crappy stuff originally and was justifiably punished. This second charge is interesting. If he poached this trophy buck I say hang him 😂 but the evidence cited is pretty weak so far. Maybe there is a lot more evidence just needs to be brought out? If there isn’t this is a pretty weak case. I’m in Idaho but so far away I have no real information on this situation or Gage Allen so I will defer to the local people. One thing I have noticed is the bigger the animal taken the more “wannabes” start throwing out poaching rumors around here. Not sure why but I would guess jealousy. I’m not defending Gage just thinking this second case is pretty weak so I’m interested to know more.
Thanks for another perspective. I wondered about the trapping violations when they mentioned “parts of pheasants “ if he was just using feathers.once you use feathers you can automatically be charged for trapping to close to visible bait. Still illegal but 15 year suspension seems drastic for that but he was also charged with no trapping license. They got him for shooting at night ,among other things , the first go round so there is no arguing he is innocent in my opinion. It doesn’t seem like there is a lot of solid evidence for this recent charge however. If they can charge this guy for poaching based on facial hair in pictures they can do it too every other Idaho hunter on here. I believe fully he did some really crappy stuff originally and was justifiably punished. This second charge is interesting. If he poached this trophy buck I say hang him 😂 but the evidence cited is pretty weak so far. Maybe there is a lot more evidence just needs to be brought out? If there isn’t this is a pretty weak case. I’m in Idaho but so far away I have no real information on this situation or Gage Allen so I will defer to the local people. One thing I have noticed is the bigger the animal taken the more “wannabes” start throwing out poaching rumors around here. Not sure why but I would guess jealousy. I’m not defending Gage just thinking this second case is pretty weak so I’m interested to know more.
I am starting to wonder myself. I know game wardens can do some bad things and lie. Game wardens can be motivated to make the big bust and get a gold star on their forehead. But I took another look at the picture in which the game and fish are claiming rigor mortis. There is something that looks like a tongue sticking straight out or it may be a part of Gage's shoe. That may be their evidence of rigor mortis, but other than that I see nothing. Not defending him if he took this deer out of season, but I was told by a relative that it was taken 100% legally. I guess as Trap says there is not a lot of solid evidence to date, but we'll have to wait and see.
I am starting to wonder myself. I know game wardens can do some bad things and lie. Game wardens can be motivated to make the big bust and get a gold star on their forehead. But I took another look at the picture in which the game and fish are claiming rigor mortis. There is something that looks like a tongue sticking straight out or it may be a part of Gage's shoe. That may be their evidence of rigor mortis, but other than that I see nothing. Not defending him if he took this deer out of season, but I was told by a relative that it was taken 100% legally. I guess as Trap says there is not a lot of solid evidence to date, but we'll have to wait and see.

So I live outside blackfoot and the Story behind the 250 inch buck goes like this from reliable sources.
Shot it in the headlights of a truck with an AR15 the night before season opened. Went back next day and got bow picture.

Just a shame
Who are your reliable sources?
Not gonna argue about it. The judge will figure it out.
But he is a convicted poacher so it doesn't look good. And I have a real hard time believing the relatives sob story about being partly setup and blah blah blah....own up to ur wrong doings nobody wants to hear excuses on here when it comes to poaching.
Not gonna argue about it. The judge will figure it out.
But he is a convicted poacher so it doesn't look good. And I have a real hard time believing the relatives sob story about being partly setup and blah blah blah....own up to ur wrong doings nobody wants to hear excuses on here when it comes to poaching.
I agree with you on him being convicted poacher and owning your wrongs. Definitely not worth arguing about either. Just some really weak evidence in the second charge article so its kind of interesting and I have to work till Thursday so passing the time till I can hunt ha ha.
The article states that he posted the photo 38 minutes after the legal beginning of the season. He was a pretty busy guy, to arrow, recover, take photos, and upload photos to his computer in just over a half hour.

That deer looks more than a half hour dead to me. The tongue looks dried out, the eyes aren't at all reflective.

He does have a big smile, must be proud of his deed.
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