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Plate ‘em up

Now I know this isn't much for looks... but a convenient adult lunchable of sorts.
On the left are energy bars. Dry ingredients: 1 cup each of rice crispies & quick oats & raisins, 1/2 each cup chocolate chips & peanuts. Wet ingredients: 1/2 cup each honey & peanut butter. Mix all the dry ingredients in the bowl, warm up the honey and PB in a bowl in the microwave for a minute, stir it all together and then lay it out in a parchment paper placed in pan to set in the fridge. After they cool cut them up, wrap them in parchmanet paper and put em in ziplocks

I put these in vac seal bags along with other various lunch items (summer sausage/cheese, etc.). This lasts in the freezer forever, and makes a convenient grab and go for a day hunting or fishing.
