Kenetrek Boots

Planning for an Eastern Montana mule deer hunt

Seriously, He’s funny, and seems to know his shit. I’ve said that before and I don’t take it back. But he can be an arsehole. And I don’t take that back either.. I’m not here to fight with nobody. I’m sorry I got that fired up and I had to take a break and come back. Back to being optimistic and not taking y’all’s antics too seriously. @tjones i know you’ve had some unpopular opinions in the past…
Welcome back man, anyone can lose their temper when they're passionate about something, glad to see you clear the air
As if the management practices(season structure, not managing by unit, not managing by species for the most part, etc.) isn’t bad enough, now you have game agencies like FWP using cwd as a reason to keep things the same or make them worse. It’s really starting to feel futile.

And I’m not making light of cwd fyi.
As if the management practices(season structure, not managing by unit, not managing by species for the most part, etc.) isn’t bad enough, now you have game agencies like FWP using cwd as a reason to keep things the same or make them worse. It’s really starting to feel futile.

And I’m not making light of cwd fyi.
Well said. Hard to have much hope.
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Probably a wash if you just lose the points. Lose $200 in points save $200 in fuel and not have to shoot a forky. Use the points and spend $200 in fuel to shoot a forky.

Sound reasoning - that’s it in a nutshell
I think the reason I get agitated is many of us have seen what it used to be like. The potential is there, and seeing how far it has fallen is tough to stomach. Was out for a walk today picking up some chalky white muley horns thinking what has changed. Growing up I saw hardly any hunters maybe a few locals on the weekend or a stray group of Washington or Minnesotans. Now it is a constant flow of hunters even during the week for the entire season. Supposedly hunter numbers and out of state tags hasn’t increased, so I question where the increase has came from. Change for the better would be easy but would limit opportunity to hunt which in my opinion is fine in many others it isn’t.
This.... I have hunted SE MT for like 17?? years and this year I did not even apply this year. It has gotten that bad. Gonna spend that time and $ in another state.
I really hope montana changes things and makes mule deer a priority. That country looks like it has the potential to grow great bucks, and apparently it has in the past. As a nonres I hope the residents and nonresidents can both be happy. I’m not sure what the answer is…
On a positive note, are the recent storms going to green things up this summer? I know some ranchers had to move cattle around to find greener pastures during the drought last year. Hopefully whatever deer are left can have an easy and healthy year.
I really hope montana changes things and makes mule deer a priority. That country looks like it has the potential to grow great bucks, and apparently it has in the past. As a nonres I hope the residents and nonresidents can both be happy. I’m not sure what the answer is…
On a positive note, are the recent storms going to green things up this summer? I know some ranchers had to move cattle around to find greener pastures during the drought last year. Hopefully whatever deer are left can have an easy and healthy year.
Back to back blizzards in a week. At this point I hope the deer are gone and we have grass for cows. Might as well have some cattle on the landscape. Give me something to look at.
I really hope montana changes things and makes mule deer a priority. That country looks like it has the potential to grow great bucks, and apparently it has in the past. As a nonres I hope the residents and nonresidents can both be happy. I’m not sure what the answer is…
On a positive note, are the recent storms going to green things up this summer? I know some ranchers had to move cattle around to find greener pastures during the drought last year. Hopefully whatever deer are left can have an easy and healthy year.

One of my CTBs had about a dozen mule deer does hanging around it all winter long. After last weeks blizzard I think there was only 4 deer there. I’m hoping it was a different group but I don’t think so. Haven’t been back to work to see after this storm.
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