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Planning for an Eastern Montana mule deer hunt

Love how we skip past the I’m not here to stir the shit pot and I want to be a part of the hunt talk community and i took a break and came back and it’s just like the circle has surrounded already…
I can remember when I could find four 180's in a year. I still see some 180's on lightly hunted private land, But the best Bucks I have ever seen have all been on Pubic and all except one have been over twenty years ago.
The SE started going downhill when the FWP got the bright idea to start doe hunts in the mid 80's.
It's never been the same since
No kidding, @EYJONAS! is one of the guys I would like to have with me if I ever had an elk down five miles in.
I knew I probably should have buttoned my lip that day. Lol but I got so fired up dude in almost a year this place ain’t very helpful to newbs so I’m trying to stick it out. I have the heart of a lion and I will get my ass whipped for a just cause.. I’m Sorry, @EYJONAS! i understand that may mean nothing at all to you. Even still, I would feel bigger, inside, again.
I knew I probably should have buttoned my lip that day. Lol but I got so fired up dude in almost a year this place ain’t very helpful to newbs so I’m trying to stick it out. I have the heart of a lion and I will get my ass whipped for a just cause.. I’m Sorry, @EYJONAS! i understand that may mean nothing at all to you. Even still, I would feel bigger, inside, again.
There is no place that is more helpful to newbs, if they are willing to listen imo.
I knew I probably should have buttoned my lip that day. Lol but I got so fired up dude in almost a year this place ain’t very helpful to newbs so I’m trying to stick it out. I have the heart of a lion and I will get my ass whipped for a just cause.. I’m Sorry, @EYJONAS! i understand that may mean nothing at all to you. Even still, I would feel bigger, inside, again.
All kidding a side, You seam like a stand up guy, it is good to be optimistic. Happy you are sticking it out on HT. May never out live the 30 tall or the public land alfalfa field though.

I hope you find that monster. I think it could happen, but now days in Montana a monster buck has more to do with luck than hard work.
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@FoodIsMemories I dish some shit out no question about it I'll own that. I am all for helping people out on here and anyone will tell you that.

I'll be the first person to help you change a tire on the side of a rainy highway.

I'm beyond all of the bullshit in my past. I'm not going back to it either. So watch your fukn mouth.
I’m here for the bullshit bring it back
That was a big deer. Lol maybe not 30 but that was the tallest somb!tch I’ve EVER seen. I mean I wish there would of been a pivot tire or something in the pic for that comparison.. lmao thanks for the kind words.. signing out for the night while I have my dignity
That was a big deer. Lol maybe not 30 but that was the tallest somb!tch I’ve EVER seen. I mean I wish there would of been a pivot tire or something in the pic for that comparison.. lmao thanks for the kind words.. signing out for the night while I have my dignity
Thirty tall is a pet peeve of mine. I hear it way too often. I have my doubts that there has ever been a buck that would measure 30 inches from the top of the skull to the tip of the tallest antler. Some people measure from the burr up the mainbeam and then up the G2 and a few bucks might be 30 tall if measured that way, but that is like hooking the tape on the tip of the mainbeam and wrapping it around the G2's and back to the tip of the other mainbeam and calling the buck 50 wide.

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