Planning for an Eastern Montana mule deer hunt

Having untouched wilderness in not the issue. It is keeping a buck in the wilderness for five weeks the end of October through November that is the hard part. When you are busting your ass in the high mountains looking for the big one some one else is shooting him in the foothills the end of November at the age of three.

Imagine just 5 years of no rut hunting
Some people say the Montana unlimited bighorn hunt is the hardest hunt in the lower 48

I know I could find and kill not just a ram, but a mature ram, faster than I could a large mule deer.
I’ve seen like 4 180 bucks in Montana and believe me, it ain’t from lack of looking.

A real big (190+) mule deer is probably the rarest animal in the state
I can remember when I could find four 180's in a year. I still see some 180's on lightly hunted private land, But the best Bucks I have ever seen have all been on Pubic and all except one have been over twenty years ago.
Just curious is all
I’m pretty sure I’ve answered that on another thread, in an argument that I’d about bet a weeks pay that you took part in, Sir. My dad moved me here when I was in middle school. I’m 30 now. So like 18 years. I haven’t hunted in any other states. I haven’t done, been or seen some of the stuff guys on here have. Some of y’all been hunting well over my lifetime and I cannot tangibly argue with those who are more educated, committed, and experienced than I. But I WILL continue to spread optimism and/or challenge the herd thought process.. Those deer may never be there… 😒 I can debate topics that I may not believe in at all, but you’d think I do with the conviction.. Kinda like others on here… people love to debate right!? Cmon bring on the blows, I love a good whuppin. 🤪 Lol
I’m pretty sure I’ve answered that on another thread, in an argument that I’d about bet a weeks pay that you took part in, Sir. My dad moved me here when I was in middle school. I’m 30 now. So like 18 years. I haven’t hunted in any other states. I haven’t done, been or seen some of the stuff guys on here have. Some of y’all been hunting well over my lifetime and I cannot tangibly argue with those who are more educated, committed, and experienced than I. But I WILL continue to spread optimism and/or challenge the herd thought process.. Those deer may never be there… 😒 I can debate topics that I may not believe in at all, but you’d think I do with the conviction.. Kinda like others on here… people love to debate right!? Cmon bring on the blows, I love a good whuppin. 🤪 Lol
I hope you prove the Karen’s wrong. Lace up those boots good luck.
I’m pretty sure I’ve answered that on another thread, in an argument that I’d about bet a weeks pay that you took part in, Sir. My dad moved me here when I was in middle school. I’m 30 now. So like 18 years. I haven’t hunted in any other states. I haven’t done, been or seen some of the stuff guys on here have. Some of y’all been hunting well over my lifetime and I cannot tangibly argue with those who are more educated, committed, and experienced than I. But I WILL continue to spread optimism and/or challenge the herd thought process.. Those deer may never be there… 😒 I can debate topics that I may not believe in at all, but you’d think I do with the conviction.. Kinda like others on here… people love to debate right!? Cmon bring on the blows, I love a good whuppin. 🤪 Lol
Weren’t you the dude looking to fight a HT’er? Can’t remember which one.
Weren’t you the dude looking to fight a HT’er? Can’t remember which one.
Seriously, He’s funny, and seems to know his shit. I’ve said that before and I don’t take it back. But he can be an arsehole. And I don’t take that back either.. I’m not here to fight with nobody. I’m sorry I got that fired up and I had to take a break and come back. Back to being optimistic and not taking y’all’s antics too seriously. @tjones i know you’ve had some unpopular opinions in the past…
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