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Hey El Unit, I need some tile work done in one of our bathrooms. I pay in bourbon and really bad hunting stories. Lemme know availability.

Looks great!
Couldn't find a bear that would give me a good shot, so here is an alternative from last weekend.
Yes I’m a commercial fisherman on the Ohio. Asian carp are a massive plague that will never be reversed. We are past the point of no return and now looking at how to get the fish on peoples table. They are really good eating and there is a lot of meat on the fish. I personally believe the “carp” name has kept the damper on them. There are some enterprising folks making a good living off the silver fish. However where I live there is no processing plant within a reasonable drive. There are a lot of uses for this fish but it’s going to take someone with connections overseas to capitalize.
While out riding my bicycle I came across this common snapper in the road way. He/she was quite angry with me picking it up and getting it into the ditch. Later I returned and it was back in the road. I placed the coffee cup on its shell for the picture. When I took the cup off it full lunge snapped the cups bottom off. I got it on the other side of the road hoping it doesn’t get flattened. Nasty attitude!
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