Pickens Plan


Active member
Oct 27, 2011
Riverton UT
For the first time in more than 40 years, America is not playing defense in the energy field. Our vast resources of natural gas from shale and our ability to recover oil more efficiently and safely have turned the United States from having to worry about where our next imported tankful of gasoline or diesel was coming from to serious discussions about the status of exporting natural gas.

But we are not finished. We are making great gains at the state level to remove outdated taxes and regulations that allow a growing number of shippers to move their over-the-road trucks from imported diesel to domestic natural gas.

I will not rest until the last barrel of Middle Eastern oil has passed through the Strait of Hormuz on its way to the United States. We can get on our own resources for transportation. We can let the Chinese pay to protect their Middle Eastern oil. We can continue to grow our economy – and the economies of our two largest trading partners, Mexico and Canada. We can provide good, permanent jobs to more Americans. And we can clean up our environment by continuing to push our state and federal leaders to take the simple measures necessary to focus on domestic natural gas.

Thank you for your continued support. It would not have been possible – and I am not saying that lightly – without the support of members of the Pickens Plan Army. Let’s keep the pressure on our elected officials to do the right thing and kick our addition to OPEC oil.

Here’s to another five years!


Since we all drive hunting rigs I think the man deserves a thank you for pushing this discussion.

Hopefully we stay the course and will never again be beholden to foreign powers. I still don't understand why Iraq wasn't left with a tab and expectation to pay the US back in free oil over the next 100 years.
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So is this an update to his proposed wind plan? The one that was shot down in flames when he realized there was no infrastructure to support it.

It seems he's failing to acknowledge our strategic interest in exhausting the rest of the worlds oil before our own.
So is this an update to his proposed wind plan? The one that was shot down in flames when he realized there was no infrastructure to support it.

It seems he's failing to acknowledge our strategic interest in exhausting the rest of the worlds oil before our own.

Let's be honest: Picken's plan is about making T Boone richer. "energy independence" is a myth because the energy industry has no desire to make any country secure in a global economy.

Energy Independence can only be reached through a nationalization of all energy infrastructure and production. I doubt any of us want that.
Here's my energy security plan:

Kate Upton powers the world with her deliciousness.

And we up the CAFE standards again.
Here's my energy security plan:

Kate Upton powers the world with her deliciousness.

And we up the CAFE standards again.

If Toyota could leverage their regenerative braking technology into some sort of "aid" for guys looking at Upton pictures I'm sure we could create a new renewable energy resource.....even if it does only last for 25 seconds at a time.
If Toyota could leverage their regenerative braking technology into some sort of "aid" for guys looking at Upton pictures I'm sure we could create a new renewable energy resource.....even if it does only last for 25 seconds at a time.

Based on the number of people looking at it, I think we'd solve the peak power crisis faced with Wind,
I think we should require gyms to install machines that generate electricity. For as many people that use the gym, we should be creating all sorts of power from those machines.

Personally I see tidal power being the biggest untapped resource. Fossil fuel is not going away anytime soon, but dependence is going to increase. Getting off middle east oil is a pipe dream.
Not a fan of T Boone Pickens. Not a fan of windpower.

His priority isn't energy independence. His priority is to follow his plan so he can get even richer by the US developing the technologies in his investment portfolio.
I like the part of T Boones plan on using Natural Gas for fuel for our vehicles, its clean burning and is our only hope to help curb global warming,, Oil is to valuable to burn in a car we need it for other stuff..

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