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Pick a state to become a resident ...

A great deal, or bribing your kids to stay in a state with less to offer?
Nobody is forcing kids to take the scholarship, go to a Wyoming College or stay in Wyoming after graduating.

Land of the free and all that nonsense.

Feel free to file your complaint with the State you live in that doesn't offer this outstanding opportunity.
Let's play the hypothetical of being able to work remote and live in any Western state (lower 48) to become a resident in 2024 and beyond.
Would be considering my own hunting as well as opportunities for younger children as they grow up.

Which state would you pick and why?

To clarify, no, I'm not in this situation currently but the wife and I were kicking ideas around on different states we could potentially see ourselves living at in the future.
I told her whichever would be the best for a resident hunter in that state and she wanted to know where that might be.
I'm a non-resident anywhere I apply and have never seen things from the resident side of the equation, so I figured I would throw the question out to get some thoughts.
Appreciate any responses in advance!
Eight pages of comments and no one has mentioned Oregon. Looks like the plan to make everybody think all of Oregon is like Portland is working. Don't come here, it's full of hipsters, libruls, snowflakes and coffee snobs. There are no Elk, deer, antelope, bear, cats or varmints. And, certainly no salmon, steelhead, walleye, sturgeon, halibut or tuna. Do not venture into this hotbed of socialist sympathizers. Please.
A great deal, or bribing your kids to stay in a state with less to offer?

As a product of the University system of Wyoming (I was on the Blutarski plan) I don't know how good those schools are now, but the WY Junior College curiculum was awesome. Fantastic spread from trades to performing arts, and that set up gave kids a great chance to not commit to a 4 year degree if it wasn't right for them.

Hathaway is an awesome thing. Other states do this as well(KY, IIRC) and others should follow suit.

My niece used it in conjunction with her GI Bill in order to help stretch those fed dollars. Huge asset to returning students as well.
A great deal, or bribing your kids to stay in a state with less to offer?
Theres very little difference between accredited degrees from reputable universities until you get to ivy/elite league education. Plus - theres not a thing pushing you to stay in-state after...
Hathaway scholarship is pretty ridiculous too...Cmon man.
A guy I worked with moved to Wyoming the year before his oldest graduated high school so that her tuition would be paid for by the state. His wife's only criteria was that they could be in a bigger town that has good and accessible community involvement. He chose a dirt cheap plot of land 40 miles outside of Gillette. Still haven't got around to asking him how his wife has taken the move. 🤣🤣
Eight pages of comments and no one has mentioned Oregon. Looks like the plan to make everybody think all of Oregon is like Portland is working. Don't come here, it's full of hipsters, libruls, snowflakes and coffee snobs. There are no Elk, deer, antelope, bear, cats or varmints. And, certainly no salmon, steelhead, walleye, sturgeon, halibut or tuna. Do not venture into this hotbed of socialist sympathizers. Please.
Oregon is the bomb! I took a long trip out there one summer and all my friends said get ready for tree huger nation! I was shocked at atv, American flag flying, deer/elk heads on every wall and business, etc... It was amazed. I would have moved to Banden in a heart beat if I could!
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A guy I worked with moved to Wyoming the year before his oldest graduated high school so that her tuition would be paid for by the state. His wife's only criteria was that they could be in a bigger town that has good and accessible community involvement. He chose a dirt cheap plot of land 40 miles outside of Gillette. Still haven't got around to asking him how his wife has taken the move. 🤣🤣

I think that as a perk of living in state, this is a really critical thing for folks who aren't in a position to afford college in a more traditional sense. Regardless of the testicular fortitude of ignoring the best half, it's not a bad thing to put your family in a position to increase the chance of success.

not sure why WY isn't on that list, but it's great to see so many states move to this model.
I grew up and spent my life in Colorado. I just moved 3 years ago to Kentucky! Cost of living is one of lowest in country. Coming from Colorado I was able to pretty much pay cash. I live in a town of 70k people with a mid major university. Tons of bars and restaurants, great schools, weather is typical of south.
Lakes everywhere, fishing for trout, bass, walleye, musky, crappie, etc... Bird hunting for quial, turkey, ducks, sand Hill cranes.
Whitetail deer, elk, -Not too shabby place to be Best of all the Sportsman Licence- $100 for 2 turkeys, 4 deer, fishing all species, small game and trapping. Best deal ever!
Theres very little difference between accredited degrees from reputable universities until you get to ivy/elite league education. Plus - theres not a thing pushing you to stay in-state after...

there is zero difference even at the ivy/elite level.

the solution to the differential equation is the same at colo school of mines, wyoming, colo state, front range community, cal tech, and MIT.

it's just the differing levels of prestige and connections that change prospects.
Eight pages of comments and no one has mentioned Oregon.
There are reasons for that, but I think you probably know why.

Most know the state is controlled by people who hate what many of us want to do with our spare time. It's not particular to Oregon and includes Washington and California as well as some other states, of course.

If you like living there that's fine. Someone has to live there, but there are better options for most people.

Most people can tolerate living in any state ... but why simply tolerate when you don't have to.
My criteria for local politics:

1. Resident OTC bull elk tag, 1+ available cow permits.
2. Resident OTC buck deer tags, 1 is good enough.
3. Resident easy to draw buck pronghorn.
4. Refer to 1-3, the rest is fluff.
It is settled then.

Wyoming is the obvious choice for big game hunting opportunities for those looking to move west.

Wyoming is where you want to be.
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