Pick a state to become a resident ...

Hes right about the hathaway. Every dollar of my tuition was covered - for a damn good education too.

Kids that leave wy to goto college make the latte and avacado toast crowd look financially responsible...
Whats the max Hathaway now $1700 per semester? U of W tuition is now what $5200 per year? You are not getting every dollar paid for anymore.
Whats the max Hathaway now $1700 per semester? U of W tuition is now what $5200 per year? You are not getting every dollar paid for anymore.
That is true - that excludes any need based portions though.

There are community colleges that cost significantly more than that - not many places around a decent gpa/act gets you into a college that wont cost 30k for the whole degree.
US News Ranking education is a cluster #*^@#* and has been for 20yrs. Hasn't anyone found a better way? Cali in that poll is#38 but is #3 has the best public colleges in the nation (and Florida is #1,seriously for what? bikinis? Cali probably beats them there too). Like, kids get a shitty k-12 education but get to go to Cal Berkley and make rockets or something? Simply law of averages of a population that size I guess.
But it's no Lander, with the Cowfish and pretentious hippies with 6 day stank from the Winds (KNOLS ruined that town), and it most assuredly isn't J-Hole, with the $85 burgers and $30 martinis.
It's NOLS, not KNOLS - what do you have against it? I've lived in Jackson a bit, and have eaten in most of the good restaurants, and have never seen a $30 martini or $85 burger, but I do get the exaggeration. Truth is, it's just as expensive to eat out in Bozeman as Jackson. But since the average Jackson home price is well over 2M, it is definitely in a different class of place.
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US News Ranking education is a cluster #*^@#* and has been for 20yrs. Hasn't anyone found a better way? Cali in that poll is#38 but is #3 has the best public colleges in the nation (and Florida is #1,seriously for what? bikinis? Cali probably beats them there too). Like, kids get a shitty k-12 education but get to go to Cal Berkley and make rockets or something? Simply law of averages of a population that size I guess.
I mean I don’t like their college rankings lol but it is kinda the defacto arbiter.

Without digging into the methodology, I wonder if it has to do with FL having tons of junior colleges and more seats at public schools?

Like the UC system is great, but it’s also pretty difficult to get into one of those schools as a resident. Berkeley is like 10% as a resident, FSU, U of Miami, etc are all 20-25%.
I mean I don’t like their college rankings lol but it is kinda the defacto arbiter.

Without digging into the methodology, I wonder if it has to do with FL having tons of junior colleges and more seats at public schools?

Like the UC system is great, but it’s also pretty difficult to get into one of those schools as a resident. Berkeley is like 10% as a resident, FSU, U of Miami, etc are all 20-25%.
So Florida is tops for people with PhDs who couldn’t find real jobs.
I mean I don’t like their college rankings lol but it is kinda the defacto arbiter.

Without digging into the methodology, I wonder if it has to do with FL having tons of junior colleges and more seats at public schools?

Like the UC system is great, but it’s also pretty difficult to get into one of those schools as a resident. Berkeley is like 10% as a resident, FSU, U of Miami, etc are all 20-25%.
Current UC students in Cali are chaining themselves to barrels on the freeways to protest their political causes. Wasting your money sending your kid to most schools in California outside of CIT or maybe CalPoly.
Current UC students in Cali are chaining themselves to barrels on the freeways to protest their political causes. Wasting your money sending your kid to most schools in California outside of CIT or maybe CalPoly.
With they would "free speech" themselves on the FS road into my camping spot after I go through it.
Lower 48?

Rules out AK.

MT: Family / hunt, fish, Backcountry. NW. Likely #1.

WY: Long ago I thought Dubois would be great! The mini build up JHole, unfortunately. No longer.

ID has grown Sooo damn fast from COVID remote. Not sure it's on the table for me.

UT - wife loved her time along the AZ/UT border areas! To the point... Yep. Whether I want or not, it's on OUR radar. Haha! We have family heritage with a large holding of land around Moab. Likely make something work.

I can not believe I'm saying this out loud though San Juan Islands (P-Sound), WA is on our list as well. 20+ years ago joint land investment on Orcas Island. Sell to use $ elsewhere or live.
Despise WA politics. Housing/State Tax. Hippy Greenpeace station in the area. Most are not bad, so long as they keep their rants to their forums... Haha! Pun intended.
Beautiful Sound - perfect for our boat. Lived on Whidbey Island for a year or so in my teens. Fishing was fantastic! Salmon heaven, etc. Hunting good on Orcas for deer (archery).

We've talked about Maine - Beautiful country! Though as with all my Winter snow wonderland prospects, we're contemplating buying an RV flat / manufactured home... Possibly in the general outskirt of Moab or possibly NM.

That said, not sure which we'd call official residence: Home.
MT is even worse than ID in terms of rapid post-Covid growth, and the accompanying massive increases in the cost of housing and everything else.
As for which western state I'd want to move back too, it's still Montana. Wyoming would do as well. Idaho is too much like Idaho, CO is too much like CA and I'm not living in UT.

But central MT, probably close to Lewistown but not in town. Or Costa Rica, but there's no grouse in Costa Rica.
I agree. Idaho sucks. Nobody should ever come here.
Nobody on this sight ever shares their elk hunting areas but they’re willing to tell everyone about their favorite state, town, bird hunting spot. Haha wtf
98.7% of all the comments here are smokescreen bull shit, just like 98.7% of all the "show me your honey hole" thread comments. 🙂

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