Kenetrek Boots

Pick a state to become a resident ...

We are a <1 mile from Costco. Tough to beat.

Easy to get caught up in negatives about some places. Bought our house pre 2020 so feel stuck at times when I look at real estate for some "small" upgrades to our current place.

But we are <1 mile to national Forest trailheads. I have had hunted and seen (not killed) elk and deer within 10 miles of our house on public land. Can be catching good sized bass and pike with a <15 min drive. Trout fishing is <30 mins. 40 mins to decent airport. 7 minute commute to work at a good paying job. Endless hunting, fishing, hiking, and more outdoor activities within a 2 hr drive.

So I think we'll be in Idaho for a while. WY would be 2nd choice and I don't think my wife would ever move there.

very easy to get caught up in the negatives.

let's focus on the positives of where i live for a minute.

within 30 miles of my front door:
  • 1 national park
  • maybe 15-20 state wildlife areas
  • perhaps 30 county open spaces, some massively large, some involving big reservoirs full of fish and surrounded by trails, some involving vast tracts of rugged terrain, many containing ideal wintering habitat for unuglates, etc
  • at least 5 large state parks, most of which allow hunting and all of which have plenty of fishing
  • dozens and dozens of trailheads accessing two federal wilderness areas totalling 87,392 acres chock full of deer, elk, moose, bears, turkeys, grouse, etc. and containing some unparalleled alpine peaks, backpacking adventure and more alpine fishing than you can handle.
  • i live within spitting distance of two costcos and some of the finest steakhouses i've ever experienced
  • a good school district
  • great neighbors
i stood here yesterday about 35 miles from my front door. there are eight elk in this picture.

  • a culture that prizes public lands and access to them
  • otc elk licenses
  • mule deer tags every year
  • multiple bear tags ever year
  • small game hunting
  • otc turkey hunting
  • strong economy
  • loving families not far away
it's truly hard to beat where i live. but even then, with all that, it becomes completely unwound with one trip on I25 and then i become again convinced that the wasteland that is Buzz's Laramie is still exactly what i want more ;)

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