Pending Archery World Record Sheep

mdunc we are just gonna have to disagree on this one. Other than more than one person behind glass, i don't see it. All that said,i think the guy killed a great ram. And if his hunt was done lawfully than good for him!

When i asked about what you Mt. guys thought,i got about what i expected.It seems like there are some very different opinions on these tags. I for one would like to see all these tags go the way of the dodo bird.IMHO they are nothing more than selling wildlife.Sure the money can be used to do good work.Once we decided that wildlife can be sold, we have set ourselves up for so many more problems.

I think that eliminating these tags will be an uphill battle until we face the real issue: sustainable funding for wildlife. Until then, about the best you can hope for is the proper regulation of how the funds are distributed and the democratic allocation of the resource.

And as the Supreme Court has said, Democracy is for sale :D
Once we decided that wildlife can be sold, we have set ourselves up for so many more problems.

So you're in favor of free tags across the board, right? I mean, a $15 tag is still "selling wildlife" under your definition?

Let's step into the real world for a few seconds. In the real world, both residents and non-residents bitch about license price increases. In the real world, money doesn't grow on trees. In the real world, animals cost money to manage.

See where I'm going here?

Money has to come from somewhere.

As far as the guy who shot the ram personally? Good for him. The guy obviously cares a ton about sheep hunting. As many have pointed out, there comes a point where money alone does not get you 3 WR rams. Otherwise the WR would be reset every year by whoever ponies up the cash. The hatred and speculation about this guy is nothing but good old fashioned "wealth envy" disguised under hunting ethics.
And as the Supreme Court has said, Democracy is for sale :D

Are you sure that is what the USSC said?

I could care less one way or the other on Montana's auction tags. If this is what the guy decides to do with his money and it is legal and ethical (in the norm not the hyper ethical view of the puritans on here) then he can have at it.

If anyone for a single minute believes they can disconnect money from hunting or money from politics or money from anything else in life you are smoking crack. If you would never hunt in such a way, good on you, if you had the cash and would bid up the tag, good on you.

People need to look past the end of their own nose.

belly deep. Auctioning not selling , poor choice of words on my part. Your right about money having to come from somewhere.But IMHO ''auctioning'' tags is not the answer. I dont think anything i have said suggests that if you dont agree you are wrong.

As we lose more and more hunters the need for funds are going to have to come from less and less people, we just gonna auction more tags to make up the difference?
Are you sure that is what the USSC said?

Citizens United opens the door for direct influence of money of politics. Until now, they had to hide it behind the shadows.

It was a joke, Nemont. Just trying to be a little lighthearted.
My friend was there to witness and film the kill shot. The scouting didn't start until he bought the tag. Nice try though. So unless you or anyone else has any first hand knowledge of how the whole deal went down without speculation you might want to keep it to yourselfs.

As far as DIY hunts and public land there are many hunts that you aren't allowed to do without a guide. It doesn't make the hunt less memorable or worthy. The show encourages and helps show others that it can be done OYO but really doesn't go into bashing others. Didn't see anyone bashing Critters sheep hunt or any of the other hunts done in Alaska that had to be guided. And rightfully so they were as much of a hunt as anyone could do.

Exactly.....I just returned from Alaska with a nice grizzly. A dream I've had since my youth. Would have loved to have done a DIY, but a guide or relative is required. It's just the way it is....
Money has to come from somewhere.

Some quick and dirty estimates on $$$ raised by both resident and NR through the sale of MT sheep permits is about $35,000 (not counting super tags). This guy chipped in 10X the amount of all sheep hunters combined. Piss and moan all you want, either pony up some extra cash, or stop bitching. I could only imagine if resident prices went up 10x. I think the guy deserves a sheep tag for that kind of charity. Its one phucking sheep... who cares, big or small.

There are plenty of hunters who spend countless days scouting animals, taking pictues, naming animals etc. They invest a lot of time and effort to be successful. I on the other hand rarely scout, and usually just show up in an area and hunt it for a week or two, many times its an area I've never set foot in, at least not that year. Should I dispise the guys that have animals patterned and make it more of a kill than a hunt? I mean really haven't they already taken the "hunt" out of the game at some point and made it a shoot?

To each his own, the only person you have to make happy is yourself. Record books are nothing more than dick measureing contests set up by people who have something to prove to themselves, and at times, it seems, others. I see pictures of others big animals, and congradulate them, but don't envy them or discredit how they killed them. I look at the animals haning on my walls and think how lucky I am to afford the time and money to have those experiences and memories. Some people have more of each than me, can't really fault them for it. Life isn't fair.

Sheep hunting in the Breaks is not "real" sheep hunting anyway. :D Get a tag, of course you're going to kill a nice one. Maybe even a record book ram? The one taken here looks like a 7yo to me, I'm sure there is one bigger running around out there, either in the Breaks, or up north, eh. Someone with more time, money and luck than any of us will surely take him down. Who cares...
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What a joke! How many guys who make under 50k a year will ever have 3 WR sheep?
So fwp bought 5 new trucks who cares they sold him a world record sheep IMO the residents of Montana got ripped off.
Throw him in the middle of Idaho with an over the counter deer/elk tag all by himself and see what he walks out with. If its a WR ill eat my boots. If he even killed a b&c award animal I'd eat lawnboys boots. I'm betting 75 percent of the guys I know could hunt him into the ground. Then get within 40 yard to the animal to kill it. 80 yd what an amazing archer uhh arrow flinger..

Hey you jealous crybaby- If II were a betting man, I'd bet all but the gradeschoolers in that photo each have forgotten more about big game hunting than you and all your potatocellar-sniffing pals combined will ever know.

Funny how it's such a travesty when a guy shells out 300 grand for a MT animal, yet it's okay that the rest of us can annually take a dozen big game animals, along with every feathered friend and fish that inhabits our state - for the price of a day of skiing at BigSky.
He didn't buy a World Record he bought a chance for one just like the other 2 hunters they saw with tags in the same area had. I wonder if any of those 2 hunters had shot this ram would be labeled as this guy has. Like has been mentioned there is a chance that anyone with the tag could beat him this year. Time will tell. It's gonna be pretty hard to tell the difference between a 195 and 200 incher. I'm betting we all would be shooting the 195'er without hesitation.

I'll admit it's not my style nor do I have that many friends anyway but he shot it with a bow for craps sake. That's awesome.
My friend was there to witness and film the kill shot. The scouting didn't start until he bought the tag. Nice try though. So unless you or anyone else has any first hand knowledge of how the whole deal went down without speculation you might want to keep it to yourselfs.

The outfitter and one of his buddies were showing off pics. of that ram (Flare, they were calling it) at the sheep show in Boz. back in Feb. The big rams in the Breaks are no secret. The outfitters and guys who spend time up there have them named. If I remember right, that ram wasn't even their #1 choice at that time.

I could care less about the tag. If the guy has the ability to drop a half million on a sheep hunt..more power to him. That's an impressive sheep for sure. He sure as hell wasn't going to shoot a 185" ram for that kind of coin. I'm sure it won't be the last time he hunts sheep in MT. I just thought the picture was funny. Similar to Doyle and his crew in UT.

The Breaks and its' sheep are turning into a big money game for some. $300k tags, huge tresspass fees, airplane hazing, undercover sting operations, etc. I'm sure it is just going to keep getting worse.
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The Breaks and its' sheep are turning into a big money game for some. $300k tags, huge tresspass fees, airplane hazing, undercover sting operations, etc. I'm sure it is just going to keep getting worse.

The big difference between MT and UT is that everyone, with the exception of the Gov's tag, has the same shot at being the new WR holder on a breaks ram. It's all about the luck of the draw, and the democratic allocation of the resource.

1 tag versus a ton of them. Big difference. UT sells it's wildlife with no thought to the North American Model. MT is stingy and greedy with those tags, as they should be.
MT is stingy and greedy with those tags, as they should be.

I have been applying for 20+ years for a MT sheep tag and haven't drawn yet. MT is stingy with their high demand tags and I wouldn't have it any other way!

One day I'll get mine...just like I did with my moose and goat tag. ;)
The big difference between MT and UT is that everyone, with the exception of the Gov's tag, has the same shot at being the new WR holder on a breaks ram. It's all about the luck of the draw, and the democratic allocation of the resource.

1 tag versus a ton of them. Big difference. UT sells it's wildlife with no thought to the North American Model. MT is stingy and greedy with those tags, as they should be.

I never compared UT and MT.
I said the sheep in the Breaks are turning into a big money game for some, and will probably get worse.
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