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Pending Archery World Record Sheep

Tough choice... if I had the money, Kluane. If I was a poor working stiff, I'd pray for a Chugache tag. I think the archery WR can be beat, the all time... doubt it will ever be taken down.

Well he has the money so I agree on Kluane. I agree the archery WR can be beat. Do you think if Jimmy Carter hadn't signed away some of the best the all time WR could be beat?


I think so.

Any animal with a bow is an accomplishment your's included Wapiti. I know for a fact the animal was not hazed or pushed by the other guys in the photo. One guy filming, one guy shooting, and another sneeking along side.

Not sure how having money makes it so that you can shoot a big sheep :confused: I'm a big archery hunter and too me it takes skill and luck to harvest anything. Too me a 180 ram is a whopper so I must assume your rich?
Since this tag belonged to all you Mt. guys, i'm curious. If you were king for a day would you want this tag returned to the draw or is the 300 thousand more important to your game management?
I'm fine with one or two tags being auctioned assuming the money is properly accounted for and most of the money (> 90%) is directly used for management/conservation and not cleaning out the poopers at fishing access sites.
Since this tag belonged to all you Mt. guys, i'm curious. If you were king for a day would you want this tag returned to the draw or is the 300 thousand more important to your game management?

I don't mind a few tags being auctioned off. Of course, those that complain are often the first to protest license price increases too...
FWIW, and that isn't much, I am not too impressed (other than it being a nice animal) just because you have deep pockets. Wonder how far HE walked in and somebody already had it *pinned* for him? Would rather pay X2 for license and tags instead of selling off to the highest bidder. Might not be able to hunt as often, so be it. End of rant over and out.
I think they should auction 1 or 2 tags. That is a lot of money for the cause, assuming its put where it should be. If someone is willing to shell that out, more power to them. I probably would if I could, I would try to kill big crap too.

What am I saying? I already try to kill big crap, I just have to do it the old fashion way, and I suck at it!!

In all seriousness. You don't own 3 WR and not be some kind of hunter, period. But here is my question. Do you think he as been in touch with someone watching this ram? I mean, did he just buy the tag and ASSUME there was a WR out there in the breaks? Or has he been watching MT 680 for years, finally knowing there was a real WR out there, then bought the tag?

300,000 Gs is quite an assumption.
I'd bet a weeks wage there is another ram on either side of the river that breaks 200. It's fairly common knowledge that the Breaks have some of the biggest rams in the world. So to assume he dropped the cash because there was this only 200" ram out there I think might be off IMO
I think one or two auction tags is fine, thats a lot of money going back to fwp. If I had his money I'd be buying the same tag. I might go about it differently and do it oyo style, but I wont criticize him for being guided.
I am surprised no one is hopping on him about taking an "unethical" 84 yard shot though :D:D
Whether you like the process or not, everybody has to admit that these tags allow wildlife departments to fund programs for the species that would not be possible otherwise. I think the concern is that it is spent for the benefit of the animal and not burried in bureaucratic bs.

I would probably spend that money if that was what I was really after and I was rich enough that the money would not make a difference in my existence. I just am not into the trophy stuff enough for it to be that important to me.

Money buys some incredible stuff.
300K is a lot of coin with a good portion of it going back into the coffers of the MTF&G, I have no problem with that. If I won the lottery would I buy the tag, you bet your a$$ I would be first in line with my 300K. And I can think of at LEAST 6 buddies who would give their left "you know what" to tag along and be scouting with me as well, just to be along on a hunt like that whether I drew the tag or bought it. But no matter how many guys I have with me as spotters, I still have to get within bow range. I see no problem with what Mr Hens did, the money benefits the sheep and other programs in the state of Montana.
Auction tag outfitted hunt and a gang of guides. Doesn't get any better than that.

Propably had pics of this animal at the convention where the tag was "purchased" instead of being drawn by others who had applied for 20+ years in the draw. The true essence of hunting at it's finest.

Most if not all western states auction wildlife off to some degree whether it's SCI auction tags,transferable landowner tags, commissioners tags, etc... It truly amazes me how this turns into a "gray area" for the people on this OYO adventures forum which I thought stood for DIY hunts on public land like are depicted on the show.
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Propably had pics of this animal at the convention where the tag was "purchased" instead of being drawn by others who had applied for 20+ years in the draw. The true essence of hunting at it's finest.

It truly amazes me how this turns into a "gray area" for the people on this OYO adventures forum which I thought stood for DIY hunts on public land like are depicted on the show.

My friend was there to witness and film the kill shot. The scouting didn't start until he bought the tag. Nice try though. So unless you or anyone else has any first hand knowledge of how the whole deal went down without speculation you might want to keep it to yourselfs.

As far as DIY hunts and public land there are many hunts that you aren't allowed to do without a guide. It doesn't make the hunt less memorable or worthy. The show encourages and helps show others that it can be done OYO but really doesn't go into bashing others. Didn't see anyone bashing Critters sheep hunt or any of the other hunts done in Alaska that had to be guided. And rightfully so they were as much of a hunt as anyone could do.
Other than how he obtained the tag, how is this any different than Randy's mule deer hunt that was on the show last year? Randy had three or four guys glassing different areas for him. He didn't pay them, but he hunted in basically the same manner as this guy.
It's kinda sad that this is what hunting has become. His style of hunt is not for me, but then again, I won't be remembered for 3 world record sheep either.
I do know if I paid a ton for that tag I have a ton of people looking at rams as well. Protecting your 'investment" so to speak in a game of half and quarter inches.
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