PEAX Equipment

PAws is a DUch BAG .. HAHA !!

mars said:
Re: Greetings!
« Reply #26 on: Nov 20th, 2004, 11:47pm »

MArs... Don't need to give me the Benifit.. really, I can Sleep tonight knwing that somebody in Cyberland FAR FAR away.. HEll Even next door maybe, Might not like me. I don't need anyone to like me on the net, I have my family and pleanty of real friends. I'm just glad you guys tracked the IP #.

I do think Paws is a Different Cat and he thinks I'm a Spoiled Rich kid,,,, That post on my board will die and so will this one. Who cares.

Anyways, I don't harbor any Ill will twards anyone, Hell, Even though I think Paws is a Different Cat, HAd he called me when He came through Idaho in any type of trouble I'd of driven 400 miles to go help him change a Tire if he needed me too., Thats just how I am.

Well, This was Fun, and I'll have time tomorrow after noon to play, But need to "TALK" with the Wife.... if ya know what I mean

Night "BOYS" .

-The Real Moosie AKA (Spoiled little rich kid)


Glad to hear it moosie but what post did I say I wanted to be your friend? I was giving you the benefit of the doubt that you might not be the jerk I thought you were. Well, I stand corrected and like my post said I would admit it on your sight. You are definetly a jackass and not a jerk. There I admitted I was wrong about you, glad I got that off my chest and thank you moosie for clearing things up for me.

Dude, You are either a guy with a strange sense of humor or a complete asshole! I hope it's the first part and not the second, but either way, go burn some coffee with insanopaws and take a hike with you chain saw in your pack. (That was a classic!) LOL!
Not stupid - here is my post on the "I rode my ATV..." topic here. EG is not stupid - just obnoxious.

"EG - you are simply a cowardly, internet bully. Without the anonymity of the web, I doubt that you would be so ballsy. You feel like a real big man behind your keyboard. When someone takes your challenges and produces proof of their point of view, you attack them for responding to your challenge. If they do not respond to your challenge, you accuse them of various deficiencies in courage, intelligence, research or "reading comprehension." You even attack your elders if they disagree with you simply for being older than you. You are very brave about calling people names or trying to humiliate them, while emailing me and asking that I delete posts that have any info that might indentify you.

Hey - my name is Eric Van Stralen, and I am in the book in La Palma, CA."
Rufus, As you are well aware, I am not among Gummer's fans or supporters, but I think it's a mistake to believe that he is stupid. He could not have become a scumbag lawyer if he was stupid. He just has a demented or deranged or deposed or a de-something (de-mocrat) view of things that doesn't agree with most of the folks here...but not stupid.. Now Ol'PaKlaws, that's a different story.

Let it go ? I stopped posting about it days/weeks ago :) Don't look at me, I don't hold a Grudge. the bear wiped his ass with the rabbit!
MAN! I gotta get on these boards more often...I've missed some good stuff
...pretty funny stuff. What do you do to so severely piss certain people off Moosie?
isnt it obvious......he's jealous of Paws.
let it go Moosie! you couldnt carry the lid on Paw's dutch oven.
your just a litle stain on his apron.
Nut .. what ? I wasn't mentioned ? Now I can't sleep again :)

Funny thig was I put in "Sheep list" or something like BAckpacking list for the Search and this was one of the topics....

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