Caribou Gear Tarp

PAws is a DUch BAG .. HAHA !!

Sir Pawclaws and his Band of Merry Men......... Ooops my bad That would be one of those mid evil things, I always get those fantasy/ I'm-not-quite-intouch-with-reality/reanactment groups mixed up.

Pawclaws is the master of soooo fistication ;)

Son of a bitch, I knew that would happen. mars from the NAHC BBS is on OCC and someone is wondering if it is me. Here's the skinny to clear up any confusion, my log in name at every site I go to is MarlandS , I'm just nicknamed MarS .

I refuse to get in the middle of the Paws v. Moosie debate. Both have treated me decently and acted as friends towards me without any personal wrong doing. Both are poo-poo heads and alright guys, Del on the otherhand... :D

I was wondering abut that,I had kinda remembered you saying soemthing like that before.
April saw that and her words were oooops he(marlands) must have has a bad day folding the clothes ;)

Sorry, but it was one of the funnier things I've heard in a while. It's so fitting after spending some time at MM. I'll try to remember that others have feelings too. ;)

Delw said:
April saw that and her words were oooops he(marlands) must have has a bad day folding the clothes ;)
Folding clothes? Me?? Naww, I make my boy do it now, and the girl does dishes so April has a LOT less material to give me hell about now :D
Hello Marlands; that was Moosie over at OCC asking if you and I were the same.
I don't like taking "sides". I kinda can make up my own mind on such things. I treat everybody pretty much the way they treat others. I don't claim to know everything but I do know a little about most things and can humbly accept when I'm wrong and just as humbly when I'm right. However, if people want to get mean and nasty I can do that as well. Considering the posts at OCC from moosie directed at myself, whom he has no idea who I am, I already have one that wants the mean and nasty side of me to post here.
He has the same posting over at hunt talk. What a jerk.

But you did? I am guessing its Moosies side since he posted it on his board then Paws copied and pasted it on his ;)

MArs, And you will never be questioned about your friendship or loyalty to anyone.

Post were you want, be friends with who you want, but leave ther Trivia stuff on the boards and leave it when ya log off. Some Dush bags (No names ... ;) ) don't seem like they can :p

1-pointer, you are a U-tard, Accept it and Move on..... (Insert Friendly icon blowing a non homosexual kiss here). :D
Just for Clarity.. I never Post as ANYONE but Moosie.. It wasn't me. I've never Directed any posts over there but my ONE I've made. I hadn't even Read that section till 15 mins ago and I posted.

If I wanted to know if it was MARS (MY mars, not the new one), I'd of Picked up the Phone and Called him. Sometimes you boys need to let the Highschool stuff go :D :D

Ask PAWS, that guy tracks all the IP's over there. He can Verify that. Trust me, If I'm kicking someone in the Balls, I want my name on the Post.
I never denied the Utard thing! But, I'm only one by loose association, I can drive! :D

Oak- No worries, just funnin' with ya. Besides, I use the term quite often. ;)
Whats this, yet another "hunting message board" spawned by X huntalkers who couldn't stand a bit of good natured ribbing ? I wonder how long before it looks like Yoopers or RBs ?
What PAWS needs is a former outfitter with an attitude to stir up some traffic !
Acon.. Funny thing is Most of the boards that have Spun off of Moosie's are people that don't hunt and the boards take off for awhile then Die away. Nothing against them but they kind of Needed thier own place. I'm OK with saying good morning and HAve another cup of Coffee post but inbetween there better be some Dead Chit posted. The guys fropm NAHC that came over, left, Came over and Left are jsut following a few guys around that they like. Nothnig wrong with that. The guys that stuck around are good people too. Fortunately most of the Wacko's left... Except MarlandS, but geesh, we have to have some Minority status ;)

This place has the right mix of people. It's taken several years to get it to be were I like it, And I think we're about there.

Thanx to the people that make this place a great board that it is.
I figured with it being the Hollidays and All we should let it all out of the bag ;)

How's the NAHC board doing ? Are they back up and Running and All Lovey dovey again ?

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