Caribou Gear

Paula Deen....from Giznoogle

"very bad move?" Who are you? Like a sort of cyber Clint Eastwood who is going to stalk me down and kill me?

My parents were very fit and healthy their entire lives, and raised all 5 of us to respect our bodies and not only eat healthy, but exercise daily. Was told god gave me one body and it was my responsibility to take care of it. I am 53, eat healthy (and always have), and run 20 miles per week (and always have). I am fit and healthy just like my g/f. That's what happens when you don't abuse your body.

Of course that was in the day before fast food chains on every corner. You know, before the days of 25% child obesity rates:

The chart provides a little regional insight on southern cooking.

I was with that southern slob for 20 years for the same reason many folks are sons. Because you see I loved them and wasn't going to abandon them like my ex did financially. I raised all 3 of them plus the lazy ex on one hard earned income, and even bought my 45 acre dream property. I did this because of the BS system politicians create with unsustainable entitlement programs that steal money from hard working people to give away to unemployed low lives who don't love their kids enough to work for and support them.

Asking for the specific name of one individual who died prematurely from Dean's crap food is asinine. That's like sayin it's just a coincidence Dean has type 2 diabetes.
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I'm not about to enter into what is obviously a personal problem for Zim. I will, however; explain what cracklins are.

When cooking down or rendering pork fat into lard, the mixture is cooked over a fire and has to be constantly stirred to keep the fat from burning. Cracklins are the crunchy pieces of fat that surface as the lard cooks out. They are scooped or skimmed off of the top and put aside to cool down. When baked into corn bread, they will soften and provide a flavorful chewy nugget of delight to the corn bread. This goes especially well with fresh cooked turnip greens, collards, rutabegas, and cabbage, and can also be baked into dressing for a side dish with turkey or baked ham.

As an individual who also suffers from type 2 diabetes, my endocrinologists explained to me that diabetes is caused by liver problems in creating proper amounts of insulin, and that many underweight individuals also suffer from the disease. Of course watching one's diet is beneficial in helping to control the problem; but I'm one of these people who has a problem keeping my sugar levels controlled, regardless of what I do or do not eat. To blame diabetes on one's menu choices is an incorrect assessment. Today diabetes is more prevalent than ever before, but people eat less like the old folks used to eat and their diets were extremely high in carbohydrates and fat. Considering that much of my food is comprised of venison and garden grown veggies, I fail to put much confidence in diet being a contributor to diabetes. Maybe the problem comes from watching Jerry Springer and similar television programs, rather than cooking styles.
I see six Southern states in the blue, and six in the purple, and what's I see Illinois in the purple? Must be a lot of Paula Deen fans or Southern slobs living in Illinois. This thread got up my nose a long way back. I can't wait to see who is the victim of the next feeding frenzy.
Yep, this went south a LONG time ago. Myself, I think she's being railroaded. Seems to be a whole lot of stink raised for one word said however long ago.
The only thing my ex packed was our refrigerator............with bacon, cheese, and Market Day frozen meals.

She threw a fit when I cooked any wild game meat in the house. She ran in the bedroom and closed the door, laying down in bed watching Jerry Springer while she wasn't working. That is why she is out the door.

I didn't get my g/f to pack meat. She has other much better skills. If I want to haul my elk out I can rent a horse.

My wife can beat up your wife so there...
I am by no means defending Illinois. In fact It is a very large state with the southern portion extending vertically into what I'd include in "the south". The bad eating habits are not separated by a definitive geographic line, but more a mindset of the culture.
I am by no means defending Illinois. In fact It is a very large state with the southern portion extending vertically into what I'd include in "the south". The bad eating habits are not separated by a definitive geographic line, but more a mindset of the culture.

Sorry, but we don't really include KY or MO as part of the South, though they're very nice states with even nicer people, and certainly nothing North of Cairo. You can still find some decent pork barbeque in Cairo. It would be interesting to see how demographics fit into those percentages.
The culture I spring from goes back nearly 400 years in the South and though we had our own hog killings and rendered our own lard in a wash pot, squeezing the cracklins to get all the fat from them, very few of my extended family are overweight and the majority live well into their 90's, so we don't all deserve to be painted with your brush, nor does the South. I regret that you had a bad experience with a Southern girl, but there are Honey Boo Boo's the country over. Adieu.
tarheel, it sounds like we have a lot in common, even though you're in the piedmont and I'm in the low country. Many people don't really understand just what the South really is, and I'm betting a lot of them don't know that Carolina used to include both our states, and parts of Kentucky and Tennessee. I've been married to a Georgia girl, and a Michigan girl; but like the song says: "Carolina girls, the best in the world"!!!!!!!!
tarheel, it sounds like we have a lot in common, even though you're in the piedmont and I'm in the low country. Many people don't really understand just what the South really is, and I'm betting a lot of them don't know that Carolina used to include both our states, and parts of Kentucky and Tennessee. I've been married to a Georgia girl, and a Michigan girl; but like the song says: "Carolina girls, the best in the world"!!!!!!!!

I grew up in the NC Coastal Plain, our version of the low country, but I married a Colorado girl, a real keeper, and you couldn't drag her out of NC with a Caterpillar.
You had me at refrain. thanks man....:D

cj, what exactly are you blaming Obama for Dean's loss of sponsorship in this case?

Doubt I will decide to spend a few days in Da,hood. Probably another day in bighorn country in MT again tomorrow.

It was mid-90's while running with a Metcalf.....does that give me any street cred?:D

Obama has "set the tone" for white mans guilt..:eek:. and Paula gets "fried" over B.S.

I agree you are much better off chasing Bighorns:hump:

not sure about the "street cred"? is there a stoplight in Havre?:D
Hey Zim, Have you ever heard of a new science? It's called genetics. You can find out all kinds of things about people and how they look and why they look that way. Interesting. How many overweight orientals have you ever seen?
That being said, I do not support the way Paula Deen cooks or her recipes, but to criticize her for a comment made long ago because you don't like a word she used, when that same word is used 10s of times daily in popular music is hypocracy of the worst sort. Dr. Ben Carson nailed it when he said that political correctnes breeds fear that binds the hands of good people. It almost makes you wonder if Ms. Deen's criticism and dislike for the current first lady had anything to do with her ouster?
Using the term "First Lady", or even the description and use of "lady" when mentioning Moochelle's name is an oxymoron to the nth degree. Paula Deen is the epitome of a lady.
Hey Zim, Have you ever heard of a new science? It's called genetics. You can find out all kinds of things about people and how they look and why they look that way. Interesting. How many overweight orientals have you ever seen?
That being said, I do not support the way Paula Deen cooks or her recipes, but to criticize her for a comment made long ago because you don't like a word she used, when that same word is used 10s of times daily in popular music is hypocracy of the worst sort. Dr. Ben Carson nailed it when he said that political correctnes breeds fear that binds the hands of good people. It almost makes you wonder if Ms. Deen's criticism and dislike for the current first lady had anything to do with her ouster?

danr55, I have studied this topic for quite a while, and exclusively dated Asian women for the last 7 years. I assure you very little has to do with genetics. It is almost exclusively attributed to the culture and diet they were raised with. Most disdain fast food and sugar. I would say they are repulsed by sugar. I dated two 100% Americanized (one Chinese and one Filipina) who were overweight. They ate fast food.

With regard to Paula Dean, I never said one word about the reason she was ousted. In fact, I know little about it. I only commented on the repercussions. Go back and read my posts.
Hey Zim, Have you ever heard of a new science? It's called genetics. You can find out all kinds of things about people and how they look and why they look that way. Interesting. How many overweight orientals have you ever seen?
That being said, I do not support the way Paula Deen cooks or her recipes, but to criticize her for a comment made long ago because you don't like a word she used, when that same word is used 10s of times daily in popular music is hypocracy of the worst sort. Dr. Ben Carson nailed it when he said that political correctnes breeds fear that binds the hands of good people. It almost makes you wonder if Ms. Deen's criticism and dislike for the current first lady had anything to do with her ouster?


I have studied quite a bit on the subject, and exclusively dated asian women for the last 7 years. I can assure you little has to do with genetics. Over 90% can be attributed to diet. Even exercise is not very significant. Scientific studies have also shown this to be the case.

My g/f is repulsed by sugar. She has only been in the US for one year. Those that have been here 10-15 years tend to accept some of it. The only two 100% ethnically asians I dated that were overweight were not cooincidently...............born and raised in the US.

With regards to Paule Dean, I think you need to go back and read my posts. I never once criticized her for language or the media accusations. My comments were exclusively about the repercussions. Perhaps you confused me with someone else.

I have studied quite a bit on the subject, and exclusively dated asian women for the last 7 years...

My g/f is repulsed by sugar. She has only been in the US for one year.

Please lord forgive me for laughing at this.

I'd love to listen to the dinner conversation that would occur between rhomas, zim, and Tom in TN.

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