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Paula Deen....from Giznoogle

Holy smokes. I shouldn't have opened this thread. I REALLY shouldn't have read it all.

Regardless of the content of the dialogue, calling Zim's girlfriend "Twiggy" is kind of juvenile and silly. She looks very healthy to me.
I agree with JLS, insulting the girlfriend is uncalled for and discredits the poster a bit. Either way, I'm dumber for having read this much.
Wow, all I can say after reading through the whole thread is ..... bring on some Nadia G and her Bitchin Kitchin! Or is it Naughtier G?

“America is maybe the most unhealthy nation in the world because they live on crap,” Player said. “They’ve got the best food in the world, the best farmers and the best food but they live on crap. When [British chef] Jamie Oliver went to America he went to areas where children never had cabbage or broccoli or spinach or vegetables in their life. People giving their children a soft drink and a doughnut to go to school. No wonder academically they’re affected.”

“55 percent of the greatest country in the world is obese? How can you compete against the Chinese? You haven’t got a chance! People that are lean and mean and working hard and producing maybe 100 engineers to every two or three that you produce. Kids that are learning like crazy at school and spending hours learning. You go to Korea and those kids finish school at 7 o’clock at night because there’s no sense of entitlement. It frustrates me because I happen to have 15 American grandchildren. I love America but I get so upset at the way I see the obesity. I just don’t see how the healthcare system can work. I pray it does but I just don’t see how it can work with this tsunami of obesity.”
Its times like this I am glad I'm in shape, so I can enjoy my 3 primo tags this year to the fullest:
Wyoming Bighorns archery elk unit 38
Wyoming Red Desert pronghorn unit 64
Arizona Kaibab deer unit 12AW late.
Would suck to be draggin a big belly around for these!
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