Paula Deen....from Giznoogle

There are a lot of ignorant people who don't know a clue about china/US citizenship and motives. My g/f has an upscale condominium 100% paid off in Mianyang which she will LOSE to the government if she took US citizenship. That is the last thing she wants. She will be retiring in a little over 2 years. She has more money than me, and a pension, which Ill never have. And she has no family here. Money has nothing to do with it. If it did she would be running from me. I have nothing to offer her after the trailer trash and her attorneys were done sucking blood and being lazy.

Anyway, as I mention, there is nothing any Paula Dean supporter can do to prevent the collapse of her obesity empire.
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Zim, I don't care either way I'm just giving you a hard time...she sounds like quite the catch I wish the best for both of you.

You calling others ignorant is hilarious IMO.
Zim, I had decided I wanted no more of this thread, but you have now made two disparaging references to people who live in mobile homes; "trailer trash" being the operative descriptor, and while a great majority of America's 6.8 million mobile home residents live in the South, they are by no means worthy of being called "trash". Granted, some percentage of them are unrefined, ignorant, poor, uneducated, narrow minded "slobs", but then so are many millions of Americans who live in urban America, piled on top of each other and degenerating into a mindless mass of walking putrefaction. I believe Chicago is in the running for being the poster child city of Urban Putrefaction, as are a great many of the large city states where "trailer trash" isn't so prevalent, apparently, as it is in the South.
The point of my post is to suggest that in life, as in battle, it is sometimes prudent to advance to the rear and let's let old chubby Paula sort out her life without all the angst so far demonstrated here.
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One day it's obesity, the next it's diabetes. NOT interchangeable. Plus, we all know there's nothing in Asian food. What else can you fill up on and be hungry again an hour later? Oh well, guess if the girlfriend has all that money she must just be over here looking for something to spend it on.

So I'll assume since she doesn't like sugar that "Candy, little girl?" won't work as a pick-up line?

Back to the ORIGINAL subject, Paula Deen seems to be being made an example of. (if that makes sense) As far as I know she's done nothing out of the ordinary to deserve the level of punishment she's getting. You would think she burned a cross or something. Yes, her cooking is high in calories and all that but our grandparents didn't know anything about that stuff. THEY did just fine. Why is it so bad now? Moderation is the key for everything. If you eat every meal at McDonald's you probably won't fit into those skinny jeans from high school. However, you surely can eat there now and then and not have much to worry about. I like pasta. Not the best food source for getting thinner. But I'm able to haul my slightly overweight butt around wherever I go be it through the ravines here at home deer hunting or in the Idaho mountains hunting elk. I don't have to be anal about what I eat because of some mental image of what that food might do to me. I like food. Period. But I'm not obese and I also don't have Diabetes. Can I run a marathon? No. Do I care? Same answer. Maybe if this thread had stayed on subject it would have been an interesting discussion. Now it's just turned into a running joke about "look at my skinny girlfriend". Good for you, pal. Doesn't sound like too many people really give a crap. I know I don't. That hole has been dug just about deep enough already.
Here's a straightforward viewpoint

Paula Deen — A Victim of her Own Stupidity and Reverse Racism

“Oh, Mammy. Please don’t tell me any more.”

The character of Melanie Wilkes in GONE WITH THE WIND said that, and I’m repeating it now. What with the latest news gossip goin’ round ’bout dat that silver-haired and shameless air-brushed-for-magazine-covers TV hick chef Paula Deen and all dat? Why, she be done runnin’ round Atlanta sayin’ the devil’s words about colored folks like nobody’s business, and then they done tell that she be making these here preparations for her very own Slave Master’s Ball — complete will real life slaves. Well — it just ain’t fittin’, that’s all. It just ain’t fittin’ and I ain’t want to hear anymore. It like to turn my blood cold to think about what that women be sayin’ — it just ain’t fittin!

Yeah, so anyway, Simpleton, USA’s favorite TV yee-ha cook is in hot water — and like the Mafia guys in Baton Rouge say, “She’s swimming with the crawdads.”

Seems that this plus-sized Confederate said the N word –and why can’t we just use the actual word for the love of god – years ago and now she’s getting roasted faster than a suckling pig at a welder’s union family picnic.

If you don’t know what I’m talking about, here’s the thing.

There’s this chunky and silvery-looking chick on American TV who cooks good old southern USA style food, but alas — as is the case with everyone who gets famous in the United State of America — Miss Deen gone and rubbed somebody the wrong way down by the Swannee, and now everything she has ever done is being dismissed because she admitted to using the N-word back in another time, and she was too stupid to realize that a big dress up party she was sorta-kinda — one with an Old Southern theme where the white guests dressed up regally while the black folks, working solely in service, dressed like slaves — wasn’t exactly keeping in step with today’s sensibilities.

Here’s how it all happened.

Paula Deen is a TV chef on the FOOD NETWORK and recently, a manager at Uncle Bubba Hiers Oyster and Seafood House, a Savannah, Georgia restaurant Deen owns with her brother Bubba Hiers, filed a sex and race discrimination suit against the restaurant. So, Paula Deen and her Bubba brother got hauled into court where Deen was bombarded by questions from the plaintiff’s lawyer about her use of the N word. When asked if she had ever used the word, Deen said that she had used the word in the past but it that was in another time. Then somebody dredges up a half-baked story where Deen once was planning a fancy ball where the African Americans dressed as slaves — and now we have a politcally correct mess.

Here is the truth:

The Executives at The Food Network – which is cancelling her show and her contract — are cowards and scoundrels. They knew what they were hiring when they hired Deens. They were hiring a woman who had grown up in the deep south at a time when “colored people” used different rest rooms and sat in the back of the bus. The Food Network hitched their money-grubbing wagon to an accident waiting to happen, yet they scooped a few hundred million dollars before the other shoe dropped.

Also, the fake American press is making this into a public lynching because in the American media one cannot mention the truth about the American Civil War and that their are still some cultural divides that are for the most part—harmless.

One cannot speak about the old south in any endearing way because the morons who run the elite media, pretend to care about black sensibilities. They treat African Americans like trained seals whereas people like Paula Deen see them as human beings who used to be different. IT’S A CULTURAL THING! PAULA DEEN IS NOT AN OVERT RACIST! HOW FRIGGING HARD IS THAT TO UNDERSTAND?

You might ask how educated journalists can be so dumb and turn this whole thing wher ethey practically have Paula Deen running a slave auction house, but the truth is that they are not dumb. They are sanctimonious phonies and frauds who live in a delusional state — and they need stories. They are mentally sick people who try to ignore the fact that anything good could have ever come from the south prior to 1861. It’s a big fat lie. They refuse to grasp the fact that people who lived over 150 years ago were different people — they had a totally different frame of reference. It’s something New Yawk media scums pretend to not understand, so in that respect, yes, they are stupid.

So Deen — an idiot for not just paying off this disgruntled worker who filed the suit and is probably a liar in my opinion — says a few things that these lynch mobs in the press love to put in the headlines. It’s sickening. This is a disgrace, and moreoevr, it’s a huge insult to black Americans.

Why is this dopey situation is even news? Well, you will have your Reverend, Doctor, Professor Jessie Jackson – (a complete low-life) and Al Sharpton ( functionally retarded) leading them into the race card trap. Standing beside petrified Food Network executives and cretins like Matt Lauer and Katie Couric and all the rest of the usual scum bags, they will talk down to other African Americans about Deen and how she must be a “cracker” of the highest order — and POOF — that will be the end of a fat dopey lady who used to cook stupid southern food on a stupid food show that is only watched by stupid people.

So — if anybody ever asks you if you have ever used the N word — even if you’re a rapper from Detroit — you have to say no!

And as for the United States of America? “Oh, Mammy. They have lost their minds.
Tarheel, "Trailer Trash" has absolutely nothing to do with mobile home parks. It is a mentality. I myself moved into a trailer over the Illinois state line upon my divorce (so I'd qualify for an Illinois lifetime hunting license). I met some of the best people in my life there. My ex never lived in one since she was busy lying, cheating and stealing while she neglected my children. Yet she is the pure definition of trailer trash.

Wanted to leave one other comment about the health of the nation. My sister is a doctor. My brother-in-law has been the GP for their town for 40 years. We have often spoke of health trends. His opinion is always hands down. The #1 reason for increased obesity in the US is the vast increase in fast food and bad food in general. He is 65 and I could barely hang with him on our last 15 mile rural bike ride. And I am in shape!
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Tarbell, "Trailer Trash" has absolutely nothing to do with mobile home parks. It is a mentality. I myself moved into a trailer over the Illinois state line upon my divorce (so I'd qualify for an Illinois lifetime hunting license). I met some of the best people in my life there. My ex never lived in one since she was busy lying, cheating and stealing while she neglected my children. Yet she is the pure definition of trailer trash.

Wanted to leave one other comment about the health of the nation. My sister is a doctor. My brother-in-law has been the GP for their town for 40 years. We have often spoke of health trends. His opinion is always hands down. The #1 reason for increased obesity in the US is the vast increase in fast food and bad food in general. He is 65 and I could barely hang with him on our last 15 mile rural ride. And I am in shape!

so his opinion is important why?

you post from wiki, and it's gospel. unless of course someone else does the same stating something differently. then it's ignored. nicely played. caught, but nicely played.
TLC, I attached several links from several different sources. There were many articles to choose from. If you don't like mine just Google it and pick another. They all confirm my comments.
just like all my quotes from resources confirm my comments. and chose wiki because that's the one you used.

and again, you fail to answer a question. why is his OPINION important?
One little item that has been overlooked in the Uncle Bubba sexual harassment suit. The plaintiff, happens to be a WHITE woman, not black. So people down here are still trying to figure out how and why it managed to end up about race!!!!!!!!!! The racial aspect was brought about from a woman who was supposedly a customer, and a personal friend of the fired white manager, who made the allegations of racial discrimination as a means of bolstering her friends lawsuit. Once again, the media fails to tell the entire story and manages to leave out facts in order to sway the court of public opinion, just as in the Zimmerman case. It's getting to the point that it's simply a crime to be white in this country.........even if you're Hispanic!!!!!!!!!
Because he is general practitioner giving physicals and making personal observations of thousands of patients for the last 40 years. He has had to deal the obesity epidemic as a part of his work for a long time, with a huge sample size.

An interesting sidelight to his family..........His mother and father have had very healthy diets their entire lives. They are............get this...........both over 95 years old! And been married for 75 years! They both still walk around fine on their own and don't use those electric carts at Walmart (the ones obese people love). Just saw them last out in Denver for my niece's wedding 2 months ago, and they were actually out on the dance floor! If you can believe that. It's true.

Now why don't you answer any of my questions? Don't know why you even asked yours. That was common sense if you know what a GP is.
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well, so you admit it's just his opinion, nothing factual. observation doesn't really mean much. I have observed people of all cultures in fast food places. including asians. does that mean what I say is factual? nope. just an observation. but according to your comments, asians do not like fast food. too much sugar you said.

you make statements, not ask questions. and of course you don't know. you have proven what a fool you are on a continual basis on this thread. and you have shown you have zero comprehension skills.

grandma was 97 when she passed. means she lived thru the rough times. and the things they ate back then. lard, butter, eggs, meat with the fat on it. she made one hell of a meat dressing. and guess what. not obese. grandpa was 83. smoked for years. and he would have kicked your azz all over the place. of course, with all your running, you probably would have been able to out run him?

as far as the electric carts. you are a complete dumbass. father in law uses one. not because he is obese, but he has hereditary heart disease. and before you make yourself out to be stupid about this, also, the wife, at age 51, also has a heart condition. and FYI. looks one hell of a lot better than your twig. 5'2", 120 pounds. and before the heart condition became pronounced, she would have been able to haul out an elk quarter.
well, so you admit it's just his opinion, nothing factual. observation doesn't really mean much. I have observed people of all cultures in fast food places. including asians. does that mean what I say is factual? nope. just an observation. but according to your comments, asians do not like fast food. too much sugar you said.

you make statements, not ask questions. and of course you don't know. you have proven what a fool you are on a continual basis on this thread. and you have shown you have zero comprehension skills.

grandma was 97 when she passed. means she lived thru the rough times. and the things they ate back then. lard, butter, eggs, meat with the fat on it. she made one hell of a meat dressing. and guess what. not obese. grandpa was 83. smoked for years. and he would have kicked your azz all over the place. of course, with all your running, you probably would have been able to out run him?

as far as the electric carts. you are a complete dumbass. father in law uses one. not because he is obese, but he has hereditary heart disease. and before you make yourself out to be stupid about this, also, the wife, at age 51, also has a heart condition. and FYI. looks one hell of a lot better than your twig. 5'2", 120 pounds. and before the heart condition became pronounced, she would have been able to haul out an elk quarter.

So you have observed Asians in fast food places, so that makes you as good a source for health opinions as my general practitioner physician b-i-l who has been clinically reviewing thousands of patient's blood sugar levels increase for the last 40 years? Really? And you go on to say I am a fool? Really? Did I mention my sister is also chief of staff at her hospital, and shares the same opinion about fast food ruining American's health?

My g/f's health is perfect as well as her body mass index (BMI), per her doctor. Everything is relative. American's have gotten so obese the standard of what is a healthy weight has gotten warped. They now call "normal" what a doctor would call 20 pounds overweight. I heard it from my ex's family for years. I was constantly criticized as being too thin while my doctor said I was perfect. I was criticized for playing basketball to age 50, running, biking. They said I was crazy for not relaxing. They criticized me for not pounding down more barbeque at their reunions. Two of the 15 of them ended up getting those stomach stapling operations Gross.

Virtually everyone I see using those carts at Wal-Mart share one common denominator. They are all obese. I find it impossible to believe this is simply coincidental. Obesity leads to many other health problems, including heart damage.
So you have observed Asians in fast food places, so that makes you as good a source for health opinions as my general practitioner physician b-i-l who has been clinically reviewing thousands of patient's blood sugar levels increase for the last 40 years? Really? And you go on to say I am a fool? Really? Did I mention my sister is also chief of staff at her hospital, and shares the same opinion about fast food ruining American's health?

My g/f's health is perfect as well as her body mass index (BMI), per her doctor. Everything is relative. American's have gotten so obese the standard of what is a healthy weight has gotten warped. They now call "normal" what a doctor would call 20 pounds overweight. I heard it from my ex's family for years. I was constantly criticized as being too thin while my doctor said I was perfect. I was criticized for playing basketball to age 50, running, biking. They said I was crazy for not relaxing. They criticized me for not pounding down more barbeque at their reunions. Two of the 15 of them ended up getting those stomach stapling operations Gross.

Virtually everyone I see using those carts at Wal-Mart share one common denominator. They are all obese. I find it impossible to believe this is simply coincidental. Obesity leads to many other health problems, including heart damage.

well, according to you, observation makes a person an expert. your words. and now, you are trying to say that a GP is a clinical physician. yeah, right. do you have a clue what a clinical physician does? obviously not with your comments.

no, what's warped is you. first you slam your ex for cooking "slop" food. then it was the "trailer trash" comment. then, you admit to staying with the slop cooker. brilliant. you probably are one of those wimpy people. you obviously are obsessed with your weight. to bad you're not smart enough to know what is healthy and what is not. weight means nothing. it's the bodies ratio that is important. genetics plays the big part there. you can eat what you want if you exercise. period. any intelligent doctor will tell you that. guessing your doctor does not fit that category. and since you aren't smart enough to know it, heart problems lead to other health conditions.

common denominator in your posts is your ignorance. you say what you observe and expect everyone to believe it's fact. but not what others see is the same.

you and twiggy do whatever. I'll keep my wife who looks healthy even if she is not because of her heart condition.

and since you think anyone is going to be impressed by your name dropping, I'll do the same. mine are more impressive. cousin was the head ortho doc for the Bears for years. did my knee surgeries. before he retired. also, have another cousin who was rated in the top 5 heart doctors in the nation before he retired. since he was retired, he did all the consulting on my step daughters heart transplant. so, I'll call your gp and head of staff and call with two specialists.
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