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Paula Deen....from Giznoogle

Since we don't have any mountains or hills on the coast, she can't be a "hillbilly". As for Southern cooking, it's mostly comprised of fresh veggies, a lot of wild game and fish, and homemade baked goods. Interestingly enough, the geechee style of cooking down here is very similar to cajun or creole, which is based in large part on a mixture of African, French, and Spanish ingredients. Paula's biggest claim to fame is in using butter to flavor her veggies, instead of the traditional fat back that most Southerners use. Also traditionally we fried our foods in lard, instead of vegetable oil. Funny thing, is that our populations seemed to live longer and have fewer health problems when the old fashioned cooking styles were used, especially when pork in one way or another, was one of the major staples of most meals. Besides, what's a real Southern meal, without homemade biscuits made with buttermilk and lard, or corn bread with cracklins?
Belly-deep- I think it's the proverbial straw that broke the camels back. She has been a marketing nightmare. Her new book was only showing a rating in the 1500s and I truly believe Food network and others were looking for a way of dumping her contracts. They didn't dump her when she was top rated on their network, her cookbooks were flying off the shelf and the original scandal and allegations first came out. Instead they wait until her new cookbook has cruddy ratings, her show had decreasing ratings (prior to the deposition scandal) of 25-33%. Yep, that kind of stuff has little to nothing to do with being dumped by a network...

Those midori sours you've been sipping must have worn off, this story makes more sense than your first. But why the heck do you know so much about Paula Deen cookbook and show ratings? Anyways, I could buy the idea that the Big businesses are unafraid to damage somebody's image in favor of the almighty dollar...happens every day.
Fowladdict- I did make a jump in thought with my first post. I assumed you could make the same inference that her ratings were tanking because of the new focus on health-care/ wellness over-all, her health problems (due in large part to her cooking style), and also the way her restaurant was being run. The only thing I really know about Paula Deen is she cooks with a lot of butter. My wife really likes watching her shows but even she quit watching because the recipes just aren't in line with "healthy eating". I think cracklins' are pig fat fried in grease and then flavored...
Fowladdict- I did make a jump in thought with my first post. I assumed you could make the same inference that her ratings were tanking because of the new focus on health-care/ wellness over-all, her health problems (due in large part to her cooking style), and also the way her restaurant was being run. The only thing I really know about Paula Deen is she cooks with a lot of butter. My wife really likes watching her shows but even she quit watching because the recipes just aren't in line with "healthy eating". I think cracklins' are pig fat fried in grease and then flavored...

Here's another for you.

Fowladdict- I did make a jump in thought with my first post. I assumed you could make the same inference that her ratings were tanking because of the new focus on health-care/ wellness over-all, her health problems (due in large part to her cooking style), and also the way her restaurant was being run. The only thing I really know about Paula Deen is she cooks with a lot of butter. My wife really likes watching her shows but even she quit watching because the recipes just aren't in line with "healthy eating". I think cracklins' are pig fat fried in grease and then flavored...

I am just giving you a hard time. I didn't really know who Paula Deen was until my grandma passed. We came across a few of her books and she had Paula Deen cookbooks. Funny thing is she would buy the books, but never to our knowledge used the recipes. Ah cacklin, what I know as pork rind or when I lived in Cali it was a Chicharon (sp?).
can you name one person who died from clogged arteries because of paula deans cooking? that's just stupid right there. next you'll be telling us emanual is a good mayor.

Have you ever even watched one of Paula Dean's cooking shows? You know........where she fries everything, smothers it in gravy, and sprinkles sugar on it? Are you aware Paula Dean herself has Type 2 Diabetes??? Are you aware she concealed her condition the last 3 years while she was busy promoting & profiting off her sugar laden recipes like "Chocolate Cheese Fudge"??? ............all the while she was partnering with a drug company that provides relief for diabetics!!! Is this for real? You bet it is!

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Take a look at Dean's figure, then check out my 48 year old g/f, who would not touch one of Dean's pig slops with a 10 foot pole.

Doesn't take a rocket scientist.


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Did you seriously post a picture of your gf to compare to Paula Deen? I guess it is a little like high school around here at times. But hey like Phil Robertson, some men like their wimin with a little meat. Besides just because PD knows how to make a good deep fried cookie doesn't mean she can't support the diabetes cause. I'm sure she struggled with the fact that the whole world would know that she had it herself. And just because she had it herself doesn't mean she had to give up what she was good at. After all a person not so shallow could see that there are happy fat and diabetic people out there
Have you ever even watched one of Paula Dean's cooking shows? You know........where she fries everything, smothers it in gravy, and sprinkles sugar on it? Are you aware Paula Dean herself has Type 2 Diabetes??? Are you aware she concealed her condition the last 3 years while she was busy promoting & profiting off her sugar laden recipes like "Chocolate Cheese Fudge"??? ............all the while she was partnering with a drug company that provides relief for diabetics!!! Is this for real? You bet it is!

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Take a look at Dean's figure, then check out my 48 year old g/f, who would not touch one of Dean's pig slops with a 10 foot pole.

Doesn't take a rocket scientist.

She doesn't look like she can pack elk quarters worth a $#%&. Next!
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fowladdict...please do not dissuade Zim from posting an even more vigorous rebuttal.:D
fowladdict...please do not dissuade Zim from posting an even more vigorous rebuttal.:D

No need to rebut anyone. Paula Dean and her southern pig slop shop promoting are ovaaaaaaa! And there's not a dam thing any of her supporters can do about it. :)

Excuse me as this topic touches a nerve in me. My ex was one of those southern slop cooks who let herself go to hell. She had plenty of time to cook her slop and get fat because she was busy NOT WORKING and not paying any of our family bills for 20 freakin years.......while she was busy controlling and manipulating my sons into believing she was the greatest thing since sliced bread. Her brothers ate like pigs and financially abandoned their kids too. Paula Dean is a clone of my ex's southern family. So you see I am very glad to see the door hit PD on her *** on her way out.
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No need to rebut anyone. Paula Dean and her southern pig slop shop promoting are ovaaaaaaa! And there's not a dam thing any of her supporters can do about it. :)

Excuse me as this topic touches a nerve in me. My ex was one of those southern slop cooks who let herself go to hell. She had plenty of time to cook her slop and get fat because she was busy NOT WORKING and not paying any of our family bills for 20 freakin years.......while she was busy controlling and manipulating my sons into believing she was the greatest thing since sliced bread. Her brothers ate like pigs and financially abandoned their kids too. Paula Dean is a clone of my ex's southern family. So you see I am very glad to see the door hit PD on her *** on her way out.

Ok but how was your ex at packing meat?:D

Ok but how was your ex at packing meat?:D

The only thing my ex packed was our refrigerator............with bacon, cheese, and Market Day frozen meals.

She threw a fit when I cooked any wild game meat in the house. She ran in the bedroom and closed the door, laying down in bed watching Jerry Springer while she wasn't working. That is why she is out the door.

I didn't get my g/f to pack meat. She has other much better skills. If I want to haul my elk out I can rent a horse.
Have you ever even watched one of Paula Dean's cooking shows? You know........where she fries everything, smothers it in gravy, and sprinkles sugar on it? Are you aware Paula Dean herself has Type 2 Diabetes??? Are you aware she concealed her condition the last 3 years while she was busy promoting & profiting off her sugar laden recipes like "Chocolate Cheese Fudge"??? ............all the while she was partnering with a drug company that provides relief for diabetics!!! Is this for real? You bet it is!

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Take a look at Dean's figure, then check out my 48 year old g/f, who would not touch one of Dean's pig slops with a 10 foot pole.

Doesn't take a rocket scientist.

very bad move. but hey, you opened the door, so I will come in.

are we supposed to be impressed with your g/f? not here. first question I have is - where is the rest of her? second, since you obviously think she's all that, why is she single at her age? third, was shipping included in the price you paid?

now, as far as watching the TV. don't have that much time, but not sure why that matters. guessing your parents and grandparents cooked the same way PD does. did you chastise them? or is this a vendetta against your ex? rhetorical as we all have seen what it is. save it for someone who cares. cook my eggs in butter. cook my bacon straight up. like fried chicken. chicken fried steak for breakfast is very tasty.

and last, but certainly not least. I love it when people give the answers and quotes themselves.

" My ex was one of those southern slop cooks who let herself go to hell. She had plenty of time to cook her slop and get fat because she was busy NOT WORKING and not paying any of our family bills for 20 freakin years"

"Doesn't take a rocket scientist."

guess this explains why it took you 20 years.

and with all your ranting, you ignored the question I originally asked. expected.
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