Partial List of Things I Don't Get

I’ll add

1) People that buy pure bred working dog breeds and have them as a pet without work.

Currently live one that I couldn’t talk my gf out of buying when we were very early in our relationship. Covered a lot of obstacles and she’s a good dog but I still believe that dog should have had the opportunity to heard cows instead of being insanely obsessed with the ball.

2) Why country radio still plays crap music when so many people are realizing its crap.
I like my cat (who is very friendly) better than my dog (who is a basket case), but in general I agree that dogs are better. I don't get people who passionately hate cats, though. Did a cat scratch you when you were a kid or something?
1. Def leopard- first song that comes to mind is “pour some sugar on me” I try not to eat sugar, wouldn’t like to have it poured on me
2. Cats- they kill like a million birds a year. My 4 year old daughter haS a cat named raja.
3. Ice fishing- if I had to choose 1 kind of fishing it would be ice fishing, glad I don’t have to chose
4. Japanese food- I’ve never had sushi from a fancy place, but cheap sushi is ok. I do like ceviche but that’s Mexican.
5. Black licorice- jelly beans, licorice anything, no thank you.
The OP original post, I agree with most. I like my barn cats. Feed them twice a day and they talk and recognize me. Have never petted one.

I love black licorice and black jelly beans. I buy the all black only.
Ice fishing is great because, if you're willing to work and drag your sled, you typically find the good bite. Ice opens the whole lake up to you. Fish tend to taste better in cold water. It's a challenge. The buffer of being cold often times keeps the uninitiated away and the lake to yourself.

Plus, what else are you going to do in the dead of winter?
Ski The backcountry?
People who come from states that call doughnuts “cookies”

Anyone that says “hella”
Cats are useful as rodent control. I cant keep them alive here though, so i gave up. As far as black licorice... thats the only kind. That red crap is just flavored hfcs, its not licorice at all. Licorice is delicious, if you disagree, well, we all have our opinions, and some of them are stupid. Not mine though. Just those who disagree with me.
Just for fun and I'll caveat this by putting out there a half-hearted "to each his own". Feel free to comment and add your own. Here goes:

1. Def Leppard. No member of the the group sticks me as particularly talented and their music is over-produced and uninteresting. Their lyrics are silly and mostly just nonsense. They're not as popular as they once were, but I still hear them on "classic rock" stations a lot. Don't get it. Never have.

2. Cats. They suck. This truth is self evident.

3. Ice Fishing. As a fellow outdoorsman, why on earth would you do that to yourself?

4. Japanese Food. They over-cook their vegetables and under-cook their meat, if they cook it at all. And by the way, it just sorta tastes awful. That includes sushi, sake, and everything else, and the fact that people go out of their way to eat sushi leaves me perplexed.

5. Black Licorice. This one probably tops the chart. How many otherwise pleasant jelly bean experiences have been ruined by not paying attention - maybe it's under low-light conditions - pop a bean into you mouth thinking it's grape and instead it's an explosion of chemical waste that will linger at the back of your tongue until next month. Wow. How did that flavor ever make it on the jelly bean list to begin with. Gives me chills just to think about it.

1.The early 80’s through early 90’s is one of the worst periods for music in the history of mankind, with very few exceptions. The only thing that is worse is the current state of “Country Music”.

2. Yea they can, but I like my cat tremendously. I haven’t had a rodent problem at the house or barn since he came along and he doesn’t ever leave the farmstead. First cat I have ever seen that is a homebody. He also apparently does not care for bird, frog, or lizard meat.

3.Never tried ice fishing but would like to.

4. I have had good and I have had bad.

5. I’d eat my cat before black licorice.

Here’s mine:

1. Bread and Butter pickles. Who even thought to waste a cucumber on something so vile.

2. Jacked up trucks. I can see having a bit of a lift for the purpose of ground clearance. But some of the folks have trucks where the floor boards are up to their chests. Useless.

3. People who support one or two political issues because of the science and then completely ignore the science of most other political issues because of ideology.

4. Just about any country music personality that has come along in the past 5 to 10 years and even most of the ones that were in the country music scene at that time. Pretty much across the board your music sucks. Jamie Johnson and Chris Stapleton are about the only exceptions that I can think of at the moment.

5. Anyone who doesn’t recognize Danny Carey as the best drummer of all time. Weirdo that he is....
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