Partial List of Things I Don't Get

When my wife wants me to understand what she is thinking or saying even when she says something else.

Working off of a ladder or on a roof.

The chances you see amazing animals that you don’t have tags for and all the tags you do have, the animals are on private.
1) Birthday cake. Pie is so much more awesome. Birthday pie made from scratch.
2) $60,000 4WD trucks. That is a luxury vehicle. Why the 4WD? Is it ever leaving the paved road?
3) Wyoming wilderness rule for non-residents. Let's recap. I can fish 150 days as an out-of-state visitor in a wilderness yet as soon as I grab a gun to hunt deer in that same wilderness then my ability to survive craters. Call is what it is, Economic Welfare for Outfitters Act Funded by Non-Residents.
4) Oregon F&G allotment for NR. Are even less tags to draw than appears for deer and elk.
5) Idaho F&G failing to release cumulative draw odds for all NR applicants for moose and goat and sheep so every year there is the guy saying the odds for a unit last year were 1 in 3 so has 33% odds to get that moose tag this year. Yeesh. Add up all NR tags awarded for that speicies and all NR applications then divide. Yep, never 33% ever for the Big 3.
6) Camo accessories that typically are easy to loose such as a knife or GPS. Make mine bright orange.
7) Why does commercial dehydrated food include Turbo Fart additives in each serving?
8) Lawn chairs to claim a water hole all season in Arizona.
9) Trailers to claim a campsite all season in Utah.
10) Grizzly bears that ask if you are really there for the hunting.
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Sushi is awesome, unless it ain't then you're probably gonna be sick.
Black licorice is a hunting tradition in my family, but you have to get the good stuff. (usually the Australian kind)
Riding bikes is the best unless there are Ahole drivers trying to run you off the road.
Wyoming's Wilderness laws are the absolute worst. I think everyone can agree it's BS.

My addition to the list? Pineapple on pizza. Why would you ruin a good pizza?
Black licorice is possibly the worst flavor in the planet. Even Jaeger couldn’t save it for me.

Things I don’t get...
1. Saw two low-riders in Glasgow this weekend. WTF good is a pickup if you’re going to do that to it? Especially here.
2. People who start chatting you up about “goat hunting”, then five minutes into the conversation I realize they mean antelope, not mountain goats.
3. People who don’t like any kind of wild game based on a single experience.

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