Kenetrek Boots

Partial List of Things I Don't Get

1. I like Def Leppard, but would turn it down if it was playing and I was at an intersection next to someone with the windows down so they didn’t hear me listening to it.
2. I like cats better than dogs.
3. I LOVE ice fishing.
4. I like Japanese food.
5. I’m with ya on black licorice, nasty.
I’ve been hitting the trails running quite a bit lately and find myself diving down really weird rabbit holes of music, if people only know what was pumping through my headphones as we passed each other...
The only good thing I can think to say about cats is my wife and I made a deal: she got a cat that she totally takes care of and I got a .44 magnum. I know Big Fin says a husband never wins an argument, but the cat was probably inevitable, so I feel pretty good I at least I got something out of the deal.
Comic books...they're not books nor funny.
Tatoos. They are gay. I get scars....
Guys with piercings....just put a bone in your nose and get it over with.
Lime anything that is not made from real limes.

Black is the only REAL LICORICE! The rest is fruity pebbles...
Black is the only REAL LICORICE! The rest is fruity pebbles...
The only thing better than black and white jelly beans is black licorice

The tougher and chewier the better....

The only thing worse than Deaf Leper/Kiss/Costume Bands is social media fashionista vlog influencers (not you Fin)
Cats are kinda cool but I sure as hell don't want one.
I fish with ice in the Yeti.
Hard no on the sushi
....send me your black jelly beans, twizzlers, and a shot of Jager

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