Partial List of Things I Don't Get

Just for fun and I'll caveat this by putting out there a half-hearted "to each his own". Feel free to comment and add your own. Here goes:

1. Def Leppard. No member of the the group sticks me as particularly talented and their music is over-produced and uninteresting. Their lyrics are silly and mostly just nonsense. They're not as popular as they once were, but I still hear them on "classic rock" stations a lot. Don't get it. Never have.

2. Cats. They suck. This truth is self evident.

3. Ice Fishing. As a fellow outdoorsman, why on earth would you do that to yourself?

4. Japanese Food. They over-cook their vegetables and under-cook their meat, if they cook it at all. And by the way, it just sorta tastes awful. That includes sushi, sake, and everything else, and the fact that people go out of their way to eat sushi leaves me perplexed.

5. Black Licorice. This one probably tops the chart. How many otherwise pleasant jelly bean experiences have been ruined by not paying attention - maybe it's under low-light conditions - pop a bean into you mouth thinking it's grape and instead it's an explosion of chemical waste that will linger at the back of your tongue until next month. Wow. How did that flavor ever make it on the jelly bean list to begin with. Gives me chills just to think about it.

1. I agree

2. yes, yes and yes !

3. To eat something besides moose, caribou, bison, muskox, and bear for 9 months of the year . :)

4. you probably would not enjoy moose nose then. However I also dont eat Japanese or Chinese food. One reason we don't have a lot of takeout places here :)

5. ???? Not sure I have ever had any, so I will be very careful

for me

1. Taylor /swift and Miley Cyrus

2. Our liberal Govt

3. people trying to restrict our seal hunting, polar bear hunting, trapping,

4. the new gun control push as well as what is already law here

5. ANY non working dog
Just for fun and I'll caveat this by putting out there a half-hearted "to each his own". Feel free to comment and add your own. Here goes:

1. Def Leppard. No member of the the group sticks me as particularly talented and their music is over-produced and uninteresting. Their lyrics are silly and mostly just nonsense. They're not as popular as they once were, but I still hear them on "classic rock" stations a lot. Don't get it. Never have.

2. Cats. They suck. This truth is self evident.

3. Ice Fishing. As a fellow outdoorsman, why on earth would you do that to yourself?

4. Japanese Food. They over-cook their vegetables and under-cook their meat, if they cook it at all. And by the way, it just sorta tastes awful. That includes sushi, sake, and everything else, and the fact that people go out of their way to eat sushi leaves me perplexed.

5. Black Licorice. This one probably tops the chart. How many otherwise pleasant jelly bean experiences have been ruined by not paying attention - maybe it's under low-light conditions - pop a bean into you mouth thinking it's grape and instead it's an explosion of chemical waste that will linger at the back of your tongue until next month. Wow. How did that flavor ever make it on the jelly bean list to begin with. Gives me chills just to think about it.

1. Deaf Panther is rancid.
2. I don’t mind cats in the house, but outdoor cats are the spawn of the devil research shows. Bastards kill erything.
3. Icefishing is terrible unless you have a sweet hut with snacks, cards and beer with a buddy.
4. Sushi is delicious!
5. Black licorice is disgusting.

6. Light beer? Fizzy piss water? I prefer a solid heavy beer! Carboloading!!!
7. Reality TV... it’s not reality.
8. Donettes! Eating little donuts that haven’t grown up makes me sad... just rubbing Big Fin... 😂 🍩
This reminds me

6. People in Montana who say place X has the most amazing food... no it’s not that great actually.

This is probably true for many types of food, particularly ethnic foods, but I have had chicken fried steaks in nine different states, and I believe it is possible that Montana is the chicken fried steak capital of the world.
5. ???? Not sure I have ever had any, so I will be very careful
You're not missing much, if anything your life is better for not having tried it.

1. People driving in the left lane on the highway going well below the speed limit.

2. Women (or men) that hike in leggings, mine would be shredded within seconds and those things are not cheap.

3. Rocky mountain oysters....I'm all for using every part of the animal, but where is the line drawn?
SFC B your number 5 I agree!
PandaBear your number 3 . Ice Fishing so you can have something different than Moose and Caribou ????
Mtelkhuntress your number 3 o_O

Sonny and Cher. I watched a clip my grandfather played for me. I have no idea how they became so popular or like the thread title says, things I dont get :rolleyes:
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Disagree on 1 but not big deal but flat wrong on Japanese food. I was stationed in Japan for two years. Food is amazing across the board. I've had folks say they don't like Cajun food but what they ate that they called Cajun bore no resemblance to my native cuisine. I can't eat Chinese food in the U.S. after being stationed in Japan. Too many preservatives here.
1) Philly Cheese steak in Philadelphia

2) How come everyone in New Orleans is not 700 lbs with their amazing food

3) People that consider jalapenos ultra spicy

4) How a herd of elk can vanish into thin air with them being so big

5) How people love to showcase the animals from Satan than are River otters in a cute way.

6) Grizzly bear hate

7) Wine Coolers / Sweet Tea - How much sugar do people need?

8) Wild game eaters that disgard the heart

9) People that cannot cook wild duck properly, but can cook an amazing steak on a grill.

10) People who like superman over batman

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