
Well-known member
Jan 16, 2012
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My father was exposed to agent orange in Vietnam, my brother was exposed to toxins in the first Gulf War and has seen several platoon members fall severely ill. Neither my brother or my Dad have had major health issues because of it, but it's there.

I just don't get how after so many years, so much more awareness we can't do better for our vets. I'd like to know more about the claims of a budgetary gimmick, I don't see it, maybe Mr. Lamb can man-splain it to us.

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The government can always find money for large contracts where kickback are inevitable or funding is going into the pockets of thier associates. Finding money for the actual end user who needs it well that shit is just not in the budget. It's a $*)Q!#@$ joke man. John Stewart pretty much nails it. Disgusting.
My father was exposed to agent orange in Vietnam, my brother was exposed to toxins in the first Gulf War and has seen several platoon members fall severely ill. Neither my brother or my Dad have had major health issues because of it, but it's there.

I just don't get how after so many years, so much more awareness we can't do better for our vets. I'd like to know more about the claims of a budgetary gimmick, I don't see it, maybe Mr. Lamb can man-splain it to us.

I wish I could explain it, but all I have is anger.
There’s not really any way for the congress critters to skim or funnel the money to their friends for a kickback. If they did it would look bad snd the only thing politicians hate worse than spending money they can’t steal is looking bad doing it.
'Don't know if exposure to Agent Orange during my Vietnam tours caused my prostate cancer, but the VA had the funds to heal me and now I hike longer and stronger.
Military personnel deployed more recently likely have had as much or more exposure to the toxic fumes of dump fires and need to receive appropriate continued medical scrutiny and health care.

That any US Senator would even think twice about voting against the funding mechanism to care for those Vets is appalling and unacceptable. I'm so sick of those politicians who show up at the Memorial Day and Veterans Day events to glad-hand and solicit votes. :mad: They would better serve Vets by thanking them and explaining how they will support the VA and Veterans with good legislation and health care programs.

BTW, Congress also has the authority and the responsibility to ensure the funds are spent appropriately, so there's that check and balance as well. The withdrawal of support for this important funding is blatantly a political stunt which will prolong the risk and the access to care for those Veterans.
VA took care of my COVID vax and hernia surgery in time for my Africa trip last year. Then hearing aids this year. The care has been beyond first class. Nurses station on surgery recovery ward at Minneapolis VA hospital looked like NASA at Houston. I can't complain.
Yes you can. Complain about the Senate reneging on this important Veterans health care bill!

It's not always about YOU.
I'll have to do some more investigation before committing to making a "complaint." My experience has been excellent VA care. Way above the entitlements at my discharge in 1974. VA health care has improved 110% since then. Others may have different experience.
I'm so sick of those politicians who show up at the Memorial Day and Veterans Day events to glad-hand and solicit votes.
I can’t agree with this more. Right before I moved out of South Dakota I was at the national cemetery and kristi noem and zinke were there, it was while she was running for governor. The only thing they would talk about was how she secured more land for the BH national cemetery. It was ridiculous and pissed me off that they couldn’t see that the day isn’t about their political bullshit.

I’m pretty sure the VA doesn’t really have anything to do with this so I’m not sure where that tangent came from. I’ve also never had a bad experience at a VA with people that work there. But I’ve basically given up trying to call and schedule anything.

I’ve never been a fan of the support the troops stickers and magnets. Seems way to superficial, and I can only speak for myself for the next part but when someone says thanks for your service I honestly don’t know what to say. It’s nice to hear but is a little awkward, that’s not why I signed up and I try like hell to not let it show so all I can say is thank you.

Here’s who voted against it. From Newsweek. These turds can get **cked. I can’t wait to vote.

  1. John A. Barrasso, WY
  2. Marsha Blackburn, TN
  3. Roy Blunt, MO
  4. Mike Braun, IN
  5. Richard Burr, NC
  6. Bill Cassidy, LA
  7. John Cornyn, TX
  8. Tom Cotton, AR
  9. Kevin Cramer, ND
  10. Mike Crapo, ID
  11. Ted Cruz, TX,
  12. Steve Daines, MT
  13. Joni Ernst, IA
  14. Deb Fischer, NE
  15. Bill Hagerty, TN
  16. Josh Hawley, MO
  17. Cindy Hyde-Smith, MS
  18. Jim Inhofe, OK
  19. Ron Johnson, WI
  20. John Neely Kennedy, LA
  21. James Lankford, OK
  22. Mike Lee, UT
  23. Cynthia Lummis, WY
  24. Roger Marshall, KS
  25. Mitch McConnell, KY
  26. Rand Paul, KY
  27. Rob Portman, OH
  28. Jim Risch, ID
  29. Mitt Romney, UT
  30. Mike Rounds, SD
  31. Ben Sasse, NE
  32. Rick Scott, FL
  33. Tim Scott, SC
  34. Richard Shelby, AL
  35. Dan Sullivan, AK
  36. John Thune, SD
  37. Thom Tillis, NC
  38. Patrick Toomey, PA
  39. Tommy Tuberville, AL
  40. Roger Wicker, MS
  41. Todd Young, IN
I can’t agree with this more. Right before I moved out of South Dakota I was at the national cemetery and kristi noem and zinke were there, it was while she was running for governor. The only thing they would talk about was how she secured more land for the BH national cemetery. It was ridiculous and pissed me off that they couldn’t see that the day isn’t about their political bullshit.

I’m pretty sure the VA doesn’t really have anything to do with this so I’m not sure where that tangent came from. I’ve also never had a bad experience at a VA with people that work there. But I’ve basically given up trying to call and schedule anything.

I’ve never been a fan of the support the troops stickers and magnets. Seems way to superficial, and I can only speak for myself for the next part but when someone says thanks for your service I honestly don’t know what to say. It’s nice to hear but is a little awkward, that’s not why I signed up and I try like hell to not let it show so all I can say is thank you.

Here’s who voted against it. From Newsweek. These turds can get **cked. I can’t wait to vote.

  1. John A. Barrasso, WY
  2. Marsha Blackburn, TN
  3. Roy Blunt, MO
  4. Mike Braun, IN
  5. Richard Burr, NC
  6. Bill Cassidy, LA
  7. John Cornyn, TX
  8. Tom Cotton, AR
  9. Kevin Cramer, ND
  10. Mike Crapo, ID
  11. Ted Cruz, TX,
  12. Steve Daines, MT
  13. Joni Ernst, IA
  14. Deb Fischer, NE
  15. Bill Hagerty, TN
  16. Josh Hawley, MO
  17. Cindy Hyde-Smith, MS
  18. Jim Inhofe, OK
  19. Ron Johnson, WI
  20. John Neely Kennedy, LA
  21. James Lankford, OK
  22. Mike Lee, UT
  23. Cynthia Lummis, WY
  24. Roger Marshall, KS
  25. Mitch McConnell, KY
  26. Rand Paul, KY
  27. Rob Portman, OH
  28. Jim Risch, ID
  29. Mitt Romney, UT
  30. Mike Rounds, SD
  31. Ben Sasse, NE
  32. Rick Scott, FL
  33. Tim Scott, SC
  34. Richard Shelby, AL
  35. Dan Sullivan, AK
  36. John Thune, SD
  37. Thom Tillis, NC
  38. Patrick Toomey, PA
  39. Tommy Tuberville, AL
  40. Roger Wicker, MS
  41. Todd Young, IN
Thanks for the list ... though I'm sure everyone on here already knew who was on it without being told. Same bunch who promote the stolen election and other partisan idiocy. With that track record and the polls are predicting the GOP will not only survive the next election but actually take over the Senate? Seems hopeless!
I can’t agree with this more. Right before I moved out of South Dakota I was at the national cemetery and kristi noem and zinke were there, it was while she was running for governor. The only thing they would talk about was how she secured more land for the BH national cemetery. It was ridiculous and pissed me off that they couldn’t see that the day isn’t about their political bullshit.

I’m pretty sure the VA doesn’t really have anything to do with this so I’m not sure where that tangent came from. I’ve also never had a bad experience at a VA with people that work there. But I’ve basically given up trying to call and schedule anything.

I’ve never been a fan of the support the troops stickers and magnets. Seems way to superficial, and I can only speak for myself for the next part but when someone says thanks for your service I honestly don’t know what to say. It’s nice to hear but is a little awkward, that’s not why I signed up and I try like hell to not let it show so all I can say is thank you.

Here’s who voted against it. From Newsweek. These turds can get **cked. I can’t wait to vote.

  1. John A. Barrasso, WY
  2. Marsha Blackburn, TN
  3. Roy Blunt, MO
  4. Mike Braun, IN
  5. Richard Burr, NC
  6. Bill Cassidy, LA
  7. John Cornyn, TX
  8. Tom Cotton, AR
  9. Kevin Cramer, ND
  10. Mike Crapo, ID
  11. Ted Cruz, TX,
  12. Steve Daines, MT
  13. Joni Ernst, IA
  14. Deb Fischer, NE
  15. Bill Hagerty, TN
  16. Josh Hawley, MO
  17. Cindy Hyde-Smith, MS
  18. Jim Inhofe, OK
  19. Ron Johnson, WI
  20. John Neely Kennedy, LA
  21. James Lankford, OK
  22. Mike Lee, UT
  23. Cynthia Lummis, WY
  24. Roger Marshall, KS
  25. Mitch McConnell, KY
  26. Rand Paul, KY
  27. Rob Portman, OH
  28. Jim Risch, ID
  29. Mitt Romney, UT
  30. Mike Rounds, SD
  31. Ben Sasse, NE
  32. Rick Scott, FL
  33. Tim Scott, SC
  34. Richard Shelby, AL
  35. Dan Sullivan, AK
  36. John Thune, SD
  37. Thom Tillis, NC
  38. Patrick Toomey, PA
  39. Tommy Tuberville, AL
  40. Roger Wicker, MS
  41. Todd Young, IN
What a surprise.
I kinda feel like americas getting what it deserves by continually electing career politician, activists and chest thumpers. For every AOC there’s a Lauren boebert. Which gets America nowhere.
At this point I’d be on board with electing some pulled from a random pool based off selective service numbers. Anything would be better than the shit sandwich we’re eating now.
I kinda feel like americas getting what it deserves by continually electing career politician, activists and chest thumpers. For every AOC there’s a Lauren boebert. Which gets America nowhere.
At this point I’d be on board with electing some pulled from a random pool based off selective service numbers. Anything would be better than the shit sandwich we’re eating now.

He nails it at 7:20 "they live to 200, they're tortoises"
I kinda feel like americas getting what it deserves by continually electing career politician, activists and chest thumpers. For every AOC there’s a Lauren boebert. Which gets America nowhere.
At this point I’d be on board with electing some pulled from a random pool based off selective service numbers. Anything would be better than the shit sandwich we’re eating now.
Once more people realize that no matter the party affiliation, there’s about 10% trying to actually do something for good, 70% are 100% for themselves and will screw anyone to gain money, fame, influence, and 20% useful idiots that are just there to fan the flames. The idiots that fan the flames are the ones on TV that spew crap blaming the other side. It keeps the masses enthralled watching MSNBC and FOX thinking that their party is right and the other is wrong. It’s a giant illusion and people that watch that garbage and argue over todays politics play right into their hands.

If you take the average far right conservative and compare their ideas against a far left liberal, their ideas won’t be that far apart. When you call one a commie and the other a nazi then you can stir controversy to enthrall each side.

It’s a hell of a gambit since they’ve dumbed down most of the population and have made it a tribal brawl.

Don’t watch the party or what they say, watch the money.
I don't have a dog in the particular fight, and I'm not supporting those that didn't vote for this particular legislation, but I tend to think politicians aren't quite as bad as people make them out to be. I don't think many are out for financial gains (you can make a helluva lot more doing other things), there certainly is a power and control at play, but I think they're trying to make things better, we just don't agree on the definition of better. If you think about how the sausage is made, and how many makers are involved, but then in the end it is entirely black and white, vote for or against, I think it's a pretty darn hard system to work within. There's no ability for nuance. Then on top of all that both parties demand allegiance. You can't be an independent thinker, not until you're very well established (if you get to be a thinker at all). I honestly don't know how anything gets done, even the very little that they're currently doing.

Take AOC, she has some very crazy ideas, but those got her elected, so clearly people in her district approve of them (or at least don't disapprove of them). So isn't it her job to represent those people and the ideas she ran on? I mean we're all making some value judgement that the person we elect will make "good" choices without having the ability to poll all of his/er constituents on every topic. Sometimes we just don't agree with their choices.

If we want better people in office, we need to stop demonizing that job when we don't agree with a vote. I mean would anyone want that job? Does anyone like have 1000s of people yell at you and think you're doing a terrible job no matter how you vote? I know I don't, nor do I know anyone else who I would deem qualified to hold a position of such responsibility. If those qualified don't apply then we're left with second (or third or fourth) rate characters in there representing us.
I don't have a dog in the particular fight, and I'm not supporting those that didn't vote for this particular legislation, but I tend to think politicians aren't quite as bad as people make them out to be. I don't think many are out for financial gains (you can make a helluva lot more doing other things), there certainly is a power and control at play, but I think they're trying to make things better, we just don't agree on the definition of better. If you think about how the sausage is made, and how many makers are involved, but then in the end it is entirely black and white, vote for or against, I think it's a pretty darn hard system to work within. There's no ability for nuance. Then on top of all that both parties demand allegiance. You can't be an independent thinker, not until you're very well established (if you get to be a thinker at all). I honestly don't know how anything gets done, even the very little that they're currently doing.

Take AOC, she has some very crazy ideas, but those got her elected, so clearly people in her district approve of them (or at least don't disapprove of them). So isn't it her job to represent those people and the ideas she ran on? I mean we're all making some value judgement that the person we elect will make "good" choices without having the ability to poll all of his/er constituents on every topic. Sometimes we just don't agree with their choices.

If we want better people in office, we need to stop demonizing that job when we don't agree with a vote. I mean would anyone want that job? Does anyone like have 1000s of people yell at you and think you're doing a terrible job no matter how you vote? I know I don't, nor do I know anyone else who I would deem qualified to hold a position of such responsibility. If those qualified don't apply then we're left with second (or third or fourth) rate characters in there representing us.

Counter point:

I'm trying to understand the setting and why the flip.

What I gather, it appears 3541 is specific to only those effected after Sept 11, 2001... whereas the PACT Act appears to cover far beyond Sept 11, 2001.

The idea it will overwhelm the VA by including all living military service members? Seems to be the best I can read of the setting. I despise polarized trench politics. I think that's a given though I'm trying to understand why support a select era vs all? What else am I missing?
wow! That sucks. I don’t know a single Republican that would vote against a higher budget for vets.. I’m sure Mr Daines could clarify what else was being pushed through with that bill…

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