Orange Washing


Well-known member
Nov 7, 2011
Mr. Frazier bringing the heat on this one.

TLDR - Lots of outdoor industry marketing about conservation, not much actual conservationing and trending in the wrong direction.
...or TLDR: "Hey AI, write me an article about a thing called 'orange washing' that means hunting gear companies don't hire us to prove they donate enough money to conservation, and throw in some trippy graphics with animals and orange paint, and don't worry too much about data to support my argument."
For sure this is going on. For sure there are some big companies doing a lot for conservation that aren't on the list.

Licensee may include its Membership Fees as part of Licensee’s Donation total.

So if you pay the dues to 2% for conservation, that counts as spending money on conservation?

I'm sure for some of these companies the dues wouldn't be a blip on the radar, but I'm sure it would be a bit of a hassle to document and support all your conservation expenses. I know some big names that used to be in the program that aren't any longer. Maybe it is private equity making them cut back on conservation spending. Private equity is not known for long term thinking for sure.

I think there are some companies that have never been a formal part of the 2% for conservation group that are doing some heavy lifting on supporting conservation. It is more difficult to know though.

Is a company with $35m in revenues that is spending $500,000 annually on conservation better than a company with $3.5m in revenues spending $70,000 annually on conservation? The bigger company wouldn't meet the 2% threshold but the smaller one would.
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