Oops, sorry. I was just asking an innocent little question.
Don't feel bad...one of the local volunteer fire chiefs (who's always lecturing people about the dangers of such things) caught his garage on fire with one.
Well I had use the fryer the day before which we had some goood chicken. I had forgot to pour my oil back in the jug so i decided to reheat the oil to clean up any bacteria which might have gotten in that night. So I sarted the fryer and went in side for a minute, and when I came back out to check the temperature it was only about 250 degrees and I usually cook on 350 degrees so a came back in and was in the house for less than one minute when my lovely wife said that it looked like it was smoking.
Then I took off and open the door an the flames sucked in the door. I went under the flames to get out. The fire was only in the pot, it had not boiled over it was burning insidde the pot. So I went around the house to get a water hose to try and cool down the outside of the pot when a neighbor told me my house was on fire{duh I got a water hose} and he had done called the fire department and I know all of them and they rodde me hard about it to. Nothing really burnt at all it just melted all thew vinyl siding off the house and a few shingles. So my lovely wife decided she wanted to build on and $50,000.00 later I'm all done.
Bet you wont do that again.
Bought a brand new turkey fryer, still in unopened box, at a yard sale for $5 and turned around a sold it for $25. Now I am glad I did.
I didn't realize water was one of the better things to hit a grease fire with...Your lucky it didn't do more!!! Glad only the pride and pocket book was hurt over that one!!!
I know that when I have done fire-fighting classes in the past and they put one cup in a burning vat of oil, it literally explodes and creates huge volumes of fire and heat...