Anyone spend time around Dubois, WY?


Well-known member
Nov 29, 2015
Sedalia, Colorado
I'll be heading up in 10 days for a solo hunt. I hear the fishing is good around there too, should I take my fly rod? Anything cool to see in town? Good places to eat? Also, I know that area is surrounded by grizzly habitat, but could there be potential to find them down in the lower country/river bottoms?
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Plenty of fishing along the Wind river all over. Could also take a drive up towards Togwotee and go to Brooks lake and wet a line. National museum of military vehicles is one of the most impressive places ive been in regards to respect to our armed forces and the years of war. It is entirely privately funded and truly incredible. Ive gone 3 times, and i dont like museums usually. It is right outside of town. .Only a couple options in town to eat, in 10 days youll figure out which you like. .And yes, 100% you could run into a Griz in the low country. the closer to the mountains you are, the more chance i would say, but Dubois is one of the more heavily populated bear areas in WY.
Yes the Cowboy has good food and definitely go to the military museum. It’s very well laid out and interesting. The sheep museum is good too. Good fishing in the Wind and several lakes around there. There are lots of bears all over the place.
I went cow hunting with my BIL a couple years ago and we saw many fresh bear track but luckily no bears except on the pass coming from Jackson. One day we saw bear, wolf and cat tracks all within about 500 yards. I was waiting for velociraptor tracks at any moment.
Beautiful country. Have fun and be careful.
Dubois is a great town to base a hunt. Agree with all of the earlier recommendations. I have a 84 antelope tag and if my plans work out I will be there early Oct. And yes, grizzly are in the lower country/river bottoms.
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Dubois is a great town to base a hunt. Agree with all of the earlier recommendations. I have a 84 antelope tag and if my plans work out I will be there early Oct. And yes, grizzly are in the lower country/river bottoms.
Kiwi, how did your Antelope hunt go in 84? I am looking into applying for that tag this year, any advice or tips would be greatly appreciated. Would love to hear how the hunt went!
I'll be heading up in 10 days for a solo hunt. I hear the fishing is good around there too, should I take my fly rod? Anything cool to see in town? Good places to eat? Also, I know that area is surrounded by grizzly habitat, but could there be potential to find them down in the lower country/river bottoms?
Dubois is a great town to base a hunt. Agree with all of the earlier recommendations. I have a 84 antelope tag and if my plans work out I will be there early Oct. And yes, grizzly are in the lower country/river bottoms.
Kiwi, I was wondering if you’re able to message me about how your unit 84 antelope hunt went? I am looking to draw this year and have a couple questions. My email is [email protected]

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