PEAX Equipment

ONE YEAR LATER (Please Read)


New member
Dec 26, 2003

As many of you already know, my wife and I lost our first child last December. Tommorow, 12-29-05, will mark the one year anniversary of the passing of my daughter Maddisyn. It's hard to believe that a full year had gone bye. WHen my daughter died, I didn't think I'd make it another day, let alone another year. Although it is still hurts, each passing day gets a little better. I know that the reason is because my wife and I have received amazing amounts of love and support.

I guess thats part of the reason I am making this post. I dont think I ever really properly thanked all those who extended their love and support. The kind words, thoughts, and prayers extended by members of this website, were extremely helpful during our time of sorrow and mourning. I hadn't read my original post ("The Best and Worst Week of My Life"), since I posted it last year. As I read it, it brought tears to my eyes. The kind words of support from complete strangers, was unbelievable. There were also many who continued to "keep tabs" on my wife and I throughout this year. It never ceased to amaze me the emails, PM's, etc. that I received throughout the year from people on this site, just asking how my wife and I were doing. I cant thank you enough for your support. People like Browtine and his wife have been awesome friends to my wife and I. And even though many might not believe it, Moosie went above and beyond many times, by sending flowers, and sponsoring my daughters obituary/guestbook online for a year. It was little acts of kindness from people like him and many others (family and friends), that helped us get through such a trying time. Thank you again...all of you....I will never be able to say that enough.

Now onto the good news, tommorrow, my wife and I will bring our fist born son into the world. Donovan is scheduled to arrive tommorrow afternoon via C-section. We could not be happier. I know his "big sis" had a hand in him coming tommorrow, especially since he's not due for a few more weeks. I will be sure to post pictures, etc. as soon as I get them.

Thank you again for everything.


"All I have seen, teaches me to trust the CREATOR for all I have not seen."

Wow! That truly is an amazing gift. You have a lot of courage to try again! Congratulations! God bless you and your family!
Things will only be uphill from now on. The new boy will be a hoot! I cannot imagine what it must have been like for you last year, that must have been rough.
Donovan will always have his big sister looking out for him. Congrats on your newest gift.
Scott... Once again I'm truely sorry for the Loss and yet Excited for the new born. It takes a true man to take the good times and stand tall in the sad times. If there is anyhting you need, ever, don't hesitate to call or ask bud.

Happy holidays and well wishes..............
Somtimes the sorrow makes the joy that much better.. Congratulations to the happy parents and Welcome to the world Donovan.

Thank you everyone for your kind words and for an update.

Donovan was born yesterday (12-29-05) at 5:22 pm. He weighed in at a whopping 8 pds 9 oz., even though he was 2 1/2 weeks early! He gross scores 21" inches (with a conserative tape :), and has a ton of dark hair!

Mom and baby are both doing awesome. I will post some pics soon.

Thank you again


***I put the wrong weight in...8-9, not 8-6***
8#6oz is a tiny baby considering you're a Giant !!!! ;)

Kudos o nthe New Addition, Now I'm looking for another one... Just kidding :p

Post some pics and a Play by play story of the Hunt :D
Congrats Scott to you and the Mrs! ....don't forget to update us once the drying period is over, bet he adds a few inches to his green score ;)
Congradulations to you and the wife!

Sorry to hear about the loss last year.

I think it makes the birth of your son even more special that he was born on the day that you lost your daughter.
Alright, here's a couple of pictures of Donovan. I'll post more later along with the full story!

I dont think he likes the "pappa-razzi" :) Either that or he was upset about his bath!

