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Old Military Photos from Hunttalkers

A big thank you to all of you for your service. I nearly enlisted to go to the nuclear engineering program in the navy, but a college football offer drew me away.
Anyway, here is my favorite photo of my grandpa during the Korean war. He is the guy in the center with his arms folded. He entered the service near the end of WW2 at 17. He ended up in the Philadelphia shipyard since he knew how to weld from the farm. The ship he served on during Korea was the ship he helped build while in Philly. He was a hell of a man, I learned a lot from him. Every year when I'm trimming venison for the grinder, I can still hear him telling me "That'll grind, throw it in."FB_IMG_1432608253817.jpg
It undid what MRE's did after an 8 day patrol LOL
Exactly, when I was on mermite or MRE duty I'd snag a case of it! Four becks to one entree and I'd have the option of where to go because everyone else was still plugged up!
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I remember Lowenbrau NA beer LOL
That wasn't the case in Vietnam! (case pun intended)

Once when I delivered cases of beer on ice, water, and C-rations to an artillery outpost on top of this isolated hill in the middle of Vietnam, a soldier jumped up on the skid of my flight-idling Huey and I thought he was gonna kiss me!

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