Old Military Photos from Hunttalkers

Afghanistan 2009. This picture was taken on Patrol Base Sperwan Ghar while I was waiting to board a Chinook to make my way back to Canada a few days later! 10 years later (this past winter/summer), I deployed in an other desert on a different continent, time flies.


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I went to dig out a older photo today out of my folder and ran across a letter I received from a very special Soldier. I thought I would share it with you. Jim was my high school teacher who I appreciated for what he had done, back in 1996 he made a positive impression on me. Years later in 2007, I was able to return to his classroom and talk about how that impression had made some positive changes in my life. I took along with me a folded flag set that was given to Soldiers who had deployed as a thankyou for their service. As many of you know Vietnam Vets never got that when they got home, so I thought it was due time that Jim got his for all that he had done for us. The day went on and my visit came to a end with both of us having a mutual respect for what each of us had done, I had hoped that his students were able to see that and have a positive outlook on what being in the military meant. About a week later, I received this letter from Jim thanking me. Little did I know how special that letter would be to me. Jim always made it a point to wave to me or say hi when we would cross paths over the years. Jim always went out of his way to welcome Vets and participate in every Memorial/patriotism event he could. Eventually, his service would catch the eyes of those who can make things happen, he received our nation's highest recognition. On July 31 , 2017 Jim was presented with the Medal of Honor, I can think of no one more deserving. Jims Letter.jpg

Hey, Slick
found the picture. If ya scan yours they come out pretty good.
This was behind our hooch at Da Nang aka "Rocket City" early in my tour 48 years ago . Still a "wet behind da ears" 19.

I guess you could call this a "selfie" as I had a 35mm camera balanced on the edge of the rivetment around our hootch shuttered on the timer. Lost one of my high school buddies a month before this picture. The Chinook he was in was shot down in "Charlie's" territory outside Nha Trang. was listed as MIA until till our great government decided there were too many of those so they reclassified him as KNR. a travesty. I'm still in contact with some hootchmates.

You look like you were having a good time. My Dad once told me, one of times he talked with me about WWII and which I didn't understand at the time and thought he was crazy, "If I ever went to war again it would be for the fun of it." Think on that one a little.
When I got off the C-130 at DaNang, one of the guys rotating back to the world looked at me and I asked him "Why do they call it "Rocket City" he says "You'll find out, Kid....... if you can say "What was that" you'll probably be OK". The guys called me "Kid" the rest of my tour.
A little heavy here ....First pic was for nostalgia just before I turned in my kit in 2015. Second, was my last deployment to AFG when I was there with the "others", pic is at FOB Shank 2012. Next is me on top of Falcon palace with Radwaniah palace behind (Falcon was my hooch. ;) ). The next 2 are of me at the range on RPC. Me against the wall us at Al Asad waiting on a bird. Finally, me around Taylor Resivoir CO. Cold Weather Mountain Warfare Training.... just got done snow shoeing a sled 7 miles. Good memories with great people! !!


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Germany '06 shortly before Iraq. Dude next to me is 6'7".
The classic 0200 muster for 0630 rollout..AFG 20101572921442635.jpg
One of the guys had some sweets shipped over. This is a nilla water and reeces cup sandwich. AFG 2010

Unfortunately I lost almost all my pictures.
Good call. Definitely a Russian Helo, MI-17 HIP, not being operated by a contractor though....

It was one of the sketchier experiences I have had in the air. Made that much sketchier by what we were wearing and where we were going....

A couple from our team got farmed out to the mission that was flying all over the country setting up ANA recruiting centers. Their main ride was a contracted Russian helo, Kasakstani pilots IIRC. The whole thing was very sketchy, but that's what you get with the red-headed step war at the time (03-04). I was happier bouncing around southern AFG in our crappy old Pakistani Hiluxes with old flak jackets duct taped to the doors and floors!
Yeti GOBOX Collection

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